Chapter 7

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"So what do you want to do?", I asked Niall.

"What do you want to do?" he smirked. Gosh!he is cute.

"Well I don't think there is anything to do within three people....." I trailed.

"Yeah! I know! so I guess we should probably call the boys!" Stacy explained with nervousness clear in her voice.

"M'kay. I'll call them. " I said and stood up from my couch and called Tyler. After few rings when he did not answer I gave up and called Jake. He picked up after two rings.

"Hello?" he asked from the other side of the phone.

"Um-hey jake! it's me hazel!" I said

"Oh hey hazel! how are you?" he asked me.

"I am good. I just wanted to ask whether you guys could come and hang out with us for a day. Like-um- today?" I asked nervously because I don't want him to think I am using them for our entertainment.

"Sure! Why not?! We were actually getting really bored. And so we hid Tyler's phone and now he is finding it. It has been hours since he is finding it and me and Robert are getting really bored. We thought 'bout asking you to come over but I guess you beat us on that!" he said with a laugh and I laughed too.

"Okay we will be waiting. And jake!"

"Yes?" He asked a bit confused.

"There is um- one more person with us if you don't mind?"

"'Course not! we'll be there soon!" he said and the line went dead and I let out a sigh.

I went back to the living room where Stacy and Niall were sitting. Niall was on his phone doing something while Stacy just stared at him. I awkwardly coughed to get their attention. "Tyler, Jake and Robert will be here soon." I inform them.

Niall nodded with a huge grin on his face. I gave him a questioning look. And as if he read my mind he says something I was wondering," Tyler, Uncle Simon's son right?" he asked and we both nodded.

Well now it makes sense. Niall is a singer who is under Simon Cowell who just seem to open a studio in our building. So Niall came to visit Simon's studio. "Yes you are right." Niall said with a smile.

"Did I just said that loud?" I asked them and they nodded and I face palmed."" I was cut off by a loud knock on the door. I stood up and walked up to the main door. I opened it to relieve two boys with a big grin on their faces and a boy with a frown which soon turned into a small smile as he saw me. I smiled at the three of them am greeted them with hugs. "Hey guys!" I greet them. "Hi" " hey" "hola!" I smiled at three responses. "Come in" I gestured them inside. They all went to the living room as I followed them. "Niall!!!!" they all shouted in unison. All the four were enveloped in a group. I walked towards Stacy and stood beside her.

"You never told us the 'one more person' was Niall!" jake exclaimed turning towards us. I just shrugged as a response.

"Okay as for now we know it's Niall we can move over other topic. Right?" Robert said as we all nodded.

"Let's play what we were playing yesterday night. What say?" Tyler asked while winking at me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

Niall looked confused. "We were playing Truth or dare yesterday night" I tell him. He did not look so confused now. "Ohhhhhh.. oka- Wait! should I call the other lads too?" he looked towards everyone. "YES!" Stacy shouted beside me and I literally had to cover my ears. We all laughed at her and her cheeks flushed red. "Sure Niall! it'll be fun." Jake said and we all nodded.

Niall looked at me for permission and I nodded with a smile. He looked relieved and went a little distant from us after an 'excuse me'.

After waiting and eating for about ten to fifteen minutes there was a loud knock and whispers of few people. I opened the door to four handsome and horribly cute lads. They all looked at me and smiled which I returned. "Lads!" there was a shout from behind me that belonged to Niall who came running towards us.

"Hey Niall! " they all said in unison. Weird! "Come in" I gestured them inside. They all went to the living room and I went to the kitchen to bring some coke for all of us.

I took the tray and entered the living room to see eight boys and one girl. Oh boy!

"Guys want some?" I shouted to get their attention. They all nodded with smiles. "Okay. Then help yourself" I smirked at them. There was pin drop silence when we all burst out laughing. I looked over to Stacy who looked as if she could faint any moment!

I walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. "Are you okay?'' she nodded and kept looking at the lads with wide eyes. I looked at her confused and turned towards the lads who were talking with each other.

"Um-guys?" They all looked at me. "What are we going to do now. I mean I thought we planned to play truth or dare?" I looked at them with confusion all over my face.

"Oh yeah! let's play!" Niall exclaimed

Let the fun begin.

Hey guys I hope you like the chapter.:) can I at least have some comments and votes please?

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