Enemies of the Heir Beware

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"Death day party? Go into the dungeons and hang around a bunch of dead people while they all celebrate when someone died...sounds dead depressing to me." Ron said as he sulked.

"Sounds like torture, my idea of heaven." Wednesday said as Y/N smirked.

"How many living people can say they've been to a death day party?" Harry asked as Hermione smiled.

"Why not it sounds like fun." Hermione said as everyone looked to Ron.

"Oh, all right, I'll come with you." Ron said as they all smirked.

Halloween arrived and the group all headed down to one of the bigger rooms in the dungeons, they found ghostly candles lighting the hallway as they walked in, seeing a gathering of at least 30 ghosts.

"Ah, welcome. Thank you for coming." Nick said as Y/N looked around. Nick floated off as Hermione already began asking if they could leave.

"Oh god no, it's moaning myrtle. Come on, let's go." Hermione said as they all looked at her like she was mad. They didn't notice Y/N walk up to Myrtle.

"Hello, Myrtle Warren?" Y/N asked as Wednesday joined him.

"You know my real name?"

"Yes, unsolved murder at Hogwarts around 50 years back. One of my fathers first ever unsolved cases." Y/N said as Myrtle looked shocked.

"Holmes. Your father was always so kind to me." She said as Y/N smiled. "How is he?"

"He's um...I wouldn't know...he and I, we don't talk." Y/N said as Myrtle looked at him.

"He could be quite cold sometimes." Myrtle said as she began crying.

"Do you mind if I ask how you died?" Y/N asked as Myrtle smiled flirtatiously at Y/N who brushed it off. Wednesday stepped closer to Y/N. As Myrtle got into telling her story, Y/N saw Harry looking around alarmed.

"Oi! Listen Holmes!" Myrtle snarled as Y/N turned to her.

"Sorry Myrtle. But I think someone's in danger." Y/N said as he and Wednesday rushed over to Harry.

"Did you hear it?" Harry asked as both Y/N and Hermione looked around wearing concerned looks.

"Hear what?" Ron asked.

"That voice."

"Voice? What voice?" Hermione said as Harry looked for the source of the mysterious voice.

"I heard it first in Lockhart's office, when I was with Y/N. Are you sure you didn't hear it in detention?" Harry asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Certain." Y/N said.

"I heard it in detention and then again just--" Harry interrupted himself and looked off past Hermione and Ron. "It's moving. I think it's going to kill."

Harry set off down the corridor.

"Kill?" Ron asked as himself, Hermione, and Y/N all followed Harry through the corridors.

"Harry, wait! Not so fast!" Hermione called out as they followed Harry until he came to a stop in the middle of a hallway. As the quintet arrived they saw Harry approaching spiders that were moving in a line.

"Strange, I've never seen spiders act like that." Harry noted.

"I don't like spiders." Ron stated.

"Do you do any other impressions, or is it just Bruce Willis in Die Hard 2?" Harry said looking at Ron.

Who Fell First? (YEAR 2) [Male Reader x Wednesday Addams]Where stories live. Discover now