| Rose - Steve Harrington⁵ |

235 2 3

Warnings: none?

Word count: 4.5k


Monday morning I was the happiest I had woken up in a long time. I got dressed up and proceeded into the kitchen, seeing Fiona making breakfast. She also seemed to be in a good mood.

"Good morning, Fiona!" I said, cheerfully as I took a seat on the island.

"Good morning, Rosie! You're in a good mood, what's going on?" She asked.

"I have a date with a super cute boy and I'm so excited! What about you? You seem peppier somehow."

"I have something to tell you guys tonight at dinner, well, Jesse and I. Anyways, cut boy? What's his name and when can we meet him?"

"His name is Steve and I don't know, I'll ask him."

"Just let me know. Oh, hey, can you go wake up Freddy, please?"

"Yeah, of course."

I went to Freddy's room and looked around for a moment, not seeing him.

"Freddy?" I called out and got no answer.

I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. When I got no answer so, I opened it. My breath hitched when I saw my brother unconscious on the floor.

"Fiona!" I yelled into the hallway, grabbing Freddy in my arms with tears streaming down my face.

His face was turning blue but I could still faintly feel his pulse.

"What happened?" Fiona asked, rushing into the bathroom. "Holy shit. Jesse!" She crouched down to his and checked his pulse. "Lay him down, he's not breathing." She sounded panicked.

Jesse walked into the bathroom a moment later. Fiona performed CPR on Freddy for about 2 minutes before he was breathing again. The whole time I watched with fear of losing my brother. He was my best friend, I couldn't live without him.

"Jesse, go start the car please," Fiona said and he did.

Fiona then scooped Freddy up into her arms and rushed out the door. I followed behind but right as I got outside I saw Steve's car parked out front. He got out and I ran into his arms as if my life depended on it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, sweetly.

"I don't know, I found Freddy passed out in the bathroom. He wasn't breathing, I thought he was dead." I said, sobbing into his chest.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. Can I do anything?" I untucked my head from his chest and looked into his eyes.

"I know it's kind of selfish but can you come with me? You don't have to, I just-"

"Of course, I will."

I laid my hands on his neck and kissed him.

"Thank you," I whispered when I separated our lips.

"Anything for you, gorgeous." He whispered back.

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