Breakfast and Phonecalls

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The next morning Robin woke up curled into Nancy. She started blushing like crazy, she just couldn't control that stupid crush. It seemed like Nancy was still asleep so Robin tried not to move too much. She looked for a clock but didn't find one. Right, no furniture here yet. The room seemed so empty without anything in it. Robins head didn't hurt as much anymore but she really had to pee. Getting up quietly wasn't Robins forte, nevertheless she still had to go to the toilet. Her left hand was useless too but that didn't stop her from getting up. She removed the covers from her legs and got out of bed. Nancy just stirred, she didn't wake up. The taller girl walked to the bathroom and used the toilet. The bandage on her forearm was still in place. It had to be changed though. She took the gauze off and the red cut became visible. Robin inhaled sharply as she saw the damage she had done. It was worse then she thought. Thank god the wound wasn't infected. There was a drawer at the side of the sink that she rummaged through. The girl found what she searched for, an antiseptic creme that she applied on the wound. It burned a bit but she could deal with it. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door which made her jump.

"Rob, are you okay?", a sleepy Nancy mumbled.

"Uh, I'm fine Nance. I just really had to pee. Sorry, I woke you up.", Robin replied, trying to hide the panic in her voice. She rapped the gauze back on her arm and came out of the bathroom.

"You didn't wake me. I have a sixth sense, you know. It's like I can feel if someone gets out of bed before me. Now get back to bed, you're super cold.", the smaller girl said groggily.

"What time is it?", the younger girl asked, getting back in bed.

"8:30, way too early.", the older girl replied, laying besides Robin.

 Robin still couldn't believe she was in a bed together with Nancy Wheeler, who accepted her. Nancy actually accepted her for being gay! But being a lesbian in the 80s, especially in a small town like Hawkins was hard. Mr. Houser was the only other gay person she knew.Okay, no, she thinks Eddie is gay too, because he has "the" bandana in his pocket. It's a code used by the gays to let other gays know their gay. If Robin ever came out the church and the entirety of Hawkins are going to hunt her down and burn her. She wouldn't be able to go out on the streets without hearing dozens of slurs being thrown at her.

 "Are you sure you're okay, Robs?", Nancy questioned worriedly.

"M' fine", the blonde lied,"just thinking about everything."

"If you think I'm homophobic Robin I swear to fucking god I'll strangle you. I told you I would never be and never was.", the older girl demanded.

"What, no, I believe you, I swear. Don't worry I really do. It's just... How do I get my stuff from my parents house without them noticing. They have a really nonrhythmic work scheduled and I need clothes. What if they see me? My mom is going to kill me, like literally kill me.", Robin conveyed, sighing.

"I'll deal with it, don't worry about that.", the brunette explained.

Robin fell back asleep after their little conversation. It eased her thoughts knowing she can count on Nancy. Nancy got out of bed before Robin to make breakfast. There wasn't a lot of food in the fridge yet, but somehow Nancy could make Pancakes for both of them. When Robin woke up she could smell the pancakes. Her mouth started to water and she got out of bed. The headache got even better now that she had enough sleep. The clock in the kitchen said 10:56 am. She must have gotten out of bed before her. Nancy was standing at the stove making pancakes and putting them on a plate.

"Morning Robbie. How's your head? Still looks pretty bad.", the smaller girl insisted scrunching her eyebrows together.

"Morning. It's better, actually better than I thought.", the younger girl muttered sleepily.

"That's great. I made us some pancakes. I hope I can make enough for both of us. The fridge is still pretty empty.", Nancy remarked making the last pancake.

Both girls sat down and started eating. In the end there were enough pancakes for both of them. After they finished eating Nancy insisted to do the dishes herself because Robin had to rest. She got up from the two chairs and walked to the bathroom to get ready. Robin took a new toothbrush out of the double pack and started to brush. Then she did her hair and put on some of Nancys mascara in hopes of making her face look less beat up. When Robin walked back into the kitchen everything was back in its place and Nancy was starting to build something up. It kinda looked like a table.

"Can I help in some way?", the taller girl asked shyly.

"No,no,no,no, your face looks like shit and you probably feel 10x worse.", the older girl commanded.

"Okay, okay. So rude!", Robin giggled.

"Sorry", the brunette apologized.

A few days passed like this until all the furniture was built up. The girls didn't even bother to go to school or work. Robin was a bit worried that she would get fired, but Steve usually covered for her. Shit, Steve she totally forgot about him. She had to call him. The girl walked to the phone and started dialing the number she had memorized.

"Who's this?", Steve asked.

"Hey Steve, I'm sorry I didn't call but the situation with my parents got out of hand and now I live with Nancy, and a lot of shit happened, and I'm sorry I made you worry, and-", before Robin could continue Steve interrupted her.

"Address, now. I'm coming over.", the boy ordered.

"91255, Cherry Lane.", Robin responded nervously.

"Don't go anywhere, I'm coming.", he commanded again.

"Shit", the blonde cussed.

"What?", Nancy asked.

"Steve's coming and he didn't sound happy.", Robin uttered.

"Well shit. I'll be here if he's starting to be an asshole.", the brunette stated

"Thanks, but I doubt he'll murder me", the younger girl added, slightly grinning.

20 Minutes later Steves car drove into the driveway. He sprinted to the door and started ringing the doorbell. Robin didn't hesitate to open the door. Steve jumped at Robin and hugged her as tightly as he could.

"I am so, so sorry Robin. I love you and I'm really sorry I didn't reach out to you first. I'm a shitty friend Robin, I knew something was up with you.", the boy confessed.

"It's okay Steve, I didn't say anything and just left you alone at work.", the blonde whispered. But when Steve saw Robins face his whole expression changed.

"Holy shit Robin! Your face. What did she do to you, no wonder you didn't show up.", Steve observed worriedly.

"Yeah, she took it too far this time.", Nancy joined in.

"She beat me because she thought we were having sex.", Robin explained flatly.

"That's such bullshit. I just don't know how she always finds things about you that she can use against you. And that wouldn't even be possible because-", the boy cut himself off.

"She knows, Steve.", the taller girl added, smiling.

"Wai- What?", Steve stuttered.

"I know and I support her. I mean how could I hate her for something like that.", the brunette confessed smiling as well.

"Okay, that's great. Since when do you know?", the brunet inquired.

" For 4 days now, I think.", the smaller girl replied, grinning even wider.

"Come in Steve, Nancy just finished setting up the furniture.", Robin added, opening the door even more so Steve could come in.


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