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Picture Of Luna at top

Luna's POV*

We sat there in silence, waiting eagerly for the results. I sat up straight, staring at the Judge before us. I clenched my fists that were on the table in front of me. It went quiet as the suspense rose across the courtroom. "In the case of Bruce Walker, We the Jury have agreed that Mr.Walker is not guilty of the Murder of his son Trey Walker." a sigh of relief escaped my mouth and I continued breathing.

As soon as the judge dismissed us I looked over at Bruce. "Thank you so much, Luna." He said looking at me. "You're very welcome, Now go be with your family." I smiled at him. We exchanged hugs and I started clearing the papers from the desk.

"There she issss" Enzo said as he made his way over to where I was seated. I blushed in response. "You are the first person I know to have won a case straight out of law school." He added as he sat down beside me. "I don't know what to feel... On the one hand, I'm glad to have won the case for him but there is still a little bit of doubt in my mind." I said looking over at Bruce and his family. I shook my head and stood up.

"I want to run something by you at dinner tonight if you're up for it?" Enzo added as we made our way out of the courthouse. "Of course, I'll see you at home baby." I smiled as he opened my car door for me. I kissed him goodbye and got into the car.

Since my case was over I got to go straight home to relax before starting a new case tomorrow.

* * * * * *

"Dinner was delicious Luna, Thank you," Enzo said as he took our plates to the sink. After washing the dishes he got us both a glass of wine and sat down next to me at the table. "So here's the thing.." He started as he handed me my glass. "You're not divorcing me, are you?" I asked taking a sip.

he laughed. "God no! You're literally the perfect package." He replied as he took a sip. "I got word that our boss wants to send someone on a mission to Italy. There is a Mafia group there who needs to be watched closely, and try to figure out what they are planning."

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked him confused. "Well- they want you to go." He stated. I didn't know whether to feel excited or scared. "This could be great for your resume and when you get back home you will have people lined up to hire you." He said. I sat for a few moments then cleared my throat. "I'll do it," I said smiling. We clinked our glasses as we celebrated this new opportunity.

"When do I leave?" I asked taking the last sip of wine in my glass. "Oh, um... Tomorrow Afternoon." I glanced at him. "Not much time left to pack then eh?" I chuckled. He came over and put his arm around me as we walked into the bedroom to pack my bags.

* * * * * *

"Here is your plane Ticket," Enzo said as he handed it to me. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly. "I'm going to miss you," I said looking up at him. "Don't worry baby girl. We will facetime and talk every day," he replied. "Remember, you're meeting Tyler at the airport." He reminded me.

Soon they called my flight and I was on my way to board the plane. I found my seat and put my carry-on above the seats. I got into my seat by the window and decided I would read my file on the plane ride. A couple of minutes passed and a sharp-looking man sat down beside me. His jawline was so sharp it could cut through paper. He had on black Gucci sunglasses and a black hat that only covered a part of his curly hair. He was also Wearing a suit that fit perfectly on his tall, slim body.

"Hello," I said with a smile. He turned to look at me, looked me up and down then turned away and didn't say a word. "Asshole" I mumbled under my breath before I put my headphones in and continued reading my file. During the ride, the guy next to me just kept on staring at me. "Do you have a problem?" I asked him before looking at him. He turned his head down toward his phone and I scoffed. The plane ride was only 8 hours but I couldn't wait to be away from this creep.

After we had landed I was supposed to meet one of my boss's friends so he could take me to the hotel. The only problem was I had no idea who I was looking for, or even what he looked like. I only knew his name was Tyler. I grabbed my luggage and made my way to the front of the airport to see if he was there. On my way I bumped into the same guy I was sitting next to on the plane. He hurried past me without apologizing. I picked up the things I had dropped and continued on my way. I walked out to the drop-off area; it was pitch black and the only source of light came from the headlights of multiple vehicles.

Just then I got a message

"Hey, Luna!

it's Tyler. I am here to pick you up. I'm on the left side in a black SUV.

I looked up and saw the Black SUV that he mentioned. I made my way over, the windows were tinted black and I couldn't see the driver. All of a sudden someone grabbed my throat from behind and placed a cloth over my mouth and nose before shoving me into another SUV that came speeding up beside this one. I couldn't make sense of what was happening before everything went blurry and I passed out.

* * * * *

I woke up to bright lights piercing my eyes. I felt like I got run over by a truck. I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the brightness. My head was pounding and I tried to massage my temples, but my hands were stuck. I looked and realized that I was handcuffed to the bed. "What the fuck?!" I half yelled. That's when all the memories of the night before came back.

"Help!" I started screaming over and over again. I wiggled my wrists to try to get the cuffs loose but it was no use. All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming down the hall. The door swung open and 5 men in sharp-looking suits came walking in. They looked majorly pissed. "Y-you better not hurt me! Who are you?!" I yelled at them.

The one in the front smirked at me. "oh Luna, you should know who we are." He said. "I- don't understand?" I asked confused. He got an angry look on his face as he threw my case file at me. I shook my head in shock. There is no way they could have known I was coming. "H-how did you know?" I asked glaring at him. He motioned for the other 4 members to stand beside him. "You have already met one of us-" He said.

The man with curly hair smirked at me. "YOU!?! The asshole I met at the airport??!" I growled. He smirked as he walked closer to the bed. I tensed up. He pulled my chin up to look at him "Maybe next time, you will be careful with where you pull stuff out." he said angrily. He threw my face down as he stood back in line with the others.

"Y-you can't keep me here," I said. "Look, sweetie, I don't know how to put this." he paused. "You're ours now," he smirked. I swallowed hard as my heart began to race.

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