Chapter 3: Drunk & Hungover

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Mavis's POV

I was home alone as my boyfriend went out with his friends for a catch up or something. Not really sure, what it was for. I didn't really know what to do so I sat on the sofa with a film I'm producing and making. It was around 1 in the morning when I got a text from one of Austin's friends saying he was completely waisted and is on his way home in a taxi. I was quite annoyed but it wasn't Austin's fault. I waited for him to get back so I could take care of him.

Around five minutes later, the door opened to a very drunk Austin. He bumped into things as he made his way over to me. I moved my laptop onto the table. I stood up and as soon as I stood up, Austin's arms went around me. He pulled me into a warm hug. I love his hugs but when he's drunk, he holds me very tightly. One day I'm gonna get a cracked rib from one of his drunk hugs.

"How was your night" I asked as he continued to hug me tightly.

"It was goooooood" he replied which sent chills down my back as his vibration of his voice echoed through my skin.

"Did someone miss me" I answered back, I didn't get a respond but I could feel his head nodding slightly. I thankfully pulled away so I wouldn't get a cracked rib from his hug.

Austin made a sad look once I pulled away. He tried to hug me again but I moved away.

"Why did you move away" he innocently says, not understanding why I didn't want a hug.

"You're drunk Austin and I want you to get to bed as I know how hungover you will be tomorrow" I answered. I turned around to grab my laptop from the table. I heard a noise behind me, it sounded like someone throwing up. I turned around to see Austin vomiting u in a bin next to me.

I quickly grabbed a bucket from underneath the sink and some tissues. I really hate sickness so I was going to hate this. I swapped the bin to a bucket. I was gagging myself as soon as I was emptying the bin.

I heard a quiet cry, I went over to Austin and sat up by him. I rubbed his back, helping him.

"I'm sorry baby" he said. He must have felt so bad about throwing. It wasn't his fault.

"It's okay babe, I know it's not your fault. Why don't we go to bed" I said. I helped him stand up. I left the bucket in the sink, as I wanted to help Austin first.

Luckily he didn't throw up anymore as I helped him get into his shorts. I put his dirty clothes in the basket, I helped him lie down in bed. I left the bedroom and went to sort the bucket out. I put my pajama top over my nose trying not to be sick myself. I cleaned up the sick before going to bed. I brought the bucket with me just in case. As soon as I went into the bedroom, I saw Austin fast asleep soon after, with my arm around him.

-Next Day- 

I got woken up around 9:30 am to Austin moaning in pain. I turned my head to see him holding his head. I carefully sat up and stretched. Austin turned his head towards me with a sad smile.

"Morning babe" he whispered trying to make the least amount of noise he could.

I put my hand into his hair, which helped him relax. I kissed his head before getting up.

"I'm going to get you something to eat and a drink" I whisper to him.

I left the bedroom for a few minutes, I hear footsteps walking into the living room. I see Austin holding his head again, in pain. I bring over some food and a glass of water with also a paracetamol tablet, which should help his headache. I left him alone, while I showered and got changed. 

After half an hour, I walked back into the living room to see Austin finishing his breakfast. He smiled at me and tapped the seat next to him.

"How are you feeling" I asked him as he leans back and puts his arm around me.

"Not bad, your food really helped me" he replies which makes me smile.

He kisses me softly, I kiss him back and lay in his arms.

"I'm sorry about last night, you shouldn't have had to look after me" Austin says in a sad tone as he looks at me with regret.

"Hey, you wanted to spend time with your friends and I don't mind looking after you" I say which made him smile.

We lay on the sofa in each others arms for hours. I continued to bring food and water to Austin as the day goes on. His hangover wasn't as bad as it was in the morning which I'm very thankful for. We spent the day, watching movies and talking about random things. I love spending time with him when it's just us two together. We don't get to do it often but when we do I always treasure the day. Even if he is hangover I always treasure the day as it means a lot to me.

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