chapter 2

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A week had gone by since Aria started school. She kept to herself when she wasn't being bullied.
Home was worse though, her father was beating her every night but he made sure the wounds weren't visable.

Ethan was sat next to Ares as the two were in class. Ethan was talking about the new girl, he didn't know anything only that she had been labelled weird. Ethan was talking to Ares about how it was weird they never saw her. How could they though? They didn't appear to share any classes and Aria wasn't allowed lunch.

Ares couldn't care less. He was tired of  hearing about her.

"Don't you think it's weird, we have seen her brother and sister but not her" Ethan tried.

Ares nodded. It was weird "weird but like you said she's been labelled weird. Stay out of it though"
Ethan sighed and nodded.  Ares was probably right.

Lunch came by quick but Aria was feeling herself go dizzy. She knew she needed to eat. She just hoped Luke wouldn't see or tell. So she headed to the cafeteria, no one acknowledged her presence she was just another student getting lunch. But as she walked she went dizzy and sort of fell onto none other than Ares. Ares had been carrying his lunch, the food was now on the floor and on him.

This caught everyone's attention.

"Stupid bitch" Ares snapped as he grabbed Aria, she always kept her head down so he couldn't see her face. He pushed her against a wall his hand round her neck. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't snap your neck. You desperate whore"  Ares snapped his grip tightening slightly. Not enough to bruise her but just enough so she couldn't run off.

He had girls 'falling' into him before as a trick for them to be with him. He hated desperation and all he knew was a girl had fallen on him, she was a desperate bitch in his eyes.

Aria glanced at him, knowing eye contact was forbidden but something told her to look up. His face had her features, she quickly looked down again confused as to why he looked like her. She was sure her parents were only children so it couldn't be a distant cousin or anything.

"Leave her alone Ares" Xander said calmly approaching his brother. Killing a student would not be good for his younger brother. Ares reluctantly released her. She ran out of the room before they changed her mind.
"Stupid bitch" Ares muttered.

"Maybe it was an accident. You get angry say to easily" Xander said walking back to his table.

Ares was pissed off for the rest of the day. The girl was desperate for his Attention in his eyes and he smiled to himself when he realized. If she wanted his attention he would give it her only he would become her worst nightmare. He had worked out she was the mystery new girl and he knew of the bullying but that would be petty compared to how he would make her suffer.

Aria was in lots of trouble that evening because Luke just had to make it sound worse than it was.  He had become a football player much to Ares annoyance but he told his parents that she had cost him his place after trying to get food but running into Ares. Her father was furious. Aria was terrified of the man but after she had finished her chores, he began his attack. She started to wish the boy had snapped her neck. She wouldn't have to deal with this. She would be free from the pain. She wanted it to end only it didn't. He wouldn't stop hitting her, torturing her.

Finally he stopped and left leaving Aria alone in her room the basement. She was only allowed a sheet now. They claimed her mattress was too old to take with them, which it was but they didn't give her a new one. Instead she was curled up on the concrete floor with a sheet to keep herself warm.

Her mind wandered to the boy who she had found out was called Ares, she wondered why he looked like her or at least the same features.

One thing was certain though. She was terrified of the boy.

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