Chapter 8

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Jack knew all about his short fuse. Abigail used to give him a pretty hard time because of it. Maybe that was another reason he kept at a distance from the others.

He brought money back and that was all that mattered. To Micah that is.

John came over when he was outside by his fire. It was dark already, but Jack still read a book by the fire. One that Arthur brought back to came.

John sat on the floor and Jack closed his book.

"Hey" John said, "How you doin?"

"I'm still alive" Jack said, "So I guess I'm fine".

"You're doing pretty well here" John said, "Fitting in just right".

"Yeah..." Jack said, "I'm sure if everything hadn't happened the way it did, I would have fit in better".

"I don't think Abigail would let you become an outlaw" John said.

"She would want me to become a lawyer" Jack said, "or a writer".

"You don't sound too sure about those things" John said.

"No one believes the word of an outlaw" jack said, "How am i gonna be a lawyer when I'm a target? Id be convicting murderers when i am one myself".

"So you want to be an outlaw?" John questioned.

"What other option is there" Jack folded his arms, "Tahiti?"

"Well..." John said, with a small shrug.

"I chose this when my father died" Jack said.

"I'm alive now" John said, confused.

"My father John. The one i knew" Jack said and gave an apologetic look, "Yes you are here, but my family is gone. All i can do is help you guys find the right path. Like telling Arthur to be careful of Mr. Downes".

"What would have happened to Arthur?" John asked.

"He would have gotten tuberculosis and died" Jack said, but his expression darkened, "But it was still Micahs fault".

"You really hate Micah don't you? Why don't you just kill him?" John questioned.

"A wise man once told me this... 'Revenge is a fools game' but I'm no saint. Even i haven't lived by this... but if anyone was gonna take Micah out... I'd say to let him hang" Jack said, snapping his neck up to stare him in the eyes.

John was taken a back by that statement and the look in Jack's eyes. The seriousness in his voice. There was more truth in that statement than in anything he'd ever heard. At least from any member of this gang

"You killed that agent in revenge" John said.

"And I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life" Jack said, "I want to know what to do here. All I can do is get you guys money".

"You've been a big help" John said.

Jack looked at John and nodded.

"Its unnerving to have you here" John said, "Its like... seeing into the future from one person".

"Try being the person on the other side" Jack said, "Why is Dutch so set on getting money? Seems that you would all do well if you split".

"It's not that easy" John hung his head, "We're family... we all need each other".

Jack shook his head, "Its not easy but it's smart".

"Now what about us makes you think that's we're smart?".

Jack chuckled softly, throwing the piece of grass he'd been messing with on the dirt ground.

"Nothin' I guess" Jack muttered.

Jack looked up seeing moving figures in the trees. He shot a look to John who also seemed to have seen them.

"Who the hell are they?" John said and stood up, "Stay here. You shouldn't have another run in with these guys seeing as how they think you're me"

"Be careful" Jack said, "These guys... they're shifty".

John looked back and nodded, "We'll be fine, Jack. Dont you worry".

Jack shook his head and pulled his hat over his eyes. He pulled out Arthur's journal again seeing a new entry about him. Accompanied by an illustration of him sitting and reading by his fire. 

Jack was forced to grow up too fast. This isn't the life we had planned for him. Hes 19 for god sake. I guess hes older than we were when we were forced into this life, but it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. 

He might be right about Dutch because he sure as hell is right about Micah. I'll have to talk to him about this later. Theres still so much we have to do and were almost out of time. First it was just the law out to get us and now its the government

Jack watched as the men spoke to the others. Everything was playing out as Arthur had said in his journal. Of course he had stopped Arthur from getting sick, but could he really help? Was he even supposed to help or was this some sick joke? Soon though the men left leaving the gang in a bit of a frenzy. He didn't pay attention to who was walking around and who wasn't but he wished he had.

"Jack... can i have a word" said Micah Bell.

"Micah if we were to have a word, i would probably just shoot you right here" Jack said.

"Yeah you can try" Micah said with a smug smirk, "C'mon kid, I just wanna talk".

Jack stood and crossed his arms, "The hell you want then?"

"Jeez you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Micah questioned, but Jack only glared, "Look i get the feeling you dont really... like me".

"What gave you that idea?" Jack said with a sneer.

Micah laughed and gave a sort of growl, "Dont get in my way... kid. You have no idea who you're messing with".

Jack chuckled, "Trust me Micah... i do... i really really do and truthfully Micah... you dont know who YOU are dealing with".

They stared each other down for a moment until Micah made a movement and cracked his neck. An evil glint in his eyes gave Jack a queasy feeling.

"You really think that these people believe your little story?" Micah questioned, "You really think that you knowing them for a few weeks means they trust you more than me?"

"You really think they trust you?" Jack asked, "Arthur and John don't. The women think you're awful creepy and... Should i go on?"

Micah laughed and shook his head, "Watch your back, Marston" he turned to walk away.

"Thought you didnt believe me Mr. Bell" Jack said as Micah walked away.

Micah stopped momentarily and then kept on his way as he saw Arthur look at him with a questioning look.

Jack went back to sitting by his fire and watching as the flames burned. He had a lot to think about with Micah on his case. Micah who had killed Arthur. Micah who had broken up the gang by being the rat he was... is. 

Even if he wasn't meant to help, even if he was just meant to observe... he would save everyone. Screw that destiny, fate of the world crap. He just wanted his family back.

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