fluff Part 7

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A/N: Okay so the last few chapters have been shit but I know you guys like them so I am going to keep them there. My writing has improved since I started this book because in the start I'm all over the place lol. So I am kind of starting over but not really. basically The characters are Evie and Dallas typical good girl and bad girl but it turns into something more when Dallas gets hurt at the skatepark then she comes over and yknow. After that they hang out at the skatepark again and now we are here 9 months later learning more about where each character was when they first really developed crushes. This chapter is a little sad but I want to be more detailed and I love these two sm I think they deserve a good story so yeah. I love you all and thank you for being patient but I am going to be updating more.

Dallas: bad girl

Evie: good girl

Evies pov:

9 MONTHS LATER (after the skatepark)

Me and Dallas are hanging out today after school which I am so excited about because I miss her so much. She takes me to her room to change into more comfy clothes. she puts on boxers and a hoodie then I only put on some underwear I brought over and a hoodie with Dallas's number on the back with her last name since my shorts are dirty.

"I can't believe you're all mine" she says as we climb into her bed

I give a comfortable sigh and sit on her lap and put my hands on her checks rubbing my thumbs back and forth on her soft Rosey skin. God her skin was so perfect but what really got me was the beautiful looks that came from that face. The way her eyes sparkles and gloss when she looks at me or the way when she blushes it almost looks fake because of how perfect her face holds that sweet rose color.

"Why can't you believe it my love?" I ask tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I just..." she lets out a frustrated sigh her eyes becoming watery as she looks out the window still holding a grip on my waist. Though much tighter than before, like she's scared I may leave.

"It's okay honey, take a deep breath. You can tell me baby" I say as I watch the beautiful girl Infront of me hold back her tears and bite her lip so the emotions she is feeling doesn't slip.

"Oh my sweet girl...it's okay my love" I say kissing her forehead

She turns to me with a escaping tear running down her cheek. She fights her quivering lip so she can attempt to speak.

"you're all I have ever wanted Evie. I wake up everyday sca" She tries to continue but her emotions consume her and she is forced to let go into my arms sobbing.

I rub her head then move her so her head is laying on my chest. I play with her hair while she moves to the crook of my neck her sobs slowing down. I wanted to tell her everything would be alrigtht and hold her tight but it makes her feel closed in. It makes it better to stay calm and quiet while holding her which I am more than happy to do.

She calms herself and starts again "I wake up everyday scared that, you, the love of my life is going to get hurt or leave me. I wonder everytime you start your car that it will end up wrapped around a tree or someone's going to take you from me. If that's not true then I will wonder if you are going to leave me because my thing is fucking up things that are good. You are a good thing that somehow found me and I just know I am going to hurt you." she says with a shaking breath.

My eyes gloss over at her words. No one has ever cared this much, it feels like a good change but I don't want her to worry about that stuff because it really messes with her.

"Dallas I was so close to falling off the deep end before I met you. Even before we confessed and only saw each other in school when you helped me I was so close to the end. Then you saved me from those thoughts. I am never going to leave you. You are my person, my person only. I want to marry you and have your baby's. I am glad you worry but I don't want that pretty head of yours to be overthinking. I love you more than you will ever know." I ramble out

Her eyes are watering more than before and she leans in to hug me tight both of us now crying. We cry into each others arms neither of us daring to let go. We end up falling asleep cuddling. The next morning when we wake up I decide it was time to ask the question.

"Whatcha doin honey" Dallas asks wrapping her hands around my waist while I'm cooking egg's

I turn to look at her and back to the eggs with a laugh "What does it look like I'm doing sweetness" I ask giggling.

She grips tighter giggling a bit too.

"You're not a puzzle solver are you" I ask

"no but I don't need to be because you're the brains here" She states kissing me softly

"mhm" I roll my eyes fighting back a smile

I turn again to look her in the eyes.

"So I had a question I wanted to ask" I say'

"Shoot" She says with a smile.

"We are getting close to graduation and I was wondering If maybe...you would want to live together? We are going to the same college and I reall-" I get cut off by a passionate kiss.

"Of course we can move in together" Dallas says with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"As long as you don't burn our eggs every morning' She laughs pointing to the eggs behind me.

I turn laughing picking up the spatula to throw at her.

"Asshole" She says dramatically acting like it hurt but smiling at the same time.

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