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It was a miracle, Na'vi would say to have two children born at the same time. Rare but not to humans, not to Jake Sully.

When he first held his firstborn son, he couldn't believe he was now a father. His son was rather loud, crying in his arm while he tries to calm the child down. The other child, his firstborn daughter was peacefully sleeping in his arms the time he held her for the first time. His eyes shone with love looking at the twins for the first time.

Neytiri held her daughter and Jake held his son before the eyes of their people. "Neteyam and Aé'teya," They all looked at the two with pure happiness. They all stood before the tree of the soul to connect the babies to the tree along with a baby they adopted. A daughter was born miraculously from Grace's avatar, and her name was Kiri.

Neytiri was over the moon at the arrival of Kiri, she took her as her own. Aé'teya has a sister to bond with.

Jake and Neytiri were happily playing with their children. The two couples trying to catch Neteyam and Kiri. Neytiri began to mimic an ikran as Kiri tries to follow her around.

Aé'teya was sitting quietly at the back, wanting to join but she sat back because of being hit in the head like a drum continually by Lo'ak, the youngest brother. Aé'teya tries to push Lo'ak away but they both fall.

Before they know it, Jake and Neytiri had 5 children. Tuktirey, the youngest daughter. It was all that to make their happiness complete.

"Dad! Lo'ak kept trying to hit me!" Aé'teya came running to Jake, pulling his arm while pointing at Lo'ak.

Lo'ak began to yell back at her, "You took my toys!"

"Did not! It was Kiri!"

Ah yes, Aé'teya and Lo'ak. Always each other's punch bag. Fight over the most minor things and Lo'ak would always try to hit his sister. Aé'teya was kind enough to never want to hit him back but always push him to the ground whenever she was triggered.

Aé'teya and Kiri would always team up and bully Lo'ak. They would also team up every time playing a game against Neteyam who also teamed up with Lo'ak. The girls would always win.

Their favorite activities are exploring nature on Pandora and admiring its beauty. Aé'teya likes it when Kiri made the bugs dance.

Then they have Spider, who is a human child being raised in the lab on Pandora. Spider was friends with them, they would often play with each other.

Neytiri never sees him as one of them or as a family but he is very close with the children, especially Kiri.

Other than Aé'teya, Spider is one of her closest friends she would constantly hang out with. But Kiri mostly likes to be alone as she grew older. That same goes for Aé'teya.

"I had it first!" Lo'ak yelled, pulling the toy he and Kiri has been fighting over. Both could never let go as one tries to pull it away from the other's grab. "Why should I let you have it?" Kiri bickered back, pulling the toy harder.

"It's mine!" Jake's ears were filled with their loud argument. "I hate you!" Lo'ak exclaimed.

"I hate you times infinity, Lo'ak." Kiri fought back, "Penis face."

Lo'ak screamed before he was cut by Jake trying to call off the small fight, "Hey, hey! Don't make me come over there,"

Teaching the twins to archer isn't hard, they were natural just like Neytiri. Especially the girl, a fine shooter for a beginner.

"He got it!" Aé'teya jumped, smiling widely at Neteyam's shot as he went down to the water and grabbed the fish that has his arrow through it.

"Neteyam, the mighty fisherman." Aé'teya laughed at the name Jake gave to Neteyam as he shows them the fish proudly and Aé'teya clapped her hands. "My turn!" She quickly took her bow and stand in the same position as Neteyam.


"How tall is he?" Lo'ak asked, tilting his head to see better as Jake marked Neteyam's height. Everyone gathered around a pole, curiously wanting to know Neteyam's height. "Too tall."

"Is he taller than me?" Aé'teya joined in, pushing Neteyam aside softly and her mouth was slightly open to gasp. "You can't be taller than me." She scowled at Neteyam who only give her a grin.

Time flies by, like a dream

Neytiri pulled her two teenage daughters as Jake sets up a camera for a family photo. Aé'teya stood right next to Kiri and smiled once she saw the camera. She nudges her elbow to Kiri, "Kiri, smile." Kiri only returned with a groan and an eye roll.

"Smile, Skxwang," Neteyam said to Lo'ak before the camera clicks.

But the thing about happiness, it could vanish in a heartbeat.

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