Chapter 13: Little Game

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Mavis's POV

Louis was my husband and Austin Butler happened to be his brother.. I loved Louis just not enough. Me and Austin were secretly fucking for a month now since our little interaction two years ago during the wedding. I was in the bathroom while his brother waited for me to come down the isle. When I did all I could think about was Louis's brother Austin Butler.

I was in the kitchen washing up the dishes and picking up the mess I created from the dinner I just had.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a big bulge rubbing against the middle of my ass. I bit my lip but didn't look back. I slightly rubbed my ass against the bulge as I heard a quiet moan come from behind me. That wasn't Louis?..

I turned around to see Austin Butler hard as a rock. "Austin" I whispered slightly still horny from his big bulge rubbing against my ass. I looked over my shoulder and seen Louis was no where in sight. "He left baby... Give us way more time to fuck" He was so close towards my face I could feel his warm breath against my lips.

I tugged on his shirt wanting him so badly.

"Come here" he demanded.

I followed the tall handsome man into a room. The room was pitch black and dark.

"Austin I can't see.." I just heard him chuckle. "Take off your clothes" I did as he wished and stripped my clothes off.

"Put this on.." He hand me some clothes that I couldn't see. I put it on and bit my lip wondering what he was up to. "Where are you.."

I felt his warm breath at the back of my neck "Don't worry about it.. I wanna play a game" I gulped as I felt a blind fold go over my eyes then tie tightly.. I now heard the light switch flick on and all I heard was heavy breathing.

I felt hands push me down on a very comfortable bed. "Take your blindfold off.."

I seen the light reflect off his abs and I bit my lip at the sight.

He grabbed me by my ankles and turned me around to where my ass was facing up in the air. His dominance made me whimper like a little puppy wanting a treat.

He puts my hands behind my back and tied them together. I didn't want to call him Austin anymore. I felt a cold hard smack against my ass causing me to gasp.


"Say it again" he smacked my ass harder this time making me whine.

"Daddy!!" I said a little louder..

"Again!!" He yelled out smacking my ass even harder. I felt my ass tingling from the slap.

"DADDY!" I yelled out more confidently.

I just felt soft lips kiss the tingling sensation on my left ass cheek. "That's my good girl"

I felt two fingers tease the entrance of my clit.

I moaned out "Oh daddy" I felt them start to pump in and out of me.  He always knew where my g-spot was. He kept hitting it and hitting the same spot each time.

I was a moaning sensation.. "that's right.." I felt his breath against my clit and I just moaned now wanting him soo badly!

I started feeling his tongue lick my clit up and down. God I loved this feeling! Louis hasn't had sex with me since a year ago so this is all that I wanted right now. I was desperate...

"Mm Austin" I moaned out in pleasure. I felt his tongue glide off of my clit and I sighed still wanting more..

He slapped my ass again.. "Did you forget what your supposed to call me during sex?"

"I'm sorry daddy.." My breath hit the blankets as I felt his big cock insert into my clit.

I gasped as I felt myself stretch and walls tighten. "Fuck!!" I yelled out.

"Mm you like that don't you pretty baby" he started pounding into me. The sensation of pleasure I felt was so amazing I couldn't help but drool.

He was now slamming inside me hitting my g-spot everytime. "Oh baby" I heard him mumble.. his thrusts became slower as I saw him grab something from the side of the bed.

He grabbed a small vibrator and stuck it into my ass causing me to gasp. I was stretching.. it hurt but felt so good! My heart was pounding like crazy my clit was gushing juices.

He pushed the vibrator in and out as he still thrusted inside me!!.. "fuck I'm close" I moaned loudly from the stretching in my ass and the thrusting.

"Daddy!! I'm close" I screamed out. "Faster!!" I knew he was smirking.. he pumped faster inside of me as I bit my lip "HARDER!!" He was dug down deep inside me now pumping as hard as he could.

We both came. The two of us were out of breath and full of sweat and white juices.

Knock, knock, knock..

It was my husband!! He saw my now stretched hole and Austin was smiling and proud of what he has down..

"What the fuck Mavis..." Louis cried out.

I was still tied up so I couldn't move. "Stay tied" I heard Austin say.

"Now get out I'm not finished!" He pushed Louis out the front door and I heard it slam. "Mavis baby? Are you prepared for round 2?" I hesitated... But nodded (OH HELL YEAH.)

Austin Butler x Mavis Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now