The Crush

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Bellatrix brings me up the stairs. Her arm attached to my wrist the entire way. Then she stops before the doorway. "Go in, go on." she gestures for me to go int the room. The room is very large with an enormous black table in the centre of it. The walls are painted a greenish gray colour with portraits and paintings lined up.

At the head of the table is Lord Voldemort. Stupid no nose. It is because of him I can't have a normal life. Because of him that I have wasted my years at Hogwarts. Instead of learning how to transfigure objects, I was reading up on ways to destroy horcruxes. I just want my old life back. I wish I never became friends with Harry and the rest of them. Maybe my life would have been better without them.

I walk farther into the room and see Voldemort sitting at the head of the table. "Ah, yes Silver, come closer, come closer." The Dark Lord greets me. His voice sounds almost inviting. But I am still scared, I want Bellatrix with me again. I hate that I find myself more comfortable around her.

"What took you so long?" Voldemort has asked while Bellatrix enters the room. "You see, I gave Bellatrix specific orders not to hurt you when she went to fetch you about an hour ago. Did she?". Yes, she did, she carved Half Blood into my arm. I want to scream it, but I look at Bellatrix before I speak. Her eyes are glued to the floor. She knows she is going to be in great trouble if I tell him the truth.

"No, she didn't lay a hand on me the last time." I lie. Why am I lying for her? She tortured me. I think to myself. Then I remember that she did heal me. She could have dragged me to the Dark Lord by my hair, but she didn't. However, one kind favor doesn't erase everything else she has done to me.

"Are you lying to me?" The Dark lord questions. I look at him for a moment before I answer. "Why would I lie for her. Why would I protect anyone but myself at this point. This woman has been torturing me for only Merlin knows how long. I will not protect her." I speak loudly almost yelling. I feel I gave a believable performance, but we shall see.

"Bellatrix, what took you so long. Why were down with her for a while before bringing her up to me.". The woman looks scared for the first time in her life. "I-I," she stutters over her words. This is a dead giveaway, but maybe I can still help her. "She was healing me. I had a few broken ribs from where Lucius had kicked me." I look at her again. Her face reveals her confusion. She has no idea why I am helping her. To be honest I have no idea why I am helping her either. Damn is she pretty. I think again.

"Well then, back to why I have ordered you to be brought to me" he starts to speak again. "You are going to join us." I am in shock. There is no way in hell I would join and help him. He is the enemy. "Why would I join you?" I ask with all of the strength I have within me. "I could just order Bellatrix to kill you Silver, but the choice is yours. Either join me or die. I don't mind either way.". Well, when he puts it like that. Maybe I didn't have a choice.

"Okay, but what makes you think that I won't turn my back on you the first chance I get?". It is more out of curiosity than it is defiance. I try my best to get my tone across. "You will be under very close supervision of Bellatrix. You will not be leaving her sight until I say you can. Is that understood.". He looks at me expecting an answer. " Yes, my lord" I have no choice in this matter. But at least that gives me more time with Bellatrix.

I am still standing in front of him when he orders me to go up to him. "Now, give me your left arm Silver." He asks and I give it to him. I know what is happening. I am about to be given the Dark Mark. The one I have so heavily despised. This is when everything sinks in. Anyone else would have died before joining him, especially Hermione. I am weak compared to them. But I don't care anymore. I didn't have much of a choice. Or maybe I would rather join them then go back.

Right now, Potter is my enemy. He never came looking for me. He never cared enough to take me with him. This is all his fault. I am becoming a Death Eater because of him. Now he will have to run from me. Revenge is the only thing on my mind as the pain of a thousand knives becomes stronger in my left arm. I don't scream or even wince from pain. I just let it happen.

When it is over Voldemort makes a comment. "I'm surprised by you Silver. You are the second person who has ever shown no sign of pain when receiving their mark. The other person being Bellatrix. If this is any indication of your strength, I do believe that you will make an excellent addition.". I bow at him before going back over to Bellatrix. "Thank you, my lord." I speak.

"Now, Bellatrix, show LeFay to her room and come back down for the meeting. Silver, you rest for the remainder of the night. You will start training with Bellatrix tomorrow bright and early.". He dismisses us. "Yes, my lord." the brunette and I say in unison as we exit the room.

As we turn to go up the stairs, Bellatrix pushes me against the wall. "I don't know what you are playing at Silver, but you need to explain yourself." I stand there looking confused. The energy I feel between the two of us is almost magnetic. Like there is some sort of invisible pull between us, drawing us closer and closer to each other. "I- I don't know what you mean Bellatrix." I stuttered.

Being up on the wall like this makes me think some unholy things about her. I just want to kiss her. I think to myself. She is so pretty and maniacal. Oh Merlin, I think I'm starting to develop a crush on Bellatrix Lestrange.

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