Seven Virtues(Theme)

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(This chapter won't have any action or plot moving stuff.Just some ramblings and teachings of great wisdom.You can skipt it if you came to the movie for the giant explosions and kung fu fighting.)

I'm gonna spoil the whole movie right here and right now.The Zodiacs won.

But let's face it we all knew that will happen.Their the good guys and good guys always win for crying out loud.(Except Avengers Infinity War.We don't talk about that.)

What you really want to know is how?

1.B/c their the good guys and good triumphs evil any day no matter how improbable it looks.

But come on!I mean the Seven Sins are like way more powerful than the Zodiacs.So need two more reasons for Zodiacs to win.

2.Once Sag revealed the Sins get their power from the foe their facing's desires the Zodiacs realized they needed to look into themselves.

I'm not trying to be preachy but finding virtues to defeat sins seemed like a good theme and plot point.

It's not easy just eliminating your moral weakness so I'm making this a supernatural technique called Zen.(Sorta like Talk-no-jutsu.Not real energy filled power but most powerful weapon there is.Allows you to examine yourself and teach yourself a lesson examining your memories and feelings.)

Aries remembered winning the Zenith tournament but going deeper he realized once again that he couldn't have done it without his friends.Even Taurus had helped him defeat Aquarius.Everything he is now was b/c of those who were with him.This was a lesson he had already learned but forgot.Once again he learned it.

He learned humility.

Cancer let go of his anger.It had mostly started started because of his desire but also inability to surpass Taurus.That insecurity had made him angry all the time.However he remembered that Taurus had always believed in him.He had trained him b/c he was sure he could be the one to give him a taste of defeat.Aries may have stolen that dream but that just means Cancer had two rivals to beat.And he will not loose.
His anger turned to steely determination and not only did it weaken Wrath but by cooling his anger Cancer unlocked the secret to his elemental powers.His element was water and his attribute(power based on his defination of water and strength) was ice.He had been practicing for ages hoping to reach Aries' level.Aries had unlocked it in one match.But letting go of anger allowed him to crack the puzzle.He was now able to create ice constructs.

Cancer learned patience.

-Looking into yourself and learning stuff seemed like a pain but Scorpio gave it a shot.Surprisingly it was quick and easy for him.I mean he was always lazy and didn't put too much effort but that was b/c he didn't need to.What's the point of doing your best if good was enough.What's the point of studying hard if your gonna end up passing anyway.What's the point of training if you always won easily.

"Why do something you don't want to do, if you don't need to do it."

That's was how he thought.But looking back he figured there were cases his laziness had cost him.

He had lost the Nadir race b/c he slacked off.Same deal with Zenith tournament.He always chose the path of least resistance.

If he had tried harder he might have won.Ofcourse he didn't care about those but now the world is at stake.
Come to think of it he didn't care about that either.

But if the world perished Pisces would probably be sad so why not try his best not to let that happen.After all he did care about her.(Maybe?I'm not sure about making him care about nothing.)

He learned hard-work.


Pisces had always wrestled with envy.After all she was considered as one of the weakest Zodiacs.Her power so useful underwater was nearly useless on dry land.She had worked hard to perfect her "fish outta water" style by transforming just parts of her body to fish she had researched and managed to find attack and defense use off all the while keeping untransformed part on the ground.Still she was envious of Aries' limitless endurance and Scorpio's superspeed one hit finish attacks.However remembering all the work she put into her training she remembered how unique and special it was.It can be used in as many number of ways as there are fish in the sea.

She could use a starfish's regenerative power,a shark's sharp teeth,a whale's weight and so many more.

Her power was truly versatile and unique.She envied no other person's power.

She learned satisfaction(being content with what you have.)

Capricorn had always figured it was ok to go around thinking of murder and gore as long as he doesn't act on it.Even tho fantasizing about it just made him want to do it more.
No...that wasn't right he new it was wrong but just couldn't help himself.

He wants to do something so he does it.

Right and wrong didn't matter to him much.He lives freely as he wanted and nobody could convince him not too.

Well that's what he thought at least.Virgo's face flashed into his mind and his will crumbled.He sighed.
He had thought he was immune to emotions(always being cheerful and all)
but I guess seeing and spending time with someone so good and bright can make even him want to become a better person.

Even hurt and in pain he knew she would be kind to those who harmed her.Well least he could do is not behead Lust afterall.He was such a nice guy right?

He learned self-control.

Taurus was generally easy-going.Out of all the zodiacs he had the least weakness.His one weakness is overindulgence.He loved life so he lived it to the fullest.He ate,drank and joked around.All good things, but too much of a good thing could be a bad thing.

He remembered his wrestling training days.Before he had learned the Zodiac arts and figured out a way to use his weight to the advantage of his immovable/unstoppable momentum ability he used to go on strict training regimes and a diet.

Well somethings the pro-wrestler never forgets.He dug deep into his memories and learned.

He learned temperance.(Not too much)


As for Leo he learned absolutely nothing.I mean yeah if he was fighting Wrath he could have learned a few points about being calm but he was fighting Greed.

Leo didn't really understand the value of money enough to be greedy.

Sag however did.She was poor once so she knew the value of money and the cruel threat of poverty.She had worked her way out of it but the fear it would return was ever present.But it is the sum of all fears of things like that that keeps one from doing right.

Till now she had gathered a huge fortune (the one she offered to give to Greed but considering he broke the contract he ain't getting it.) in fear that she might need it someday.Perhaps it was time for her to stop fearing the unknown and let go of the money.There were many in the world who needed it more than her.Many who were just like what she was.She decided to help them with it.

She learned Generosity.


Wow that turned into an unintentional sermon of goodness.Not bad if I do say so myself.Proud of myself.

This movie had a lot of themes and life-lessons(which I hope you take the time to learn and apply in your lives)
but for those that got bored we can go back to the action next chapter.

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