Chapter 1: The Night We Met

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Mavis's POV

I was at home, working on a new script for a song I'm a singer. I am known mostly for my angelic voice but when lockdown happened I got into writing. After 3 years the writing became a passion and inspired me the make my own film.

As I was concentrating on writing, my door opened to my best friend Ireland who starred in the hit Disney movie 'Brave' and since she's released her own music.

"Hi, it's me" she yells through the house.

I continued to write, as I watch Ireland walk past me and sat down on the sofa, where I was.

"Hey" I answered taking my eyes off my computer.

"I got tickets to the Elvis premiere and you're going with me" Ireland demands, showing me the tickets.

"I would love too but I'm busy" I say, turning my head to my computer.

"Come on please" Ireland whines, wanting me to say 'yes.'

"No" I answered, beginning to continue with my work.

"Pretty please" she asks again but this time softly.

Ireland looks at me with sad eyes. I sighed before nodding my head. She hugs me tightly before handing me my ticket,

"I suppose I should get dressed." I say, before standing up.

"I'll wait here" She tells me while putting her feet up and going on her phone.

I save my work before turning my laptop off. I left Ireland sitting on the sofa and went into my room. I look into the wardrobe trying to find a perfect outfit for tonight.

I changed into a formal elegant black dress which had a split down showing my legs. My hair was down and I had very little makeup on. Ireland was wearing a flannel dress.

"Should we go?" I questioned, making Ireland look up.

"Yep let's go" She responds, with a smile on her face.

"You're driving then" I tell her, grabbing my phone before we both left the house.

"Who said we're driving?" She tells me, making me confused.

I look at her confused as we left the building. Outside, a black limo awaited us. I stare at Ireland in shock. The driver opens the limo door, I got in first, Ireland slid in after. We both sat down, excitedly.

The driver starts the limo and carefully drives us to the cinema. Ireland pours herself some wine while I was looking out the window.

From the distance, I could see a red carpet leading to the cinema. Many paparazzi were waiting for the guests to arrive. The driver parks, we both got out. Ireland leaves me as soon as she got out. I wouldn't blame her to be honest, I don't like going to premiere's especially when I have severe anxiety.

More time passes as I slowly walked towards the red carpet. One of the paparazzi's must have seen me as people began to shout out my name.

"Mavis look this way" a paparazzi says, making most of them turn to me and take photos of me.

"To your right.. right" another paparazzi shouts, making me turn right.

I make my way through the crowds of people trying to get out of the way. As I was walking quickly through the event, my body was slammed into somebody's chest. I immediately stepped back embarrassed of myself.

"I... I am so sorry" I said nervously, feeling really embarrassed.

"It's okay. Are you alright?" They guy questions in a very deep voice.

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