Chapter 9

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Jack must have spent hours reading Arthur's journal. Taking notes and memorizing some parts of his words. He read John's entry's as well that detailed Micahs death and the farm being built. He must have read just John's entry's for another hour. The way his writing got better after a few years. When Abigail and him were taken by the government and John was made to do their dirty work.

Jack left the camp a day ago to try and plan what to do. Micah little confrontation didn't do much to ease his mind either. Being around Micah was like feeling the most intense discomfort he had ever felt.

Strawberry was his least favorite town, but the gang wouldn't go looking for him there. Especially Micah.

He could just shoot Micah to end it all, but Dutch would throw a fit. He could just push Micah off a cliff... make it look like an accident. But Micah wasn't that dumb as to fall so that was out.

This wasn't working. Sitting around, robbing, killing, hunting wasn't helping the gang as much as he thought it would. Micah was still infecting Dutch with twisted words and ways. Nothing he could do would work even if he had the blessing from the gang to kill Micah. Dutch was still going crazy and the members would be caught in the crossfire. Even him if he wasn't careful.

At some point he realized it was night and headed out of Strawberry to camp for the night.

Unbeknownst to him, he had a visitor. He had been asleep when he heard the branches snap somewhere around him. He didn't jolt awake, but he was aware of where his revolver was if he needed to shoot.

"That you Jack?" Said a male voice.

Jack open his tent to see Charles, she stood with a sawed of shotgun in hand. He looked tired, but seemed to ignore the fatigue, bending to start the flames of the fire.

"Should've been more quiet" Charles commented, "The gangs worried about you. Especially John".

"Why are you here?" Jack asked, as he sat by the fire.

Charles looked down, "You seem to like your solitude. I suppose I relate to that".

"I feel like I'm running in circles... I tried to warn Dutch about Micah and he won't listen" Jack said, "I'm telling the truth about being from 1914 even if no one else believes me".

"What happened before you found yourself here?" Charles asked.

"I was... trying to get my ranch up and running... after that i just cant remember. My mind goes blank when i think of it" Jack answered, and looked away, "It's not like I don't wanna tell you guys why I'm here, I honestly don't know".

Charles nodded and Jack squinted his eyes.

"Oh... what does he want now?" Jack questioned.

"We moved over near a town called Rhodes... the one you had been talking about" Charles said, "he said 'we'll do things differently'. He wants you to do some jobs for this family th-"

"The Grey's or the Braithwaites?" Jack asked, "either way I won't help".

"How did yo- I understand, but maybe the best way to get Dutch to listen to you is to do the things he asks of you" Charles said and tilted his head, "why are you out here anyway?"

"Its quiet... I guess I missed quiet" Jack said and looked down, "I don't want to help you lot get yourself killed. Especially Sean or Lenny or you... not that you died..."

Charles raised an eyebrow, "Well what does happen to me?"

"My pa wrote that you left to Canada and he never heard from you after that" Jack said, "I always assumed you started your own family".

Charles nodded as he took this information in. For a moment they were silent, but that was until it was ruined by some hunter stumbling out of the woods. It took a moment for both Jack and Charles to realize what the man seemed to be doing.

"That's probably our signe to get out of here" Charles said, "and about Dutch... just... just tolerate the man. He may be crazy but he's cares".

Jack nodded, and stood to stomp out his fire. Packing his things and riding in silence to the new camp. Preoccupied, but just how Jack would save Sean he recalled Arthur's journal. He just had to keep Sean from any plan involving Bill or Micah. Easier said than done when for weeks Sean's treated Jack as if he were a child.

It didn't bother him, but he always had to remind Sean that they were the same age.

Jack did as he was told, doing small odd jobs for the Grey's. Reporting back what he knew which was almost nothing. Dutch wanted gold that Jack was sure didn't exist and if it did the Grey's didn't have it.

Now he sat at his camp, reading as usual, waiting for the next mission from the Grey's. In the last few months, many of the gang members had come up to him to ask about what 1914 was like. Even if he didn't have a straight answer, they would listen to anything.

Arthur hadn't spoken to him personally since the job in the mountains. Maybe a greeting here and there, but he seemed distracted. Distracted or not Jack looked up from his book to see Arthur nod at him slightly.

Jack stood, and nodded him, "Arthur.."

"Jack... I've been meaning to uh... speak with you" Arthur said.

"Alright..." Jack said.

"Micah... Hes the rat..." Arthur questioned.

"Yeah... yeah he's what sent Dutch spiraling..." Jack said.

"Why don't you kill em?"

"That's the question... cause don't you think Dutch would have if out for me? He trusts Micah no matter what I say" Jack said.

"Maybe because you say your from 1914 son" Arthur said.

"I am"

"I met this man... real weird type... said his name was Francis Sinclair?" Arthur said.

Jack's memory suddenly gave him a picture of the man, the man that had shot him and that's how he ended up here. Whatever was happening to him, whatever he was meant to do... he had to find this man.

"You know that name?" Arthur asked.

"Its familiar" Jack said, shrugging slightly, "Where'd you find this man?"

"Up near Strawberry but he was talking nonsense" Arthur said, "whatever you plan to ask him, just know the man isn't right in the head".

"Right... " Jack muttered, "was there anything else?"

"You literally saved me from a death sentence... I could have gotten sick and died" Arthur said, "Boy, my life doenst matter in the end... why did you tell me?"

Jack flinched back a bit stunned by this statement and for a moment he was speechless.

"Arthur... i... I don't want anyone to die...My pa cared about you... cared enough to kill Micah to have his revenge. You saved nearly half the gang..." Jack paused, "Besides... you have people here who depend on you...".

Arthur said nothing and just nodded with a slight sigh. He nodded once more and started to walk away.

"If you don't believe me I'll lend you my journal... it has the whole story" Jack said.

Arthur turned and stared for a moment before nodding a sort of thanks turning back to walk to his tent.

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