| Cheating - Steve Harrington |

1.3K 13 9

Warnings: Angst, yelling, cussing, breaking stuff

Word count: 1.1k


Steve and I have been together for almost a year. We met 2 years ago when I moved to Hawkins. We clicked almost instantly and I fell head over heels in love with him. We were the couple everyone hated, likely because of jealousy. A love to last a thousand years.

That was until a month ago. It started with him canceling dates. Then, he barely came to my house and I barely went to his. Lately, he's been missing my calls and not bothering to call back later.

I'm laying in my bed bored and lonely so, I try calling Steve. He doesn't pick up, per usual. On any other day, I would've, given up and cried myself to sleep. But tonight, instead of sadness, all I feel is anger. I missed my boyfriend and wanted him back.

In the blink of an eye, I end up driving to Steve's house through the rain and darkness. I march up to the door and knock on it. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I knock with more force this time and the door opens.

"Jesus, what the hell-" Steve stopped when he saw me. "Oh, hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk," I said and he gave me a confused expression.

I sit on his couch with a blanket wrapped around my cold wet body and Steve sits beside me, nervously.

"What do you want to " I stop him.

"What happened ?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been pulling away. You don't answer my calls and I barely see you anymore. So what happened? Why don't you love me anymore?"

"What? I do love you, more than anything."

"Don't fucking lie to me, I'm not stupid. Just cut the bullshit and tell me already, please." I raised my voice slightly.

When he didn't reply, I moved to the coffee table in front of him, then held his face up to look at me.

"Tell me," I say slowly, seeing a tear slide down his cheek.

"I cheated on you." He confessed

I let go of his face and backed myself up. He looked down at his lap with guilt.

How could he do this to me? Am I not good enough? Does he even love me? Did he ever love me? Was this all just a lie?

"I-I'm so sorry." He whispers.

"Why?" I ask, barely loud enough to be a whisper.


"Why the fuck did you cheat on me?" My voice got louder as a tear rolled down my face.

"I don't know. But, it was a mistake and it won't ever happen again, I swear."

"How many times did it happen?" He stays silent. "Steve! Fucking answer me! How many times did you fuck another person?" I shout.

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