Ch:4 First day at school

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Hey everyone 👋 my deeply apologies that I didn't update the story for too long, I have lot of things as sometimes i don't have time to update. I hope you enjoy my story the illusion of love.🥰

Yesterday you received a box with full of red blazers, pants and white shirts. You looked at the mirror to admire yourself. "I am looking stunning, good thing I have my glasses to wear just incase to hide my beauty." You think yourself. You take your bagpack with full of necessities of books,copybooks and scholar materials. You walk on the pavement silently feeling the breeze touches your skin. You take a sharp breath and look at the blue sky, "At least the hollows don't tear the beautiful blue sky with their ugly hands." You mumbled under your breath.

"Oh, you actually come, that would be nice to be your friend." You recognise the feminine voice speaks to you. You look at the blonde with calm and stern expression, "Yeah I decided to create my own path to make my life better." You said in boring tone. "Don't forget some paths are full of traps you have to bear the pain to face the obstacles." She jokes. "Yeah, oh by the way I didn't catch your name miss."

"I am Mary Saotome nerdy man and you?"

"Y/n L/n call me Y/n Saotome." You introduced. "Mary no need formalities." She replied as well.

You talked about your hobbies you well not all of them especially your soulreaper duty, you didn't talk to her because she is a human. "Here we are!" She exclaims with pride. You are in awe how the school is enormous, "~Hellooo~ quit your daydream Y/n you are going to be late." She snaps you into the reality.

She leans you to the council where you can have the paper schedule. While you are reaching to the wooden door, she left you alone since you don't need her anymore for guidance as you will get a map. You knock on the door three times and a girl with ponytail side opened it. "You must be Y/n L/n if I presume?" She queried you formally. "That's right." You quickly answered. She let's you in and you are being met by the student councils. You observe your surroundings and you find the atmosphere strangely dense. "This is odd, I never feels this weird feelings after i made a first glance with the captain 1st division." You think yourself. "Um, Greetings miss I am here to have uhh, class schedule?" You stuttered a little while you are speaking with an alluring girl. "I see as we first time we met, I am Kirari Momobami 105th president of Hyakkaou Academy." She introduced herself. "O-oh it's a pleasure to meet you Madame president." You bowed at her respectfully.

She gives you the class schedule then you thank her by bowing and went away. "Sayaka, give me the file of that transfer student." She ordered her secretary.

"Oh? Got some interest to that nerdy guy president?" Midari speaks with curiosity while cleaning her gun.

"That Y/n, he is hiding himself hmmm....." She lifts the file of your background.

"Strange, they are blank only date of birth and his name." She spoke sweetly.
"What?! That's impossible how the file has empty slot?!" Kaede exclaimed while typing his laptop. "Did he have any grade marks on this file?" Yuriko asked the president. "No unfortunately, this will make my curiosity grow stronger how will he able to survive from my aquarium." The president stands up to glance the fish swimming.

"This boy, I know him somewhere.........but when?" She mumbled.

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