moving in (smut) Part 8

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Dallas's POV:

Today I moved in with the absolute love of my life. I have never been so happy I feel like I'm dreaming, I really hope I'm not.

We are both going to UT (University of Tennessee) but we have a dream of getting out of here to go somewhere more, us I guess, but for now it's gonna be home. Our house is off campus but not to far which im glad about.

Evie comes in as I'm laying on the bed and straddles me kissing me softly. I kiss back happily when she starts to move to my neck not letting me take dominance. I wonder what she's doing because I usually top. I never let her top or actually I've never let anyone top. I'm kinda scared but the way she kisses my neck feels so good.

"Is this okay baby?" She ask's sweetly

"yes I'm kind of nervous though" I say shyly

She stop's as soon as I say that.

"Okay baby we don't have to but I know you're always top I just want to make you feel good too." She says caressing my cheek.

"I want to but can you um" I start to say

"Can I what my love?" she asks softly

"Can you take it slow with me?" I ask a little embarrassed

She smiles cupping my cheeks kissing me passionately. "Of course honey" She says breaking the kiss.

She starts kissing me again a little more heated this time. Once more she moves to my neck leaving little marks. She hums against my skin in delight.

"can I take your clothes off baby?" she asks

"Yes please" I whisper out

She beigns with my shirt which exposse's my collarbone. She nibbles softly on it trailing it down my chest to my bra. She unclips my bra. She looks at my breast in awe and takes one into her mouth sucking on it. I arch my back a little letting out soft sound's.

"God you're so gorgeous" She groans those words still sucking on my tit.

I wine a little at what she said. I need her so bad now.

"Please Evie" I say finally getting my words out

"Please what sweetness?" Evie ask's

"I need you Evie I need you so bad" I say quickly

Evie chuckles at my neediness

"Okay baby, it's okay I'll take care of you" evie says smiling

She trails kisses down my stomach reaching my boxers. She takes them off throwing them some where. She starts kissing my thighs sucking and leaving hockey's. I'm still making needy nosies.

"Are you sure honey?" Evie asks one more time which I love

"I'm positive..I promise." I say smiling

With that she kisses my pussy licking my slit. She goes further exploring all inside of me. She kisses and teases my clit with her tongue making me wine. She wants to give me more.

"Can I fuck you with my fingers baby? It may hurt at first but I will go slow until it feels good." She asks

I think for a minute before nodding eagerly.

"Okay honey" She says smiling

She goes back to sucking my clit. She adds a finger in slowly. It hurt a little but then she stopped for a moment to look in my eyes.

I knew she was scared she was hurting me but I really wanted to do this with her and only her.

"I'm okay...p-please keep going baby" I got out

"okay baby" Evie says sweetly smiling at me

She starts pushing her finger in deeper it finally slipping in all the way making my back arch off the bed. I cry out as she moves her finger in and out of me swiftly.

"oh fuck Evie"

I squirm under her touch moving myself on her. I feel her finger leave me and I whimper. She grabs something from the drawer. its the strap.

Evie puts it on and lines me up with it. Before she goes in, she puts her hands on my thighs and rubs her thumb back and forth. She gives me a sweet kiss then pulls back.

"I'm going to put it in slow for you amore. Is that okay?" She asks smiling.

"Yes very much okay" I say turning my head a little embarrassed.

She puts her finger on my chin turning my head to face me.

"I want to see your pretty face when I fuck you" She says

I blush and nod quickly. I feel the tip inside of me and I wince a little. She stops so she can go slower. She gets half way in moving her hands on my thighs distracting me from the pain of getting stretched. When she gets all the way in she doesn't move so I can adjust to her size and her being inside of me.

"You're doing so good sweet girl" Evie says cupping my cheek and kissing me.

'I...I think I am ready baby" I say just above a whisper.

I am so nervous. It feels so weird but I feel safe and Evie is just so perfect, I love this.

"I am going to start moving my love" Evie says

I've been blushing this whole time but it just keeps growing when she talks or does anything. I nod and she starts pushing in and out of me slowly.

I look away from her intimate stare and throw my head back. I make little noises a little weirded by my sounds. I am scared she won't like them.

I feel my head being moved back to her sight and my hand gently being pulled from my mouth.

"I said I wanted to see that pretty face and I meant it. I also want to hear those angelic sounds you are making. Don't hide yourself from me. Let go for me, come undone" Evie states lowly picking up the pace.

I am shocked by her words but I do as told and don't hide. Her pounding in and out of me is driving me crazy. I can't focus on anything but her . I can't take this. I feel a knot form in my stomach.

"E-Evie I'm going to cum. Fuck" I get out quietly whimpering.

I still try and keep eye contact while glancing down where we are connected feeling my heat grow higher.

"I know baby, I know. Let it all out for me love. Cum all over my strap pretty girl." Evie says hitting the perfect spot kissing me passionately.

My legs start to shake and give out as I cum all over her making a mess. My breathing is out of control and I'm still unable to think clearly as Evie continues her motions slowing down to let me finish my high.

"Good job sweetness" Evie says kissing me

"lets get you cleaned up my love" She adds on with a loving smile.

I smile to my self sleepily and nod to her. I am so fucking in love.

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