TWO. higher than a kite, stiffer than a stone

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    "ROACH!" JOSHUA called out, walking into the living room where Rachel (Roach) was sitting, "We've gotta talk about this crush free summer

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"ROACH!" JOSHUA called out, walking into the living room where Rachel (Roach) was sitting, "We've gotta talk about this crush free summer."

"Can we do it after we get high at the Forman's I might give you the answer you want to hear."

Joshua sat down next to Rachel. He was going to make this crush free summer plan lose all its meaning if he was able to get one kiss from Leia Forman.

"Look, I'm all for that feminism shit and I want to be able to help you out with this crush thing."

"You want to get rid of the plan you came up with?"

"Not exactly. I'm gonna help Jay notice you. He treats you like one of the boys. Someone he could play flag football with and pitch a tent without it be weird."

"Pitch a tent?" Rachel questioned, "Is he really?" She smiled.

"He's my best friend and he tells me gross shit all the time, even if it's about you." Joshua said, "The point is, I think Leia is pretty and you think Jay is super hot, so why don't we help each other out instead of having a crush free summer."

"I'm listening."

"You tell Leia how great I am and I'll tell Jay that pitching a tent means so much more than what he thinks."

Rachel sat with the suggestion for a moment. If she could get Leia to look her brother in the way he wanted, he would be golden, but that didn't mean that Jay would suddenly fall for Rachel.

"Fine, I'll help."

Joshua hopped up from the couch with a smile, pulling Rachel up with him and hugging her tight.

"Best twin ever! Now let's get high!"

THE GROUP found themselves down in the Forman's basement with the bag of weed that had been found in the Candy Land box. To say they were excited would be an understatement. Well, everyone but Leia was excited. She had even wore a D.A.R.E. shirt that afternoon.

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