Chapter 2

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It’s 20:38, and Ed still isn't home.  I wait anxiously by the front door, waiting for my lover to show up, hopefully, unlike the rest of the times he arrives home—hopefully like how he would when we first got married.

I see the front door swing open, and my precious Ed steps in—I open my mouth to speak, but I notice something on his neck from afar.  They look like..hickeys?

“What’s on your neck,” I quiz, walking towards him; in which he shoves me out of his way and grumbles something under his breath.

I follow Ed to the bedroom, trailing behind him, bombarding him with questions—such as: where were you?  Who were you with?  What were you doing?  Until he finally snaps.

“Shut the fuck up, Farquaad,” He barks, shoving me away.

“You still haven’t answered my question as to what was on your neck,” I retort, in which Ed zips his burnt orange dur suit up, grabbing his durry helmet and slipping it on, to which I’m assuming he’s doing to cover up what’s on his neck.

“I don’t need to, fuckwad,” He snaps, walking away from me.  I finally get to the point: “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?!”

He stops in his tracks and looks back at me, growling: “What makes you think that?”

I step closer to him, yet I’m trembling with fear, his dur suit scaring me.  I blow up at him, finally done with his bullshit: “I’ve put it all together!  You go out, you become so distant, the way you look so smitten as you think,” I include the final detail, “And Mr. Peanut told me that you were!”

He fully turns around; and points a finger at me accusingly—shouting: “I’m done with you, Farquaad!  I never loved you in the first place—I only pretended to love you for the money; and your feet!”

I’m starting to connect the dots, “You could’ve just told me, Ed,” I yell back, tears of blood and gold accumulating in my eyes.

Ed whips out his phone and dials a number—speaking angrily over the phone, but I can hear a calm voice on the other side, cooing to him—as if they’re glad.

As soon as Ed hangs up the phone, he says: “I’m leaving, Farquaad,” Ed shouts, storming out the front doors, practically fuming.

He gets into a car, in which I catch a glimpse of the driver, who is none other than my half-brother, Oh Sangwoo.

I scream at Ed, infuriated more than before, that he’s not only cheating on me but with my dearest half-brother, who never thought would do me dirty like this, “You fucking cunt ass whore ass bitch ass prick ass bloody motherfucking ho!!  You’re cheating on me with my half-brother, you cocksucker!!”

“You suck cock too, you little fag,” He retorts, putting the middle finger out of the passenger side window, “And; we’re getting a divorce!”

Sangwoo zooms off, leaving me a crying—devastated mess.

As days pass by, I’m all alone.  Left to my own devices—no one to love, no one to cherish, no one to have kinky sex with, no one to talk to.  All I do is cry, cry and reminisce.  About Ed.  About when we were happy.

Days turn into weeks, and I’ve finally gotten the papers.  Only when the papers came; things weren’t so hard, now that Mr. Peanut is helping me through it.

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