Chapter 9

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Harrys POV

As we were boarding the flight, i couldnt stop thinking about Sky. I felt betrayed, but i felt guilt more than anything. Maybe if i had been a better boyfriend, she wouldnt of run away. Maybe if i had taken her out more often, she would be closer to me.

Louis was standing next to me, practically guarding me with his life. I think he felt that this whole 'situation' is his fault. But its not. I was the stupid one to do that. But Lou is mkaing sure i stop, and it feels good to feel wanted again. I wanted if thats how sky feels..

"Guys, you do realize this will be nearly impossible? Niall is obviously in hiding, so how are we going to find him?" Zayn asked, a worried expression on his face. I felt the same way, and i could tell by the way that Louis's face dropped he did to. But liam looked confident.

"We will find him guys, dont worry." He spoke reassuringly, but something in his voice made it sound like he didnt beleive himself.

Once were on the plane, i logged onto twitter and tweeted:

On the search for Niall and Sky.


It was trending in seconds.

Nialls POV

Sky was laughing at the scene in front of us, as two giraffes walked toward a tree.

I just smiled at her, considering the only thing they were doing was walking, and she was acting like they were doing handstands.

She turned around and smiled at me. "What? I love giraffes!" She giggled. I Laughed.

"ME TOO!!" I screamed louder than sky had expected, so she jumped back and hit her head.

She turned over, bursting into tears. I instantly stopped laughing, rushing over to her. Stooping over her, i put my hand on her back, trying to comfort her.

Suddenly, she flipped back over, and before i could do anything, had me in a headlock and was giving me a mean noogie.

"Stop!Stop! I really thought you were hurt!" I giggled. Oh boy, if i kept giggling this much, i was going to go gay.

She smiled at me.

From the butterflies in mystomache, i highly doubt ill be gay anytime soon.

Wait, what? No. No no no. Just, NO. I cant have feelings for sky. Harry would never...

But harrys gone! The thougth felt kind of good, that i had sky allto myself.

Or was that too weird?

Sky's POV

Once me and Niall were back to where we were staying, which was a little beaten up motel, i turned my phone on and logged onto twitter.

I scrolled through my newsfeed when something made my heart stop.

Harry had tweeted about 2 hours ago, and it said he was looking for us.

Okay, calm down. They dont know where we are. They are probably just makinmg sure fans dont lose interest.

I quickly kept scrolling, and noticed many people were tweeting #Niallerhunt. But then i saw something that filled me with guilt.

It was a post from Simon, saying;

If we dont find Niall in the next few weeks, im afraid it will be the end of One Direction.

"Niall? Can you come here?" I asked, trying to hide the guilt in my voice, but i knew i didnt do a very good job when he came around the corner with concern written all over his face.

"Look." I said quietly, shoving my phone in his direction. He took it, and i watched his reaction from concern, to a frown, then went pale.

"You okay?" i asked.

He just sat down next to me and put his head in his hands. Then, he lookedover at me, and his expression went blank. I didnt know what he was thinking.

"It will be fine." He whispered. Then.

He kissed me.

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