Church Duo (Chapter 3)

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'Thoughts/mental conversation'

Draconic Voice/Ddraig and Albion

Transitions/Time skips


"Well well, who do we have here"

Despite his every instinct telling him to run Issei spun around and went to attack the figure only for them to dodge and grab Issei by the throat.

"Yo-you?" Issei got out despite being choked. The man, who Issei recognised to be one of his clients when he was a devil smiled.

"Well Issei I'm glad you remember me"

"Issei" Akeno said cautiously, she could tell the man had zero intent to kill but was still on edge. "That's Azazel, the Governor of the Fallen Angels there's no way for you to beat him"

"Wha-" Issei said before getting dropped flat on his ass. "Why were you summoning me then when I was a devil?"

"To keep an eye on you of course, and to find out if you were a threat. I mean who wouldn't be cautious of the Red Dragon Emperor" Azazel shifted his gaze to Akeno. "Although I suspect we have a new wielder now"

"Well Azazel, it's good to meet you. It's been a while hasn't it" Ddraig said.

"Indeed, it's always interesting though to meet with your possessors" Azazel smiled before turning his attention back to Issei. "Sorry for the crude introduction however now that you know who I am we can do this properly now, I'm Azazel, Governor General of the Fallen Angels" Azazel extended his hand which Issei took.

"I'm Issei Hyoudou, former Red Dragon Emperor"

"Indeed care to explain how that came to be, former Red Dragon Emperor"

Issei thought for a second before deciding there wouldn't be much harm telling him since he already knew that he and Akeno were alive. Issei went on to explain the events from the being reincarnated as a devil to facing Riser and finally everything that happened after that till now.

"That feels a little far fetched" Azazel scratched the back of his head.

"I can show you proof then, first however set up a barrier around us" Azazel nodded and quickly set up a barrier around them, eager to see what Issei had to show him. Seeing the barrier being put up, Issei took a deep breath as he released his aura and let it run rampant causing the ground beneath them to crack. Azazel stood in awe, while no where near as powerful as Great Reds still was undoubtedly an offshoot of his.

"Incredible" Azazel muttered as Issei stopped releasing his aura.

"Now what?" Issei asked.

"How about a place to stay at the Grigori?" Azazel offered causing Akeno to tense.

Noticing Akeno's reaction Issei replied "We'll be alright we've got a place to stay"

"Really? Then why are you here?"

"I wanted to see what had happened in the time we were gone. I still want to check some things so we won't be going for a while" Issei explained causing Azazel to raise his eyebrow.

"What about Akeno? Does she want to stay here, have you thought about what she wants" Azazel questioned.

Before Issei could answer Akeno spoke "I'm fine, I'm here to make sure Issei doesn't do anything stupid"

"Hmm... I like that" Azazel answered. "Well then I suppose I'll get going then, cya" Azazel quickly teleported away not giving either of them a chance to reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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