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"Let's go. Two minutes, people."

Explosion and chaos filled the battlefield as ships were on fire and exploded. Neytiri was fast to shoot more men with her arrow, causing the ship to go out of control.

From above, three teenagers stayed in the air. Lo'ak and Neteyam were just flying below their sister on their ikrans, patrolling as their father ordered them to do. They looked down at where warriors were given weapons to fight "Bro, we've got to go down there."

Neteyam immediately disagrees, looking up at his sister who seems to be deeply distracted by doing her job. "No way! Dad will skin us."

"Don't be such a wuss," Lo'ak said before flying his ikran lower to the ground— where more warriors came to fight in the battle.

"Lo'ak! You—" Neteyam groaned before joining his brother.

Aé'teya was looking above to see if there were more ships coming on her ikran, A'wi. But something felt uneasy to her as if something is missing. She began to look for her brothers and to her expectation, they were gone. She began to groan at the sight of their ikran flying lower, "Idiots." She hissed.

Before she could go and fly towards them, she hesitated. She heard another noise coming from afar. Another ship flew to attack them. "Dad, we've got another."

Aé'teya wanted to go to her brothers, warning them about the ship and get away from the spot. "Gunships inbound. Fall back," But she was too late, the ship exploded and fell from the sky. There was a blast from the ship that caused others to fly from the force. Then, it was hard to see what was happening.

Worried grew on her face as she flew lower. Her heart began to beat faster than before. Please be okay. She disconnected her queue with her ikran before dropping herself on the ground. Some parts of the ship were still on fire and the ground felt warm due to the new explosion. 

"Neteyam?" Aé'teya's eyes scanned the whole place, it was hard to see and her eyes started to burn from all the smoke. "Neteyam!" She called him again but she couldn't hear anyone replying to her call. "Lo'ak?" 

Her face dropped seeing Neteyam on the ground. She hurried to kneel next to him, shaking him to see if he was still alive. "Neteyam." His eyes blinked multiple times in confusion and she let out a relieved sigh. 

"Neteyam!" Another familiar voice called. "Over here, dad!" Slowly she could see clearly from the smoke, him running towards them. His eyes widened at the sight of Neteyam hurt and he quickly to see if he was alright. 

His face shifted to anger, "What are you doing here, boy? What were you thinking!" Aé'teya grabbed his other arm, helping her dad to carry Neteyam to his ikran. "I'm sorry, sir." 

"Are you hurt, Aé'teya?" Jake quickly asked his daughter. She shook her head.

"Dad, where's Lo'ak?" Aé'teya asked, beginning to grow worried again. Her head turns, searching for her brother as the smoke slowly fades. "He's fine. Let's go, Aé'teya." Without hesitation, she obeyed her father's order, mounting A'wi and connecting her queue with the ikran before leaving the scenes.

Flying back home was hard. Aé'teya kept looking back to where her dad and Neteyam were flying behind her. Her attention turned to the person who flew next to her. She gave him a look, asking if he was alright. Lo'ak nodded to his sister and continue flying home.

Aé'teya was the second to land before Jake landed next to her. The first thing she did after getting off her ikran was run to Jake's ikran. Giving Neteyam a hand to help him. Tuk came running into Neytiri's arm.

"Fall in," Jake ordered. It was Aé'teya's least problem to be scolded. She knew she did nothing wrong except go to her brother after the explosion. But her most matter was Neteyam who shook his hands away, telling her he was fine.

"You were supposed to be spotters. You spot boogies and you call them in. FROM THE DISTANCE!" Neteyam looked down, accepting his fate of being scolded. Aé'teya felt sad for Lo'ak and Neteyam. She wouldn't really say it but she hated seeing them getting scolded. She hated how Jake would be hard on them.

Kiri arrived next to her, checking if she has any cuts before slightly pushing her aside to examine Neteyam once she found none.

"Does any of this sounds familiar? Get here!" He demanded at Lo'ak, pointing at the ground for him to come closer. "Jesus, I let you three geniuses fly a mission and you disobeyed a direct order." He turned to Aé'teya with the same look, oh dear. 

"And what were you doing down there?" Aé'teya pressed her lips together, head low and looking at the ground. She bit her tongue back. She couldn't understand why he was mad, she was not injured at all. 

Jake sighed, his gaze and voice softening as he turned to Kiri. "Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded, please?" 

"But my brother is wounded," Kiri replied, looking at their father sadly with Tuk curiously peeking behind Lo'ak to look over at Neteyam and Lo'ak. "Just go- Tuk, Aé'teya, go with her. Go!" He repeated the last word sternly.

Tuk was pouting as she follows Kiri who gave Neteyam and Lo'ak a pity look. Aé'teya was stubborn, she didn't move from the spot at all. Jake let out a frustrating sigh, looking at Aé'teya and telling her to leave with his look but she wouldn't leave. 

"Dad-sir, I take full responsibility."

"Yea, you do." Jake snapped, "That's right because you're the older brother, you gotta act like it." 

"Dad..." Aé'teya tried to call him out, she hated seeing Neteyam getting scolded for not being the older brother who should always look out for his siblings. "Ma Jake, your son is actually bleeding."

The girl looked back at her twin brother, holding his arm. "I can help him get treated." But Neteyam quickly shakes his head, "It's- It's fine." Aé'teya scowled at him and Neteyam replied with his eyebrows raised. "Let's go."

"Just go and get patched up. Go on- Dismissed." Jake said, sending them off. Neteyam walked past him as Aé'teya followed him from behind, placing a hand behind him. She stopped mid-way to look back at Lo'ak who is now alone with their father.

She wanted to stay with him, but it was better for her to leave. She gave him a soft smile before turning her back and began walking to the Tsahìk tent.

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