Kuoh (Chapter 2)

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'Thoughts/mental conversation'

Draconic Voice/Ddraig and Albion

Transitions/Time skips


"What-" Akeno replied shocked.

"I just need to do something" Issei continued causing Akeno to get angry.

"What? What are you going to do? Are you going try and kill them is that it" Akeno yelled angrily. "You know that will only get yourself killed"

Issei however didn't responds as a large burst of energy shot out from his body knocking Akeno back. Watching Issei transforming into a dragon Akeno felt despair washing over her body as Issei soon began flying at speeds she could never hope to achieve.

"This is it. Issei is going to get himself killed, there is nothing we can do now" Akeno muffled into her arms crying.

'Not quite, there might be a way for you to save him' Ddraig suddenly spoke up.

'How?" Akeno asked desperate for anything at this point to save Issei.

'Balance Breaker' Ddraig answered, determined to save his former partner and friend.

'But doesn't that require months of training?' Akeno asked.

'Never underestimate the will and determination of a dragon, we strive to achieve our dreams no matter the cost'

'You're right" Akeno said as she stood up. 'What do I do?'

"Nothing, I'm going to transform part of your body to that of a dragon. However it needs to be something significant" Ddraig explained.

"Why's that?"

"Because the more significant the part the more power you'll gain. Doing an arm will get you say... 10 seconds but doing something like a heart or brain will get you much longer and will have greater effects"

"What other effects would something like a heart have" Akeno asked, wondering what part of her body to sacrifice.

"A heart?" That will get you increased regeneration, tougher skin and overall increase your bass stats"

"How about my brain and eyes?"

"Increased mental awareness and brain processing power by at least x50 and will give you the instincts of a dragon as well as your senses. And eyes will increase your eyesight.

"And my limbs?"

"It will increase your strength in those parts" Ddraig finished.

"Alright well how about my arms, legs, heart, and one of my eyes"

"Akeno I know you're answer will likely not change but there is a risk that comes with doing so much at once. If something happens you could lose that body part forever" Ddraig warned.

"I don't care I'll do whatever it takes to save Issei" Akeno continued, determined to save Issei.

"Very well then. I'll begin but there's no going back once I start there's not stopping until it's done"

"Do it"

"Very well" A rush of pain suddenly travelled through Akeno's body worse than anything she's ever felt before but before she had a chance to fully comprehend it, everything went dark and she was knocked unconscious.

'This better work' Ddraig hoped as he began working on Akeno's body.

With Issei

An explosion rang out and windows of houses below shattered as Issei rocketed through the air breaking the sound barrier. Figuring out he was somewhere over Europe Issei had been heading east and after a few hours.

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