The Tourney

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Two full moons had passed since the incident in the woods, and Alicents ankle had healed up nicely, only four scars remained where the wolf's fangs had pierced through the thin skin. Rhaenyra would never forget the look on her father's face, standing at the entrance of Dragon Gate with the whole City Watch behind him, looking furious.

She remembered how he had shouted at Ser Criston for leaving Kings Landing with his daughter unattended, drawn his sword, pointed it at him, and sworn that he would be hanged. Rhaenyra had stepped between the two of them and had explained that it was her idea, not Ser Cristons, and apologized for not informing him.

Criston had been pardoned but had been released from his position as Rhaenyra's sworn shield. As a result of that, Rhaenyra hadn't seen much of Criston, but she knew he could be found near Alicent. He had felt guilty and responsible for Alicent being attacked and felt the need to take care of Alicent, even though she had maids to do that for her.

Rhaenyra and Alicent had talked a lot about the boys they fancied, and Rhaenyra knew that Alicent liked Criston, so she didn't complain the slightest about the attention that she got from him, rather the opposite. When Alicent had asked who Rhaenyra fancied, the only person that came to mind was Daemon, but she would not dare tell her that. She knew that it was somewhat wrong to fancy him, but her family had married brother to sister before. The Targaryen family isn't the only house that married relatives to each other, house Stark and Karstark also married relatives to each other.

When Rhaenyra thought about it, she couldn't understand what Alicent saw in Criston, he has a flat personality, always follows the rules, and has a big nose that crooks in a weird way. The only thing she could find somewhat attractive was his hair.


Time seemed to pass rather quickly, and the time had come to celebrate her little brother Baelons first name day. The small council had arranged a big party to be held, no expenses spared. Her father had arranged a tourney in the name of Baelon, so for the last couple of days Lords from all around Westeros had gathered to show their fealty to the new heir and hopefully get the chance to live every young boy's dream, to become a knight at court. Rhaenyra knew some of the houses but some of them she hadn't even heard of before. Some riders wore plain ringmail and some wore banded mail in different colors associated with their house colors. Rhaenyra noticed on rider wearing colors of sapphire blue with a white cloak that had golden outlines, but she didn't recognize the house. The rider held a banner with a spotted leopard holding a golden axe over a blue and white field, and when she asked her father he told her that it was House Santagar of Spottswood who resided in Dorne. The man rode a huge dark bay stallion that looked magnificent. It was his turn to joust against a lesser-known house Rhaenyra didn't know. With one blow to the shield, the opponent was knocked to the ground and the audience clapped and shouted.

The jousting went on for hours and in the end, the mysterious man from Spottswood became the champion. He hadn't been knocked off his horse once, even though he came close when some Martell smashed his shield into pieces and almost lost his balance.

After the tourney came the feast and the kitchen had their work cut out for them making honey-glazed duck and a delicious potato course with a sauce that smelled of eastern spices. Inside the tent, people were talking in every corner having a great time. Her father was long lost in a conversation with Otto Hightower and Alicent had gone off somewhere with Criston, and among all of these people, Rhaenyra felt lonelier than ever.

That was until the mysterious champion of Spottswood came up to where she was seated and asked her for a dance. 

Authors note:

Thank you so much for the votes and views guys, I really appreciate it! And so sorry for the lack of updates the last month, I have been really busy with personal issues but that's all sorted out. I have so many ideas in my head for this story, and I plan on bringing our favorite uncle back soon!

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