Catching Up...

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"The Castle", British Colombia:


"Again." Bella's voice said as Y/N sent another spell at the training dummy, Michael had the tracking charm removed covertly, he wouldn't want to be caught doing actual field work after all.


"Better, go again." Bella said as she watched Y/N send another spell at the dummy.


"Good work. Now go again."


"Brilliant work." Bella said as she stopped Y/N from performing another spell by raising her hand. "That's enough, we've been at it for two hours. Take a minute to breathe, we'll see how your duelling skills have improved, did you read the books I told you to?"

"Yes, all seven of them." Y/N said as they heard the wind whooshing outside, Bella remembered the sound of the Dementors. Y/N noticed her breathing hitch for a moment but knew to let it be for now.

"Right ready?" Bella asked as Y/N nodded.



"Show don't tell dearie, in a real fight no one's going to ask if you're ready, the people you face will be trying to kill you!" Bella said as Y/N picked up his wand and went at it again.


Protego! Stupify!

Bella dodged the stunning spell and began a relentless barrage against Y/N using spells as the boy struggle keeping up with her constant stream of attacks, he was backing up until Bella tripped him up.

"Footwork! Come on Y/N. These people will kill you if you just take a beating and wait for the opportunity to come to you, you need to make your own openings." Bella said as Y/N struggled back up to his feet. "I've seen these people kill duellists with twice as much experience as you, fully trained aurors cut down in their prime. You won't stand a chance like this! If they had her hostage right now Wednesday would be dead!"

"This cannot register on an emotional level. First distract target. Then block her blind disarm. Counter with diffindo to left cheek. Stupify. Dazed, she'll attempt wild flipendo. Employ Protego maxima block and depulso. Block feral stupify, Diffindo right jaw. Now left. Depulso. Flipendo. Diffindo left leg. Depulso blast to diaphragm. In summary, ears ringing, three easily treatable cuts, diaphragm haemorrhaging . Physical recovery six hours. Full psychological recovery six days." Y/N planned out in his head.

Y/N executed the plan almost perfectly, altering some points to adapt to Bella deviating from his predictions. When he had disarmed Bella Y/N looked at her on the floor before flicking his wand and healing her cuts.

"Where did that come from?" Bella asked with a chuckle as Y/N helped her to her feet.

"Self taught, sort of." Y/N said as he and Bella left to go to the dining room where they were greeted by Michael.

"Hello Brother mine." Michael said as Y/N looked at him. "Did you have fun with dearest Mummy?"

"Michael." Bella warned as he smirked.

"Come along Brother, your belongings and trunk have already been sent to the Addams Family home, Enola is at the Burrow now." Michael said as he held his hand out to Y/N who reluctantly took his hand, the pair apparating away to a nearby shore where Michael raised the barrier that stopped Bella from escaping. 

They arrived at the Addams Family home a few moments later, Y/N took a breath before turning and seeing Michael apparate away.

As Y/N walked into the Mansion and looked around at the scenes until he heard the familiar taps of fingers crawling along the floor, Y/N looked down at Thing.

"Hello Thing, had a good holidays?" Y/N asked as the hand gave a thumbs up. "Good. Where is everyone?"

Thing gestured for Y/N to follow him. As Y/N lead him to the main room, Y/N was welcomed by Morticia and who he assumed was Gomez Addams.

"Ah, Y/N, lovely to see you again. I've read somewhere that you and Wednesday had quite the adventure together in school." Morticia said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, well, it's a story that Wednesday tells far better than I do. It's a nice to see you again Mrs Addams and Mr Addams I presume?" Y/N asked as the man smiled.

"Yes, pleasure to meet you. Wednesday hasn't been able to stop talking about you since she returned the little deadly scorpion." Gomez said as Y/N smiled.

"Well, it was a pleasure to share the adventure last year with Wednesday, not many people are as...skilled as your daughter." Y/N said as he heard footsteps approaching. That was when Wednesday walked around the corner to see Y/N.

"Y/N!" Wednesday said as Y/N smiled.

"Hello Wednesday. Have a good holiday?"

"It was boring. How were you? I heard you've been with your mother over the holidays." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

They began to talk about their holidays while Morticia and Gomez smiled at the pair before leaving them and giving them some space...

Who Fell First? (YEAR 2) [Male Reader x Wednesday Addams]Where stories live. Discover now