Uncovering the mystery

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Gale and Lana are seen walking to a door with studio archives sign but when Gale goes to open it the door was locked."oh,shut"she whispered as her and Lana try to look through the blinds as gale knocks on the window of the door."hello"Gale says but still nothing happens.

Then they walk over to the key pad until a hand grabs Gale by the shoulder causing both women to whirl around screaming before seeing it was just Jennifer as they breath heavily."damn Jennifer you never sneak up on a person like that"Lana huffs as she glares at the women.

"Jeez"Jennifer is shown with a split lip.

"What the hell are you doing?"Gale ask ounce she gets her heat beating back to normal.

"Being gale weathers what the hell are you doing"she retorted back as both women looked at Jennifer annoyed.

"I am Gale weathers."she says as she squints her eyes.

"Here's how I see it. I've got no house, no bodyguard, no movie, and I'm being stalked. Because someone wants to kill me? No because someone wants to kill you. Starting now, I go where you go that way, if someone wants to kill me, I'll be with you. And since they really want to kill you they won't kill me, they'll kill you. Make sense ?"Jennifer wants but Gale and Lana look at her as if she lost her made .how the hell does that make since.

"None"Gale responds.

"You know, in the movies I play you as being much smarter."Jennifer comments.

"And as a sane person for you, that must be a stretch"cause Lana to laugh in her hand silently as the to women go back and forth.

"Need to get into that building?"


"Is there a story in that building?"

"Maybe"they go back and forth ounce again.

Jennifer then pulls out a card" gale weathers would find a way"making the real gale weathers glare as Lana slightly laughs before Jennifer slides the card causing the door to unlock before the two women bickering before eventually one by one they enter the building.

Soon they are seen walking down some stairs into what looked like a basement "basement wow.basements creep me out"Jennifer comments as Lana just rolls her eyes at Jennifer as they continue to walk forward before coming up to a gated entryway as they see the room where all the archives are being held."hello"Gale calls out before coughing is heard as they walk a the sound. As a woman is so sick at a desk while she smokes she was in charge of the archives as they answer her office.

"Hi I am gale weathers, and we are here searching with the police...this photo"she introduces herself as she digs around her purse for the picture of a young Marine Prescott and she sets it down in front of the woman"it was taken at the studio her name is Maureen Prescott back then it was Robert's."as the woman listens while she's filing her nails before all three women look at her before their eyes whiting as they stutter.

"Hey are you--"

"No"the woman says annoyed that someone once again ask that question.

"Really"Lana raises an eyebrow as she looks at the one who she could have sworn looks almost exactly like the actress in her favorite Star wars movies.

"But you look just --"Gale goes to say.

"Like her, I've been hearing it all my life"the woman says before a picture is shown of the actress of who she looks like they could be twins.

"It's uncanny"Jennifer says flabbergasted

"I was up for princess Leia. I was this close so who gets it the one who sleeps with George Lucas"the women says with bitterness as she pulls out a cigarette pack"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject for you" getting a cigarette out before lighting it has she crosses arms after taking a pill from a cigarette blowing smoke out"sure you didn't none of them did. So, how can I help you? Or do you want me to tell you who you look like?"the women sasses as she leans back in her chair.

"Hmph. How about some information on Marine Roberts?"Gale says as she huffed before getting back to why they were here.

"I don't work for the cops, sweetie I work for the studio."

Gale then pulls out a dollar bill pulling putting it on the desk"really well would you work for... The president"a close up of the 50 dollar bill.

"The president of the studio"she says with a smug smile.

"Really Gale a 59 dollar bill where not teenagers anymore"Lana huffs at the woman.

"Who are you woodsboro high?"Jennifer sasses before she is shown pulling a ring off her hand as she sets it on the desk"it's worth two grand...are you gonna help Gale weathers or not"as the three women look at the women in front of her waiting.

Soon a file drawer is seen being opened a sthe women from before looks through the files"I know every face in here.i got respect for the unknown actor.if they're looking for Maureen Roberts they're never gonna find her"she explained before finding the file she was looking for as she pulls it out"rina Reynolds they will"as she hands to them as they open the file showing picture of a very young Maureen Prescott but are confused by the name.

"Rina Reynolds. Stage name"Jennifer smirks.

"You should talk Judy jurgenstern"the women teased causing the smirk to fall of Jennifer's face as Lana and Gale looked amused at that before flipping the photo over showing a list of movie names.

"What are these movies?amazombies, space psycho, creatures from the sand Andreas fault."Gale states out each one as the women look more confused neither of them have ever heard of these movies.

"Horror pictures back in Milton's heyday"the elder women explained causing the four other women to look at her in shock"back in what"they all said at the same time.

"John Milton, the horror producer? Those were his movies."she explained to them leaving every one in silence as they let this information she can as the three women share a look .

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