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They arrive where Virgo said they were attacked and sure enough everyone was still there.

The Sins are surprised and pleased that the Zodiacs that they were about to hunt have shown up by themselves.

When Taurus asks why they were attacking them the Sins reveal their plan of opening the gates of the underworld and bringing Death into the world to destroy it.

The Zodiacs declare they would stop them.

Greed needs to stay by the captured Zodiacs side so he can drain their power for the gate so the rest fight
1 VS 1.The gate that imprisons Death could be opened by the energy from marks(♈,♉,♎,...) the zodiacs have on their bodies.The marks serve as keys.All marks are needed to fully free Death but some can allow him to partially manifest himself in the zodiac's realm.

I paired up the opponents based on heros vs their own personal(moral) weakness.(Fatal flaws.)

Aries VS Pride.

Yeah nothing to be said here.It's the strongest Sin who took out Aquarius with one hit VS a kid.Pride enlarges his body parts and beats up Aries.Aries is tough so he endures all the hits Pride throws at him.His pride won't allow him to believe he'll loose afterall he was the Zenith.That just makes Prides power increase more.He enlarges himself into a several feet giant and smashes around Aries.Aries uses explosives power to bounce around him and trip him with headbutts.Finding fighting a fly as a giant annoying Pride reduces his size back to normal and instead increases energy levels.He practically goes Super Sayian on Aries and trashes him more with impossible physical speed and strength.Aries endures.

Scorpio VS Sloth

(Those two were practically twins in character.I mean I first created the seven sins characters(sloth) before I made the Zodiacs.(Scorpio).I just transfered Sloth's(perhaps Lazy (nickname Zee) is better cooler name character to Scorpio's.Point is they both didn't care what was going on.They just wanted to get it over with and go home to sleep.)

Scorpio attacks with speed.Sloth slows time to a crawl and lazily walks slowly to knock out Scorpio with a sheathed sword.Scorpio removes all his restrictions and enters hyper speed mode which only allows him to move normally while Sloth slowed him down.

Annoyed since he usually knocks out his opponents super fast Sloth draws blade and fight lazily against Scorpio's stinger.While Scorpio is slowed Sloth's attacks seem super fast.They fight faster than eye can see battle.

Pisces VS Envy
Envy reveals he has stolen Gemini's powers.Pisces isn't impressed b/c she had beaten Gemini in the Nadir race and is convinced she can do it again.
However Envy's genius allows him to use Gemini's powers like never before.
His clones were highly skilled ninja's.He could clone just parts of his body so each had many arms.And they used them skillfully to attack Pisces.Her powers are ineffective and Envy says he won't steal them b/c their boring and useless(Turning into fish.Weird right?)

She manages to hold out using her bubble sphere and aikido to detect and redirect the clones attacks.

Cancer VS Wrath
Or more accurately wrath fights wrath.
Wrath simply burned everything in sight loudly raving about how he hates everything about Cancer.(Crabs,Pincers voice,hairstyle and other unrelated stuff.)Cancer is equally angry and shouts back.As for their actuall fight Cancer was using his invisible energy proof shield(shell) while Cancer unleashed an inferno at him.He had figured Wrath's energy was going to run out from releasing waves of heat and fire in all directions but the fires kept getting stronger and hotter fuelled by Wrath's undying hatred and anger.
Cancer's shell however was starting to crack.

Cap VS Lust

Lust tries to trap Cap in a fantasy and make him her slave but he breaks free easily.Not b/c he was pure like Virgo.In fact he was the goat Zodiac as goat-like as they come if you know what I mean.
However he was always thinking of gore and violence and lived in a creepy fantasy of it in his head so breaking out of a fantasy using his own illusions was easy.Besides know he was focused on ripping apart the girl who hurt Virgo and taking back her head as a token.

Initially Lust is surprised that there is a man who can resist her but once she realizes what he's all about she laughs and reveals that there are d/t types of lust(earnest wrong desire) and feeds on Cap's desire for violence to transform into Bloodlust(vampire lust 2.0).She sends bats and animals to attack Cap and as he slaughters them her power grows from his bloodlust.They engage in a battle of projecting one's bloodlust( gore fantasy illusion attacks) on each other.

(Yeah this scene of the movie won't be rated PG-13 but you can dilute it down if you wish director.)

Taurus VS Gluttony

Yep this was the worst foe Taurus have ever faced.Not only did he feed of Taurus's love of indulgence but he also fed of his momentum and energy.
He created a region.(The sins' equivalent of the zodiac's sphere which really was if you hadn't noticed Zodiac equivalent of Domain Expansion from Jujutsu Kaisen).

In Gluttony's region(he called Kitchen) he was the the cheff and butcher knives and d/t food and bones attacked Taurus.

Taurus was as distracted by the deliciousness of the food as by the knives.With his momentum being sucked out by Gluttony it was all he could do defending himself by using Sphere technique to harden air around him.The hardened air blocked the knives,food and bones.

(Well let's get it straight.If you ask me Taurus is the one who should be the Zenith.He was the best combination of brawn,brains,good humor and heart.Like a good guy Bane.
However he was also comical and thus was easily tempted by food.Like those overpowered guys in movies that act silly and all.He was modeled after Aoi Todo from JJK and Yami from Black clover.)

Long story short they were all loosing.

Greed observed all this as he powered up the gates with the captured zodiacs.

Libra was totally exhausted from holding back all seven sins while Virgo escaped.More energy being drained from her was excruciatingly painful to her but she held a brave face and didn't complain.

Aquarius on the other hand had tears in her eyes.Her energy regenerated quickly but her pride was wounded.She was always like that.She hated loosers and thought they were pitiful so when she looses she is hard on herself and thinks she's pitiful.Lately she lost thrice and her 'most powerful zodiac' title was disappearing.Libra understood that and comforted her even tho she herself was in so much pain.Despite all the disagreement she had with Aquarius she understood her case and knew Virgo will be kind to her too.Even while being mean Aquarius lent her strength to their team.And when she was weak they were there for her.That's what being a team is.

Leo had awoken and was fiercely yelling threats at Greed which were all ignored.

Sag on the other hand was keeping calm as she came up with a plan.She negotiated with Greed and offered to bribe him with everything they had.

(Flying mansion plus wealth the Zodiacs get as guardians of the celestial spheres.Oh didn't I mention that that was their original jobs and that they get paid.Sorry it wasn't important to the plot till now b/c till now they just competed with eachother.)

She offers to give it all to him.He senses a trap since he is the smartest of the Sins but couldn't turn down a chance to make money.He was Greed after all.

He asks her what she wants and to everyone's surprise she just asks him to free Leo.

He guesses this is an attempt to let the guy she liked escape and agrees making a contract with her he can't break.

One prisoner release for one mansion and all it's wealth.

But as soon as he let's him go he states that the contract doesn't say he can't recapture after "releasing" him and attacks with gold chains.He always honored contracts but loopholes were fair play.Afterall among other things he was a lawyer and businessman.

Sag ofcourse had anticipated this.She had heard how Virgo endured Lust's attack and how Libra managed to pin all seven down for a while and realized that the Sins were powered up by their enemies evil desire.Leo had a shortfuse so Wrath was able to knock him down but Leo was far from greedy.He was a noble lion.

She tells everyone(him and other 6 fighting) the source of the sins' power and encourages them to fight.Well she did the observing and reporting a plan in a cold and calculating manner.Leo did the encouraging speech.(Aragon/Braveheart style).

Well that turned the tide of the battle.

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