The Accident

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(contains non-sexual spanking)

Third Person POV

Sadie woke up to the soft buzzing of her phone. She groaned and rolled over to grab it. It was a text from Millie.

Hey can you come over I'm bored.

Yeah sure I'll be over soon.

She put down the phone and sat up. Her body was drenched in sweat. Must've been a rough dream she thought. She pulled off the covers and yelled. There was a big wet mark on the bed.

"No no no no this can't be happening!" She exclaimed quickly getting up. Sadie pulled at her shorts and realized that she had indeed wet the bed last night. She started crying and stripping her clothes off. This is so embarrassing why is this happening to me she thought.

She ripped the sheets off of her bed and threw them into the hamper along with her soaked clothes. Sadie was a mess. She peaked outside her door to make sure nobody was home before sprinting to the bathroom to take a shower.

-time skip-

After getting dried off Sadie covered up in a towel and went back to her room to get dressed. To add to the horror her mom had come home and was in Sadie's room. She was eyeing the laundry basket.

"Sadie honey why are your sheets wet?"

"I-I idk I must've like uh spilled water last night." She was shaking in fear. Her mom just shook her head and grabbed the laundry basket.

"Don't lie to me Sadie the smell is reeking from these sheets what actually happened?"

"I just really don't want to talk about it right now mom I'm just trying to get to Millie's." She said, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Okay talk to me later then." Sadie's mom said walking out. Sadie quickly locked the door and put her head in her hands. She sighed and decided to forget about it and try and pick out a decent outfit. She walked over to the closet and picked out an oversized hoodie and some loose long shorts. She got everything on and picked up her phone again to text Millie.

Sorry I'm finally omw. Had some weird things happen this morning. :)

Okay, I'll be waiting :)

Sadie smiled and shoved her phone in her pocket. She grabbed her car keys and walked out to the garage. Sadie started up her car and headed over to Millie's house.

-time skip-

Sadie pulled into Millie's huge mansion driveway. She parked next to the valle person and tossed her keys to him. It was a typical thing since Sadie was over there so frequently. She walked up to the door and knocked on it. Millie came running down the stairs and quickly opened the door.

- With a little backstory on Sadie and Millie. Sadie was very rebellious and Millie was always the one to put her in her place and control that side of her. Sadie would let it happen cause she kinda liked the feeling of Millie controlling her. - (not in a sexual way)

"Hi Sadie we need to sit down and talk about something. I just got a call from your mom."

Sadie's eyes shot open and tears were pooling at her eyes. Millie grabbed Sadie's hand before she could even get a word out of her mouth. She drug her inside and pulled her onto the couch. Sadie knew something was coming. Any small mistake Sadie makes, Millie finds a way to correct it.

"So Sadie I heard you wet the bed this morning is that correct?"

"I promise it was just an accident I haven't wet the bed since I was 12 Millie! I'm 20 now it was just an accident I swear!" Sadie's face was covered in tears.

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