Part 9

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Evie's pov:

I awoke from my slumber saddened when I felt the left side of the bed empty. I groaned, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed to put my slippers on. Once my slippers were on protecting me from the cold floor, I walked over to the closet to put one of Jessies sweaters on over my tank top. Now that I am warm, I went in search of my girlfriend.

"Honey, where are you?" I called out

"In here, sweet girl," Jessie answered

"Yes, that's very helpful of you, Jessie. Where is "here" dummy?" I replied back with a head shake, trying not to laugh.

Jessie chuckled before replying, "Kitchen baby,"

I rushed down the stairs to my girlfriend. Once I turned the corner, I was met with Jessie cooking. My heart skipped a beat once I saw my girlfriend. Jessie was wearing a sleep tee with only her underwear covering her sacred places. She was also clearly not wearing a bra, which made my cheeks redden even more.

"Like what you see?" jessie asks teasingly

I was brought back to reality with her words. I looked down, embarrassed. Even though we have been together for a long time, I still get flustered with interactions like this. This shows how strong our relationship is.

My thoughts melt away when I felt hands being wrapped around my waist. I look up into jessies eyes and immediately smile. She gives me a big smile back before leaning down and connecting our lips. We both smile into the kiss. I wrap my arms around her neck to deepen the kiss.

I live for these morning kisses because it's slow and steady. Nothing is rushed. We are just to people highly in love and crazy about each other.

We pull back and stay in each others arms for a little longer, enjoying the warmth.

"I love you, ma," Jessie says

I pull from the hug and look into her eyes with a smile.

"I love you too, baby," I say

Jessie pulls me over to the kitchen stove where she was before. I gasp when she lifts me and gently sits me on the counter so I can watch.

I used to get really nervous when jessie did that, but over time, I have gotten more comfortable with it. I've always struggled with body image because I'm not skinny, and I know I never will be. Jessie doesn't see that, though, and she treats me as if I am a goddess.

"Try these eggs for me, honey," jessie says

I try them, and they make my eyes roll back.

"What the hell? You're not supposed to be good better than me at this." I huffed out, giving her back the fork

Jessie just laughs at my childness and shakes her head. I playfully smack her shoulder, telling her to cut it out. she throws her hands up in defense and acts scared.

"Woah, woah princess almost got my good arm," jessie says dramatically, acting like it really hurt.

I just laugh and hop off the counter to kiss her forehead.

Jessie and I ate then got dressed.


"Dios mío ma, te ves hermosa," Jessie said, sliding her hands on my waist.

I smiled at her, turning around to get a look at her.

"Gracias mi amor te ves sexy," I said, putting my hands on her chest.

Jessie looked at me with a happy but shocked face.

"You learned spanish?" She asked

"Only a little so I can understand some of what you're saying. I don't want to learn too much because it's fun sometimes to just guess, " I say

"Okay ma" jessie says with a smile


Not proofread!!! I love you all forever and always. Also, stream Speak Now (Taylor's Version) RN

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