chapter 10- orchid-rose tension

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Screamed Jake while shaking drew violently, "five more minutes" drew groaned. "ITS 11:35 WHAT NO YOU ARE WAKING UP!" Jake screamed in his ears. "Sweetie just stop it I'm in a bad mood." Drew said annoyed.

"Well 'darling'. I'm. Not letting you sleep past ten so no." Jake said impatiently tugging on Drew's arms gently this time. "Oh but 'baby' you know I love sleeping and plus I was too busy helping your lifeless body last night so you just shush it and go sing to flowers and birds or something.." drew said getting more and more annoyed.

"Well 'babe' I want to help you this time so shut up and listen to me" Jake said getting his voice to a bit high pitch tone at the end. This ticked drew off because drew pounced onto Jake grabbing both his wrists and slamming them both beside his head.

"You are actually starting to piss me off so I'd advise you to leave me alone so I can sleep." Drew said giving Jake a stern look obviously angry at Jake's "mom like" behaviour. Drew hated being treated like a kid. Jake stared into Drew's eyes and blushed a bit.

"You know what fine! I'm gonna go since prince Richie rich is being a bastard." Jake said mocking drew in a sing to voice. Drew was to unbothered to fight any longer so he just collapsed away. "Ugh do I have to remind you we have to go back to the castle today?.." Jake said annoyed.

"I'm too tired." Drew said but this time a bit sadder than before. Jake didn't know what was happening but decided to leave it and just hang about having NPC talks with everyone else. The thing is Jake that morning made sandwiches for everyone so he grabbed a the sandwiches and started handing them to everyone.

"Oh daisy hey!" Jake said waving tod aisy she smiled and walked over with Sadie. "Hey Jake!" Daisy said. "Hello Jake." Sadie said in her raspy deep voice. "I made everyone sandwiches you guys should have some" jake said handing them two of the sandwiches. They thanked Jake then walked away.

Now for the last sandwich.

For drew..

Jake slowly got in the tent hoping drew was awake but he wasn't Jake sighed sat down and waited. He had already eaten his so he had no problems waiting for drew. So he waited and waited and waited..

Till he couldn't.

"That's it!" Jake said getting up grabbing Drew's shoulders then pushing them up so drew was in a sitting position. By now drew was shaken awake. "Jake for the las-" before drew could speak Jake shoved a sandwich in his mouth. "WHABAD BA PHAK!?" Drew's voice muffled by the sandwich drew chewed slowly then swallowed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Drew screamed during the silence. "Well I was getting sick of it! It's 1:23 you have to wake up dumbass!" Jake screamed back. Their bickering continued on and on till drew was just done with it all "tsk. Stupid peasant" he groaned and got out of the tent. Jake just moaned from annoyance "he's such.." Jake began,
"A handful.."drew said.

That evening they were all packing up to head back to peach palace. Jake and drew avoided eachother for a bit. "This is so stupid"

Said Zander to Hailey who heard about the fight and how it started "exactly. If Jake likes drew so much why not just kiss him" Hailey exclaimed "yeah- wait what?"  Zander stopped mid sentence. "I mean have you seen how drew acts around him. Especially Jake don't even get me started! It's all in the body language" Hailey said. "For someone who doesn't like anyone you are very smart." Zander said.

"It's all in the romance novels I read you should learn a thing or two, you may even be able to seduce luke~" Hailey said. "Oh shut up!" Zander blushed looking away to see Luke, who was talking to Milly on music and how to not make it so damn loud. "OHhhh so you you tap this!" Milly exclaimed pointing at a button on the guitar. "Yep!" "Thanks Luke!" Milly said walking away.

Zander looked down sure they two were dating he just didn't kiss luke yet like. Without the confession part. He wanted it to be genuine.

Everyone had now gotten on the horses except drake. Drew offered a hand to help Jake get on the horse. Jake scoffed and climbed on by himself. Drew shrugged and just got on. "Stop being a moody Margaret and get over it Jake"

"You suck Jake, and your hair is weird"
*Intense gasping*

"Step on it already drew" Jake said crossing his arms then looking away angrily keeping up this drama he stirred up with drew.

"Fine. You might wanna hang on though.." drew said gripping on the ropes for riding. "As if. And shouldn't I be the one taming my hoRS-!!!" Jake was interrupted by drew 'stepping on it' in a rush and intense speed.

Jake was about to fall so he hugged Drew's waist. Drew smirked and continued riding the horse 🐎. They were no longer to far away from the palace so they were all pretty happy. "Hmph" Jake said. "Is this your way for asking for an apology?" "Yes" Jake replied.

"Hot" "what?.." "what?"

"So will you apologize or no?" Jake asked impatiently "maybe I will maybe I won't idk" drew said. "Haha. Just say sorry..?" Jake said giving drew his iconic puppy dog eyes..

Which drew was immune to

"No" "please?" "No." "Pretty please?" "Nope." "Pretty please with a cherry on top with drew X jake themed sprinkles and frosting!" "Pardon?" "Just say sorry." Jake whined. "Ok you know what fine since your life depends on it." Drew said sarcastically raising his arms as they finally reache the palace

"Sorry." "Yippee!!" Jake exclaimed enthusiastically. ' atleast now he he won't be a big pain in the ass.' Drew thought. He lend an arm arm out for Jake to help him get down not expecting much. But Jake made contact with Drew's arms and slowly got down. Once he did he hugged drew tightly "see what a little sorry can do drewy bear?~" Jake said smiling.

"No, come on." Drew said trying to keep a straight face but inside he was blushing and he felt his face burning. "Thanks drewy for helping me that time" Jake said turning around to look at drew. "For what?" "Everything" Jake said then went inside the pink palace. Drews heart fluttered. He felt roses surrounding him as he thought of Jake and his smile

His way of words made drew go mad litterally mad like a.l Modern day mad man. Sean went ahead to help drew and Jake with luggages. "I'll carry your luggages for you. Like always" Sean said frowning a bit. "Wait-" drew said trying to speak up "I know clean your horse to I know I know." Sean rolled his eyes slightly. "No. Thank you" drew said smiling a bit.

Sean's eyes widened by surprise. THE famous drew told him thank you. Sean calmed down "no problem." Drew than walked off to the palace. Jake must've really been changing drew for the better. Sean thought to himself. He smiled and continued loading up the luggages.


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