And the killer gives mercy to...

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Sidney was having a rough time on her own with the mysterious caller and having been found by yet another ghost face.That night back in Hollywood everyone was at Jennifer's house as soon as they left the studio Lana had called her husband and told load everybody in the car and come straight to Jennifer's can be heard blasting as the body guard is seen looking around as everyone else was inside.

In side everyone was sat in the living room as Tom has a cigarette in his mouth as he is seen tearing up script pages one at a time as he throws the ripped pieces up into the air like it was confetti."is this a wrap party or is this a wrap party. Scene 34 Maureen's murder flashback"as Lana and her husband Walk in with Jace and his wife into the living room after double checking all the rooms.

"I never liked that scene"Jennifer comments as she crosses her legs while Tom looks at her as he tears the pages"that's cause you weren't in it"stating the obvious making Jennifer look annoyed at him as he falls up the teared pieces of the page before throwing it up like confetti before taking these cigarette out his mouth blowing out smoke"scene 40 through 47. The Prescott house flashback"as dewey just looks at him at how someone can be so careless about all this.

"Tom stop it. You're scaring me two people are dead"Angelina says as she stands up while Tom just looked at her as the cigarette hangs loosely in the side of his mouth."scaring you? Ha! Give the sweet young ingenue act a rest."as he chuckled before tearing a page out of the script.

"Your drunk"she says

"I'm coping"before throwing more teared pieces up into the air as she walks away not wanting to deal with him anymore."I bet she fought and clawed for that Sydney part. I bet she stepped on any poor girl that got in her way"comments clearly drunk while Lana just shakes her head as her husband Danny rubs her shoulders.

"So you asked her out and she said no"Jennifer says coming up with a theory as Tom just gives her a look "that has nothing to do with it"before putting the cigarette back in this mouth going back to tearing the pages of the script.

"Right come on Dewey"Jennifer says as she and him walk out the living room.

Soon everyone was doing there own thing while Gale is seen sneaking around the house as she slowly walks over to the house as she looks through one of the windows seeing Jennifer and Dewey sitting by one another as they talk before she jumps as a hand grabs her shoulder it was the bodyguard."we have one Gale weathers here we don't need another."as he drags her to the front door of the house.

"Hey dewdrop got your girlfriend out here"stones voice is heard causing all there eyes widen as they turn to seen stone dragging in Gale while Lana groans loudly as she give Gale an annoyed look"really Gale I know you working for the police but this is too much I mean you're every freaking where we are can't we just have some peace and quiet without you freaking snooping around I mean God damn"she exclaimed with her hands thrown in the air before her husband Danny leads her away so she can calm down.

After some time she was able to calm down as her and Danny set on one of the chairs around the house.gale and Dewey had left the group as well so they can talk alone what clues she found out as they start putting the dots together on the photos.

While that was going on Jace and his wife joined Lana and Danny in one off the sitting rooms as the embrace the little peace around them right now.

Outside stone is seen walking around Dewey's trailer before walking into it.when all of sudden his phone he pulls it out of his Jacket pocket before answering."Steven stone protection services."as he completely walks into Dewey's trailer through the door"stone where are you"Dewey's voice is heard on the other line just as stone walks into the little living area of the trailer."I'm just checking your tin can dewdrop" he says while making fun of Dewey's home.

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