Chapter 4

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Jack had been able to pull himself behind the cabin. The pain he was feeling was excruciating. Of course he had been shot at, but he had never been shot before.

"Awnser me boy" John yelled from behind a wagon that was covering him.

"SHIIIIIIIT!" Jack yelled out and held his shoulder as blood started to pour from the wound.

"Good enough" John yelled and started shooting at the group.

Jack pulled himself back to reality and helped John finish them off. Once he was sure it was clear, he made a run for it behind the wagon, next to John.

"They're everywhere" John yelled to him, "help me take out the rest of them".

Jack took a shaky breathe and started shooting at the people who shot at them.

John took a glance at Jack to examine his wound and nearly recoiled at the amount of blood spilling from it. Jack didn't seem to be dying, so they could worry about it later.

Suddenly, more shots broke out and unfamiliar yells erupted from behind them. The shots died down and John looked behind him to see Arthur and Charles approaching them.

"Arthur!" John said and stood up.

Jack stood on his own still holding his bleeding shoulder.

"What happened to him?" Charles asked, strapping his rifle on his back.

"One of them got me when the shoot out started" Jack said, "I'm fine".

"You ever been shot before?" Arthur asked.

"No" Jack said and shrugged one shoulder.

"Jesus Christ... we have to get him somewhere warm" John said.

"We're close to Colter" Arthur said, "We should get there quickly. There's a storm coming, and there's a good chance Jack wouldn't make it".

"Damn thanks for the vote of confidence, I'm fine" Jack emphasized.

"Maybe you are now, but there's a chance you could go into shock" Charles said, "You're really in no condition to make the journey back to Horseshoe".

Jack rolled his eyes, but he knew Charles was right. Of course they'd know more about getting shot. Though it couldn't be as bad as getting attacked by a bear. In the snow.

"I'll have to congratulate you on getting shot for the first time Jack" Arthur said, "you're taking it better than any of us did".

"God Dammit where is Karl?!" John said.

He was standing at the doorway holding his gun to the sky. He whipped his head to look at the group.

Jack looked over his shoulder seeing two figures running away.

"Who the hells Karl?!" Arthur questioned.

"Hes gettin' away" Jack informed them.

"Shit" Arthur said and pulled out his gun.

He shot both of them without a second thought. It startled everyone else, the sudden shots.

"Now let's get to Colter" Arthur said with a stern expression on his face.


Jack sat on one of the beds in the cabin, still holding his bleeding shoulder. Arthur was looking out the window, but all that was out there was the blinding storm.

Jack slowly took off John's winter jacket and looked at the wound on his shoulder.

"Jesus" he muttered.

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