chapter 8

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"you look like shit" Ares commented. He had approached Aria to talk about the project.

Aria turned expecting a beating. The weekend was one of the worst, when they found out about a project they were furious , eventually she convinced them by telling them how suspicious it would look of she wasn't allowed to do the project. She didn't really understand why she felt safe around her bully.

"Why are you talking to me" she asked not actually having spoken to him properly more than twice, one at the library and the other in class, the odd words here and there didn't count of course.

Ares was a little disappointed but masked it with a smile "to invite you round for the project tonight" he to ld her.

Her parents had agreed to let her do it but they were punishing her every night for it. They also said that she was not to make friends with her study partner. They made that clear.

"Yeah okay. I need to tell my brother though so my parents know where I am" she agreed. Anything to get away from them.

Then a thought hit her. What if Ares family was worse.
He and his brother weren't exactly friendly people. She had seen Ares threaten and beat Luke up.

"Can't you just text them" he asked.

"Um broke my phone" she quickly said.

Ares could see she was lying but didn't comment on it. "I'll tell him for you" Ares said, again he suddenly felt protective over her.

"But" she tried.

"No. Just avoid him. I'll speak to him" Ares hated Luke. He had since he met the older boy before he even saw him hit Aria.

Aria reluctantly agreed knowing it would cost her later.

And like Ares said, he did tell Luke after threatening to break his arm if he so much as went near Aria.

Luke didn't like it at all.

"Stop acting so possessive of her. I'm her brother, if I want to go near her I will" he had snapped as Ares was walking away. The comment itself made Ares turn and punch the boy in his face "you don't deserve to be her brother"

After that Ares found himself hoping time would go quicker. He wanted to spend time with her. He went looking for her at lunch but she wasn't in the library so he went back to the cafeteria.

Aria had been doing some catch up classes over lunch wanting to get the best grade possible. She needed to get out so a scholarship was her only chance. Even though she has plenty of time, she still needed to keep her grades up.

Finally at the end of the day as she approached her locker she saw Luke glaring at her. She shuddered as she walked to him.
"Just so you know I will tell them you are studying but a little warning, dad is furious, I exoect you to be knocked unconscious by dad tonight. If somehow you don't. I will. Never fucking mess with me" he snapped in a harsh whisper.

Aria gulped and nodded, her head remained down.

"Such a pathetic waste of oxygen" he said .

Ares had been coming to find Aria but when he saw her with her brother at her locker he quickly approached.
"Is there a problem here" he asked standing next to Aria.

"Not at all just telling my lovely sister that our parents expect her back at 6.30" Luke said.

"I hope that's all because I specifically told you to avoid her" he said. There was a dark edge to it that made Aria step away from Ares.
Ares quickly noticed "right come on Aria" he stopped his glaring at like not wanting to beat him up and break his bones in front of her.

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