Thrown away (Chapter 1)

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'Thoughts/mental conversation'

Draconic Voice/Ddraig and Albion

Transitions/Time skips


The room stayed silent, no one daring to say a word in fear of angering Rias any more until;

"Rias I-" Akeno tried speaking but was cut off when Rias rose her aura striking fear in everyone present.

"No I don't want to hear it, because of you I was humiliated and shamed in front of everyone" Rias said angrily.

"Rias that isn't fair she was-" Issei tried reasoning but was also cut off.

"You're at fault here too Issei, if you weren't so weak this whole situation could have been avoided but now I'm a joke among Devils and won't ever be able to live this down"

"Rias I'm sorry I was just trying stop Riser" Akeno spoke up again.

"Well then care to explain how you ended up blasting me with Holy Lightning instead of him?"

"I- you know I'm not skilled with that power I wasn't intentionally trying to hit you" Akeno pleaded.

"Oh you weren't intentionally trying to hit me, oh ok then that fixes this whole situation doesn't it" Rias stopped for a few seconds taking a breath before continuing. "We had a chance you know, Riser said that he wouldn't regenerate for 10 seconds and instead of letting me attack him you blast me with your fifthly Fallen Angel lightning and before that Issei you tried charging Riser after you let him rile you up like Issei how could you possibly be so weak and stupid" Rias finished.

"Rias I know we messed up but at least you got out of the marriage" Akeno pleaded further.

"No thanks to you of course, the only reason I got out of it was because my brother made a deal with Riser that aloud him to be promoted to an Ultimate-Class Devil and for me to be humiliated in front of everyone"

"Look Rias we're-" Issei spoke but was again cut off.

"No I can't do this anymore, I can't believe I aloud a Fallen Angel and a filthy pervert to be apart of my peerage"

"What do you mean?" Akeno asked when suddenly both she and Issei felt hellish pain all throughout their body and were horrified to see their respective evil pieces emerge from their chests and land on the floor.

"Rias why!?" Issei asked as he fell to the ground coughing up blood.

Ignoring his question Rias spoke "Don't worry about anyone wondering where either of you are, I'll wipe everyone's memory of you"

"My parents" Issei said weakly causing Rias to grin sadistically.

"Don't worry about that they'll always remember their sweet daughter" Rias said as she stood up from her desk and walked over to the pair. "You two are disgusting" Rias muttered before a magic circle appeared around both Issei and Akeno, teleporting them to somewhere unknown.

"By the Maou what do I do now?" Rias asked to no one in particular, turning her attention to her remaining peerage members. "You three"

"Yes Rias" Kiba, Koneko and Asia said in sync.

"I want you all to search for humans with powerful Sacred Gears to replace those two"

"Rias you know how rare powerful Sacred Gears are you can't expect us to just find someone with one" Kiba spoke up.

"Do you think I care? Unless you want to end up like those two you better find someone" Rias demanded, scaring everyone with her new personality.

"Yes Rias" The trio said defeated.

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