Ch:3 Y/n's present

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It has been four weeks you're working as a delivery, you have a childhood friend Ichiro Myoga who is yawning like a tiring dog. "What's up ginger-man you look so tired?" You inquired him while picking some box to deliver. "I am just sleeping late that's all." He responds. You quickly understood that he was playing video games all night. "Your bad habits died hard as I see." You press the doorbell and sighed about your partner's behaviour. The door is opened and you are greeted by a beautiful girl. "Oh the delivery, I nearly forgot thank you." The girl said. "U-uh sure no problem." You don't know why are you stuttering. "Friend of yours?" She points at Ichiro who becomes clumsy by falling his motorcycle.

"Yeah, he has some lack of sleeping." You sigh. "I see,you seem different I mean you look smart and neat, which school do you go?" She asked you. She asked you. You feel embarrassed that you didn't have any school to go,"He has no school to go unless you can name the school you go so that he can stay contact with you." Ichiro teased. You feel more embarrassed and give him a death glance to shut him up.

"Alright, if you want your futur become brighter there's school named Hyakkaou academy." Mary told. "Really that must be expensive!" You exclaimed in surprise. "If you want to make it free, you have to become a scholarship student, their fees become free if you are holding your good grades." The blonde girl explains. "Anyway why did I talk to you in the first place?" She asked herself and shut the door to leave you speechless.

"Woah, she has some guts huh?" Ichiro said in awe. "Yeah this school must be interesting if i go there." You spoke your friend. "Ah! You will be tired as hell N/n." Ichiro warned you. "Don't worry ginger-man man, I know how to manage my time." You reassured him.

You went to your apartment and open your laptop to search that eccentric school, "Hmm, this school will give you the brightest future you have ever imagine, everyone has equal opportunities for their graduation hmmm." You realise the black butterfly land on your thumb aka: Aizen is here.

"You want to go from that school?" Your uncle asked. "Umm, yeah? If I have degree, I can have a proper job with a proper salary." You replied. Aizen hums in response and check the information "Hmm...this is good idea, you have a path that you have creat and you will do it make sure you are careful enough from your futur." He told you and vanished away. You sigh and got the notification that your day will start on Monday, "Funny, I have weekend tommorrow well better go to sleep."

As you throw yourself on the bed, you hear the howl of hollows. You cursed yourself underneath and going to kill the fallen souls once and for all.

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