Rules of a trilogy

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A back car lot is shown between two studio buildings filled with cast trailers as three cares are seen pulling up.the detectives car is shown in front as Kincaids partner is barking orders at him as he drives.before a close up of the two detectives are shown as they come to a slow stop.

"I'm gonna go talk to the studio brass about those photos"Kincaid informed his partner who is in the passenger seat .

"Yeah right I know where your going"his partner disagrees as he is shown getting out of the car.

Kincaid just looks at his partners retreating back"just keep an eye on Sidney"

"I know where you going"his partner repeats as leans over the window looking at Kincaid"your gonna get her some flowers and candy,huh? Huh?"his partner teases him.

Kincaid just shakes his head as he sighs at his partner"gimme a break "as he puts the car in drive as the engine runs."yeah gimme a call"he says before Kincaid just drives away shaking his head at his partner.

Soon two other cares are shown one that had Gale,Dewey,and sidney.while the other car was Lana's as she told her husband go back to the police station with the rest of the family and to wait there as she goes to check the scene we're the picture was taking before walking over to the others.

They soon are seen walking up trailer with dewey leading the way"that's the stairwell over there. that's were one of the pictures was taken"he explains as they follow him just as the same stairwell is shown with a security guard walking down them as many people are walking around.

"God I can't believe she never mentioned any of this"Sidney says still some what in shocked about finding out some things from her mother's past just as the door behind them swings open as a young teenage brunette is shown"Dewey!"she shouts causing all them to whirl around as Sidney and Lana recognized her as Randy's little sister"Martha!"they both said is shock."oh my God Sidney!Lana!"

Causing Kincaids partner and a few other officers to come rushing over"hey hold it right there!"causing Martha to put up her hands as they had pulled out there guns."don't shoot I'm only 17!"causing the two girls to stand in front of her protectively"hey put the guns down"Lana ordered with a fierce glare as Sidney places a comforting hand on her shoulder to calm her"it's okay we know her"Dewey says assure them.

But Gale looks confused"we do"

While Martha greets Dewey with a hug Gale leans slightly to Lana and Sidney as she whispered with an annoyed look on her face"tell me that's his ex girlfriend,I'll shoot my self"causing Lana to look amused at Gale it was clear that she was jealous.

"It's Martha Meeks, Randy's sister"she explained to Gale causing the women's eyes to widen in shock"Randy's sister?"

"Yeah can't you tell"as Dewey points out the similarities of the siblings with a smile.

"We miss y'all in woodsboro guys"

"Martha what are you doing here"Sidney ask the question that Lana was thinking.

Martha then pulls out a vhs tape with writing on white tape on the side"there's something you guys should see."she explained

Soon they are shown sitting in different chairs inside the trailer just as a video of randy came on the screen as everyone stared in shock."told ya I'd make a movie someday huh?"a recording of him is shown when they were still in Windsor college before he died.

"Oh my God"Sidney whispered in shock as Lana stared mouth hung open before shakeing her head as she leans forward ofn her arms over her knees.

"Well if you're watching this tape,it means as I feared I did not survive the killings....her at Windsor college and that giving up my Karen kolchak at the video store was probably not a good idea "he says in the video as Lana silent laughing to her self remember the times he would rant about being a virgin as she lets a small smile grace her face.

"Karen kolchak?"Dewey asked

"Yes Karen kolchak"

"Creepy Karen?"he asked ounce again

"Shut up!"randy says in the video as gale silently giggles makeing Dewey give her a look.

"She's a sweet person okay? we were working alone late.we we're putting away some videos in the porno section and you know shit happens"he rants on as Sidney is seen shaking her head as Lana just rubs a hand down her face.

When all of a sudden there was a loud knocking soud in the background "open the door,randy"his roommate Paul shouted.

"Fifteen minutes"but paul just keeps on banging on the door "it's my room to"

"Paul 15 minutes I'm leaving my legacy"but paul ignores him as he continues to bang on the door making randy annoyed as he gets up out of his chair marching towards the door."fifteen minutes,Paul! Damn"as the video plays out everyone having small smiles missing him.

"Anyway,the reason I'm here is to help that my death will not be in vain"making the atmosphere serious ounce again."that my life's work will help save some other poor soul from getting mutilated.if this killer does come back,and he's for real,there are a few things you gotta remember. Is this simply another sequel?well if it is,same rules apply....but here's a critical thing.if you find yourself dealing with an unexpected backstory, and a preponderance of exposition,then the sequel rules do not apply."making everyone look confused on what he meant but then Lana started to put the pieces together in her head knowing where he's heading next.

"Because you're not dealing with the sequel. You are dealing with... The concluding chapter of a trilogy."making them all them all share a look when one another cause he was right they've already dealt with this twice now this is the third time.

"Trilogy"Dewey whispered to him self

"That's right. It's a rarity in the horror field, but it does exist, and it is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are about going back to the beginning and discovering something... That wasn't true from the get-go"randy on the video says causing Sidney and Lana to remember the night it all happened as they slightly leans forward.

"Godfather, Jedi, all revealed something that we thought was true that wasn't true. So if it is a trilogy you are dealing with, here are some super trilogy rules."as Dewey is shown with a note pad to take notes well Gale is seen with a voice recorder in her hand.

"One: you've got a killer who's going to be super human. Stabbing him won't work. shooting him won't work. Basically in the third one you've got a cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him, or blow him up. Number two: anyone including the main character, can die. This means you, Sid. I'm sorry it's the final chapter. It could be fuckin reservoir dogs by the time this thing is through. Number three: the past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest! And he says you think we're committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you."Randy finish listing the rules as each person as shown deep in thought about his rules.

"So in closing, let me say... Good luck, Godspeed, and for some of you I'll see you soon cuz the rules say some of you ain't going to make it. I didn't not if you're watching this tape."the video comes to a end as everyone is left in silence while Lana wipes a tear away from her eye just by seeing this video she missed Randy he was like another brother to her.

Everyone one is soon seen back out side as Sidney thanked martha before she turns to Lana who she saw the tears she was hold back before giving her a tight hug.

Soon they let go before she bids everyone goodbye before walking away leaving the group alone as they stand there in silence.

"I've got an idea I'll hook up with you guys later"Gale says as she starts to walk away from the group.

"Want us to come with you"Dewey calls out.

"I work alone you try to figure out where those other pictures were taken "she says before walking away.

Leaving the four alone"I seen nothing has changed "Sidney comments

"Oh trust me Sidney they haven't and don't worry Dewey I'll go with here"Lana laughs as she jogs after Gale who huffs at her knowing it's better then to argue with Lana on anything as they both walk away.

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