Chapter 8

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Sky's POV 

I couldn't open my eyes, they felt too heavy. Niall was sleeping right beside me, and my head was resting on his shoulder. It was weird, i felt butterflies in my stomache whenever i was close to him, but i never even considered having feelings for Niall...

Lifting my head and finally opening my eyes, i saw that we were flying over the water, and its green-blue color reminded me of Harry's eyes. I smiled at the thought of the curly haired boy. 

Then my thoughts switched to Niall, and i pulled my phone out. As i was about to take a picture, i realized that my mentions on twitter were going insane. I pulled it up, and there was a picture of me and Niall, and fans were goin crazy.

I sighed, knowing he posted that because he felt guilty that he left all the fans.

Sitting up, i walked to the front and ask for a water. Once i got the bottle, i walked back to where Niall was sitting, and put my phone on record. Once i knew it was filming, i opened the bottle and dumped it over Niall's head and his eyes shot open.

"HUh?" His eyes were filled with fear. "Are we crashing?" 

I burst out laughing. Who would ask that kind of question if  a plane was crashing? I puyt my phone down, it was still on but i was laughing too hard to turn it off.

Nialls face filled with recognition. "Oh, i see, my little Sky-Dive is just messing around. You are so funny! Come here, give me a hug."He smiled evily.

"Oh no Horan, you get away from me."I laughed backing away, getting some dirty looks from other passengers. Niall sprinted forward, and i tried to dodge it, but he picked me up and spun me around, getting me all wet.

I flicked him in the face.

"and now you are a unicorn."

Confusion filled Niall's features, and i took it as an opportunity to escape his grasp. Grabbing ym phone, i turned it off record, and watched the video. Deciding it would be fine, i opened up my twitter.

"Niall, can i put that video on twitter?"

He thought for a second, then shook his head.

"No, but you can send it to me and ill put it on. My Phone has alot more security then yours."he explained.

I just nodded, sending the video to Niall. We sat back down in our seats, and i was suprised we werent thrown out of the plane yet.

Niall opened his twitter, and posted the tweet saying "Sky decided she would wake me up from my nap... #backfired"

right after he posted it, tweets came flooding in, and Niall smiled crookedly at me, before looking back at his phone.

Was it weird that my heart was beating extra hard?

Harrys POV

"I think i know where they are." i said, glancing at Liam.

Hope filled his every feature, and he smiled. "Where?"He questioned.

"Think about it. What is Nialls favorite animal?"

"Giraffe"Liam answered instantly.

I nodded. "Right. And what is Niall's favorite temperature?"I asked. 

Liam hesitated, then answered. "Hot"

"And where did he tell us he would go if he didn't want to be found.

Liam's face lit up, and he yelled at the top of his lungs, "Pack your bags boys! We are going to Africa!"

A few seconds later, Louis and Zayn were in the room, louis still had red eyes from crying, and it pained me to remember that less then ten minutes ago i had hurt him so badly. But not only him.


I Shook the thoughts out of my head, focusing on Sky and Niall.

"We found Niall." Just as the words left my mouth, Liam spoke.

"Hes still on twitter. he just posted a video."He said, and we all dived around, ready to watch.

it was a video taken by Sky, and she woke Niall up by dumping a bottle of water over his head. They proceeded to run around the plane, and got a lot of dirty looks before Niall pulled Sky into another hug and made her wet.

Jealousy filled my entire body,and i had to clench my fist to refrain from throwing Liam's phone against the wall. 

Were Niall and Sky a couple or not?


Hey Ballerbinas!

Okay, so i know not everything in this book m ight be true, as in the facts about Niall. (I hope there are Giraffes in Africa, otherwise im gonna look pretty dumb)

And ive never been on a plane so i dont know how they work, im just winging it. (Haha get it?)

Anyways, ill try to post again today, im sick so i dont have school :( and :)

Love you all!


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