Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome to my new story! I've never written the Mirage era and it's one of the ones I'm most fascinated by for many reasons. This story is going to be focused on the band's time spent recording the album in France. I did a ton of digging and in classic FM/Stevie fashion, there are a million different versions of stories, dates, and timelines that are nearly impossible to paint a clear timeline of actual dates from - so this is going to be my fictionalized version of their time at the chateau with as many real life references as possible. Hope you enjoy! 

December 1981

Stevie stared out the backseat window, watching the sun rise over the gray skyline of Paris, all remnants of the city disappearing as they drove further into the countryside. She had no idea what time it was or what time her body currently thought it was, the last 48 hours a complete whirlwind as she just finished the final show of her first solo tour–which had also been a whirlwind in itself. Celebrating her debut solo album, the tour had to be cut short so she could join the rest of Fleetwood Mac at a chateau in France, where they would be recording their next studio album.

Right now, she resented the entire country of France. She resented every member and manager of Fleetwood Mac. She resented the fact that Mick decided they needed to fly all the way out here to some stupid sequestered chateau to record new music. And she resented the fact that she had to leave her family, friends, and most importantly, Robin, back at home right now. During what was supposed to be the most celebratory time of her career, she felt completely out of control and alone.

"Are there any bars or stores around this place?" Her boyfriend Jimmy broke the silence in the seat next to her.


"The there civilization around it, what kind of setup are we talking? Because I'm going to need to get out. Especially if Buckingham is there."

She rolled her eyes, "I have no idea."

"Didn't you ask?"

"Jimmy, I don't know what I asked. I don't even know what day it is right now, the furthest thing from my mind is whether there will be a nearby bar for you to go grab drinks at while I work."

"Jeez, what crawled up yours?" He scoffed, looking back out the window again.

Stevie bit her tongue, opting to stop talking rather than start another fight with the man next to her. She didn't have the energy right now. She and Jimmy had been dating for some time, and she knew the romance was beginning to fizzle out. But in the midst of all the chaos, she begged him to come with her to the chateau in France for support, just while she got settled in. It was right before the holidays and the girls were all too busy to join her right now. And for Robin, who was just recently diagnosed with leukemia, it was now out of the question to travel with Stevie like she always had. So Jimmy it was. And secretly, she wanted nothing more than to stroll into this house, hot off her successful solo tour and album, with her boyfriend and manager on her arm just to push Lindsey and Mick's buttons a little more than she already had. She smirked at the thought, her first smile of the day.

Château d'Hérouville was not exactly how she pictured it would be as they drove up to find its huge gates and stone walls outlining the perimeter. She was in desperate need of an ice cold drink and something to eat. Well, maybe just a few lines would do. But an iced tea most importantly. She grabbed onto Jimmy's arm as they exited the car and walked up to the front door, holding tightly for support in hopes that maybe, just maybe, Mick or Lindsey were watching from one of the windows.

"Bonjour!!!! There she is! You're just in time for breakfast, hi!" Christine gushed as she and Jimmy walked through the foyer of the house.

"Chris, hi!" She smiled, breaking from Jimmy's arm to hug her instead. She squeezed tightly, Christine the comforting force she was in need of right now.

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