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The next day, Kiri exited the pod and was greeted by Aé'teya who called her from the water. She was riding her ilu, Nitxpa. "Come swimming with me!"

She was hoping to do something for her. Kiri has been depressed ever since Spider was taken away. She was rarely herself and Aé'teya sometimes couldn't even recognize her.

She'd always be getting eye rolls from Kiri and it had made her think if she did something wrong to annoy Kiri every time. She knew how being with nature would cheer her up.

Kiri gave her a weak smile before deciding to join Aé'teya swimming while exploring the reef. It has always been their favorite thing to do back in the forest, to wander away, exploring and admiring nature. At least when they were younger. As they got older, both drifted apart as Kiri was always with Spider and Aé'teya with her Tsahik training.

Now that they are new to the water, like the Olo'eyktan said they are like babies, learning to adapt. It was like how they were children learning to adapt their nature. Aé'teya took this as an opportunity to bond again with her sister.

She took the words from Neteyam last night, how she should be focusing on bonding with her family now that they're free. Something still telling her that they must be careful.

"It's nice to catch up with you again." She smiles at Kiri. "I'll have to be honest, I used to be jealous of you back in the forest." She chuckled to herself, thinking how stupid it was.

Kiri frowned, looking at her sister with a questionable look, "Why?"

"Because you were better at the Tsahìk thingy. I was scared of failing so I wanted to push myself to improve." Aé'teya's smile dropped. Her fingers were drawing on the sand. "It was stupid now I think of it,"


"But now that we're here, I thought it's a nice break from all those pressures and trying to be a better sister."

Kiri just stares at the sea. She had never truly seen her as a bad sister, and neither do the rest of her siblings. She actually is a good sister but Kiri couldn't get herself to confess it. Kiri only smiled at her and instead of saying anything, she stares down at Aé'teya's wrist.

"I like your bracelet," she compliments, pointing at the wrist of Aé'teya. Aé'teya's lips curve into a smile, and she beamed as she proudly look at her bracelet. "I know right? Tuk has been saying it's ugly. I'm going to brag to her that you said you liked it"

Kiri laughed as she could recall how Tuk would constantly tell Aé'teya how ugly her bracelet looked.

Aé'teya gasped, turning to Kiri with an excited expression, "Do you want me to make one for you?"

Kiri shrugged. "Sure,"

Aé'teya nod her head before she stood up and walk towards the water. She wasn't far from where Tuk, Tsireya, and she were collecting seashells. In fact, she was close enough to even see Kiri doing her own business.

Aé'teya took her time to find perfect shells that would look good with Kiri. Kiri wasn't complaining, she enjoys her time alone as well as Aé'teya does. Spending time alone while still being in each other's presence.

The girl came back to show Kiri the seashells she chose for her before sitting on the sand to make her bracelet. Kiri on the other hand was busy admiring the sand.

Aé'teya does not find that weird at all. Kiri had done more questionable things back in the forest.

Right when she was in the middle of making Kiri's bracelet, she heard an unpleasant voice not from far. At first, she ignored them but soon she looked up to find them talking to Kiri.

"Are you some kind of... freak?" Ao'nung asked, his friends were at the back grinning with evil expressions glued on their faces.

A frown turned to a scowl. Furiously, Aé'teya stood up, walking towards the group of Metkayina boys just as Kiri tries to walk away from them,

"He asked if you're a freak," One of his friends asked, repeating Ao'nung's question. Kiri shook her head with annoyance, "No,"

"Are you sure? I mean you're not even a real Na'vi–"

"Hey!" Aé'teya yelled, stopping right in Infront of Ao'nung. "Didn't I tell you to go away?"

"Look, it's forest girl again." Another of his friends said as the other laughed. "Or should we call you monkey girl? You are from the forest are you not?"

"Careful, she's mad." Another boy teased. "She might stick your heart with an arrow." He added with a mocking voice.

Ao'nung tried to grab Kiri's arm, to see her five fingers, "Look at these hands,"

"Don't touch her," Aé'teya hissed, stepping in front of the boy. She had the urge to bite his fingers off. They would never leave them alone. 

A loud sudden voice yelled at them, making them turn to Lo'ak. "Hey! Back off, Fish Lips." Lo'ak voice raised. His face was written with anger as he walks towards the scene.

"Another four-fingered freak!" Ao'nung grinned and laughed with the rest of his group. They began to jeer at him as one tried to hold onto Lo'ak's tail. "Look at his baby tail!"

They taunt him nonstop as Lo'ak tries to push them all away from tugging his tail, "Don't touch me,"

"Leave us alone!" Kiri shouted to them.

Baby tail, they called them. It was hard to watch her brother being bullied. Aé'teya had enough of it, she walked up to one of the boys. She began pulling his hair and pushing him away from Lo'ak.

"Stay away from him or I'll really stick an arrow in your heart," She threatened him. She snarled at him. But the boy did not take it seriously. 

It was no surprise that he thinks girls like her are no threat and not capable of wielding a weapon. But he was wrong, so wrong. She saw his expression and held herself from desperately wanting to show him what she was capable of.

Neteyam started to make his way and approach them, seeing how his siblings were being bothered. He grabbed Ao'nung's shoulder, pushing him away as he was facing Neteyam.

"You heard what she said," He points a finger in front of Ao'nung, "Leave them alone,"

"Ah, big brother coming-" The boy she pushed earlier was cut by Ao'nung who placed a hand before him. His eyes went from Neteyam to Aé'teya who held a face mix of disgust and anger.

"Back off, now," Neteyam growled at Ao'nung, his eyes glaring at the Metkayina boy.

Ao'nung stared at the four siblings with a slight smirk on his face. The boy held up his arm, finally showing them that they were to be left alone, and they were leaving. "Smart choice," Neteyam said.

He looked at both Kiri and Aé'teya. He knew they had picked on Aé'teya before and turned back to face Ao'nung, "From now on I need you to respect my sisters," He commanded.

A boy next to Ao'nung hissed at him. Aé'teya hissed back at him. Her target has been on him the whole time. They glared as if they were competing.

Kiri stuck out her tongue at them before she and Aé'teya were pulled by Neteyam. "Let's go," He said, placing his hands behind both of their back. The boy next to Ao'nung mockingly bid them goodbye. How he got on Aé'teya's nerves every time he speaks.

"All freaks, the whole family," Ao'nung did his last taunt. Lo'ak had enough of that and turned around, approaching him once again.

"Lo'ak," Neteyam warns him as if he knew what Lo'ak is about to do. "I got this, bro." Lo'ak held his hands up, convincing Neteyam.

Aé'teya's ears perked up with curiosity, her face no longer holding a scowl. She watches, questioning what Lo'ak will do. It interests her all of the sudden. 

Lo'ak raised his hand in front of Ao'nung, "I know this hand is funny," He then shows them his pinky, "Look, I am a freak- alien. But I can do something really cool, watch."

Aé'teya breathes out a quiet laugh, placing a hand to cover her smile. "First I ball it really tight like this," She held her laugh behind her palm, watching Lo'ak bending his fingers in a fist "Okay? Then..."

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