~ T W E N T Y - F O U R ~

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*Louis' POV*

I sat on my balcony, watching the sun set over the ocean and smoking a joint.

"Where is it?" Zayn asked barging into my room and walking over to me. He crossed his arms and raised a brow.

"Okay you got me... where is what?" I asked taking another drag.

"Her bag Louis, where is Luna's bag!?" He asked angrily.

I sighed as I looked back out over the water.

"And why would you be looking for that?"

"Luna has seizure medication to help with her seizures you caused her to regain!" He yelled.

I burnt the blunt on my wrist and stood up, walking over to him.

"well too bad I'm in no mood to help her. She can suffer for all I care." I spat at him.

"Do you not get it?! Having seizures while pregnant can harm her! and the babies! It can even lead to death Louis! come on I know you're not this heartless." He hissed at me.

"Zayn go away. I do not care at this moment." I said dismissing him.

He scratched the back of his head, worried. Then he walked out of the room and I groaned, standing up making my way to my closet.

I got her bag, retrieving the pills Zayn had told me about. I threw them in the garbage before bringing her bag over to the bed. I poured the contents of it out to see what else I could find. Her laptop, a day planner, ID, receipts. She was well organized.

I found her cell phone, which was dead, so I plugged it into my charger to charge. I cleaned up the mess on my bed before hiding her bag once again. I walked over to my bed side table and opened it up, retrieving a photo.

"I-I can't believe they did this to you. It was all my fault; I shouldn't have given you to them. But I promise, I will keep Luna safe from them, for you. I fucked up bad Phoenix (Picture of Phoenix at top). Luna hates me, but can I blame her? I hate me to." I said wiping tears from my face.

"You need to stop hurting her Louis." I heard Phoenix say. I looked up and there she was, sitting on the balcony wall. She smiled as she scooted off, walking towards me.

"Phoenix, is that really you?" I asked wrapping her tightly in a hug.

"It's me big brother." She replied as we pulled apart.

"I'm so sorry Phoenix, for everything. Especially for sending you away with them. I'm so stupid I should have known better!" I screamed, turning away from her.

"There's nothing you can do now Louis, I'm already dead. But you can help Luna, protect her from our parents, and brother. And for fuck sakes Louis, stop hurting her. You need to learn to control your anger. I know you have been through so much in your life, but if you don't stop, I can guarantee that someone is going to die. Whether it be her or one of the babies." She said grabbing a hold of my arms.

My heart started racing faster as I looked at her and smiled. Then frowned.

"She's never going to forgive me." I sighed sitting on the end of the bed.

She grabbed one of my cigarettes and lit it, sitting in my chair.

"She's forgiven you once before, what makes this time any different?" She asked taking a drag.

"I think Im starting to accept her and l-love her as a sister and our parents-." I choked up, and she cut me off

"If you love her, stop hurting her! Louis You Need to listen to me. Stop worrying about our parents, they do not care how you feel about her. Their intentions for her are far more brutal then you think. You need to get her somewhere safe, where nobody knows where you are." She said hitting me upside the head.

"Okay ow!?" I said confused.

"Listen pretty boy, I need to go before they figure out I'm gone. Heaven has strict rules about visiting the living." She said softly before I pulled her in for another hug.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked, sobbing. "I don't- think so Louis." she replied.

"That's right, I'm going to hell, I won't ever see you again. I'm so sorry." I cried out, hugging her more tightly.

"God Forgives Louis, He forgives if you ask for it. Spend some time in prayer. AND Stop hurting the people who care about you." She replied kissing my forehead.

"I'll always be with you in your heart Louis. Always remember." She said as she walked back out to the balcony, walking up a golden staircase.

"Bye Phoenix, I'll always love you!" I cried, falling to my knees.

I laid down on the floor and sobbed. Harry came walking in, running over when he saw me on the ground, crying.

"Louis baby? Is everything okay?" He asked.

I buried my face into his chest and started crying harder.

It took me an hour before I calmed down, still wrapped in Harry's hug.

"Can you tell me what happened Louis?" Harry asked and I looked at him through my puffy, red eyes.

"I-I S-saw Phoenix." was all I could say. I stood up, legs weak and walked to the garbage can to retrieve Luna's Pills.

I made my way out of the room and walked to where Luna was. I was so nervous; shaking uncontrollably. Having to face Luna after what I had done to her. I paced outside of the room until I had enough courage to go in.

"Hey..." I said shutting the door behind me.

"GO AWAY LOUIS! IM SERIOUS!" She yelled, moving to the other side of the bed. I walked over to her, and sat down beside her, looking at the ground.

"Listen I know what I've done to you is shitty. I don't expect you to forgive me again. I just- I wanted to give you these." I said handing her the pill bottle.

"My Pills? Zayn said you said-" She started before I cut her off.

"I know. I've had a change of heart." I said and she looked at me, confused.

"I'm leaving for a while, Luna. I need to get myself back on track, my mental health, my life. So I'm leaving Harry in charge of everything. He will make sure you are treated right, help with the pregnancy and the babies." I said standing up.

"Please Louis, you don't have to go. I forgive you okay?" She asked as she started crying. I shook my head.

"I can't hurt you like I hurt Phoenix. You will have everyone to look after you. Its better this way. I'm sorry." I said kissing her forehead before leaving.

"LOUIS PLEASE! DONT DO THIS. DONT LEAVE ME. PLEASE IM SORRY LOUIS!" I heard her cry from inside the room. I slid down the door and cried. 

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