The horror producer

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So a couple of things happened while they were gone apparently Angelina has stolen some souvenirs while she is Sidney had a running in the bathroom making Angelina look a little bit suspicious. Then Sydney had a running with the mysterious killer in the entire replica of her house step 3 in the replica of woodsboro the night that everything happened.

After making sure she was calm Lana and then food with the detectives as they went to John Milton's studio office was to interrogate him about what he knew of Rita rentals.

Right know him and Roman are seen in the office as Roman I still complaining about his movie being killed.

"They're be other movies, Roman"Milton says to the young director who is freaking out since his movie has been killed while all of sunshine studios is seen behind his window.

"Not only did they kill the film but they killed my cast. Now nobody is going to want to work with me variety called me a pariah. I don't even know what a pariah is why couldn't someone have killed the cast from stab 1? Huh? Or stab 2? Why me what--John what did we do wrong?"Roman rants to John Milton about his movie and what happened to most of his cast.

Once again John Milton is seen sitting at his desk with a view of the lake of Sunshine studios as everything can be seen from his office"Hollywood is full of criminals whose careers are flourishing.

Making Roman immediately disagree is he points to himself"I am not a criminal! I was questioned. Yeah but that's all I was questioned. That's it."Roman rants defending himself as he huffs placing his hands slightly on his hips.

"It's good for your mystique"John Wilson comments giving him a pointer.

"You think it will help me get work?"Roman asked Joseph the main doors to his office open showing Jennifer, Lana, Dewey, and Gale walking into his studio office with a mission.

"Roman. John."Jennifer greets as she walks with a sway of her hips as the others follow in behind her.

"Jennifer and guess to what do I owe the honor"John Milton greets as he stands up from his chair as they walk up to his desk as The view of the city is shown behind them through his wide range window.

"Rina Reynolds."Gale says causing John to slightly tense while Roman looked confused"rina Reynolds? Who's rina Reynolds"he asked all of them.

"Why don't you head to the house? Tell everyone not to cut the cake without me"John immediately changes the subject causing Roman to turn his head towards him since it was his birthday today.

"Oh God I forgot your birthday."Jennifer gasp covering her nose and mouth that she actually forgot his birthday today.

"Yeah as if life isn't tragic enough"he says sarcastically

"Happy birthday Roman"Jennifer says with a smile trying to make up for forgetting it in the first place.

"Shut the doors behind you please"John Milton calls out to him as Roman is shown leaving the studio office as he closes the door behind.

Leaving the group to myself as they look at John Milton."so you knew Sidney Prescott's mother"Dewey says getting straight to the point as Lana looks directly at John Milton as she crosses her arms.

"Who"he asked confused acting as if he didn't know who they were talking about.

"Rina Reynolds?"Jennifer says as gale unshoulders her purse setting it on the desk and she looks directly at John Milton.

"Ahh do you know how many actors have worked for me hundreds. Thousands."he asked so acting as if he didn't know who they were talking about but slipped up causing a smirk to slowly form on Lana's face at his Little slip up has she chuckle slowly causing him to side glance her before looking at all of them again.

Gale caught on the slip up he made as she watched Lana's reaction before a smirk rest upon her face as well"we didn't say she was an actor."she says with a smug smirk causing John Milton to realize his little mistake.

"Good catch"Jennifer praises her.

"Thanks but it was Lana who spotted first I just put it in words"Gale says as she and Lana slightly high five each other.

"So what's the point?"ask with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Uh,no point. I'm just going to give detective Kincaid to call"Dewey says as he slightly walks away pulling out a phone causing John Milton's fake confused persona to drop not wanting to deal with the police."I remember. She was a bit player in a couple of my movies. A nobody so what does it matter"his answer caused Lana to get angry as she walked up to his desk"human life is important sure she was a little actress but she was still somebody a human so don't you dare say she's a nobody when you're just a self cocky bastard"she growls causing Dewey to pull her back before she get punch the man in the face.

"Oh come on you have made millions off the story of her murder. You're obsessed with her and you're obsessed with her daughter!"Jennifer explained while doing was calming Lana down as they all look at her before Gale steps in.

"All right easy geraldo. Why don't you tell us the truth?"Gale says immediately getting to the point as she walks in front of everyone as Jennifer shakes her head breathing heavily calming down.

"What the hell are you guys getting it? I make horror films that's what I do. The studio came to me with stab. They came to me check it out."John Milton says as he points to the staff posters of the first and second stab movies on his wall.

"But you knew who she was"Dewey points out as everyone was getting frustrated with John Milton.

"When we did the first stab, I realized I had known Maureen Prescott before. I mean as Rina. I couldn't tell anyone can you imagine the press?"he says caring about his studios image more than a woman being murdered as long as Glares disgusted at the man human life was more important than some dumb studio or movies.

"And now? I mean murders on your set, and still you say nothing?"Gale says as she walks around side to side in front of the desk.

"Get real. That would make me a suspect"he says glaring it Gale.

"Just because you knew her?"gale says leaning against the desk by her arms.

"Yeah"but Lana looked closely and she knew right then that he was hiding something. something that he didn't want to be known.

"I don't think so. Just what did happen to Maureen when she was in Hollywood?" Gale says hitting to something as John Milton then leans against the desk as well."now you listen to me, Lois Lane. Let it go. It's dead and buried."he says not wanting secrets from the past to get out but they weren't backing down as Gale retorted "how would you like to see a duck up on national TV?"she slightly threatened. It was silent for a couple of seconds between the two as the others watch slightly."why don't you tell me what happened?"

John Milton then sighed as he sets up fully from leaning on the desk as he stands straight on his feet."it was in the seventies everything was different. I was well known for my parties.rina knew what they were. It was for girls like her to meet men. Men who could get them parts... If they made the right impression. Nothing happened to her that she didn't invite in one way or another, no matter what she said afterwards."he explained how things were back then as he sat back down in his chair as they all shared look with one other knowing where this was going it would explain why the more represent they knew how the way she was now before she died.

"Are you saying she--"gale goes to say but is cut off.

"I'm saying things get out of hand. Maybe they did take advantage of her. maybe the sad truth is... This is not the city for innocence. No charges were brought in the bottom line is...Rina rentals wouldn't play by the rules. You want to get ahead in Hollywood? You got to play the game or go home."he explained how things were in Hollywood denying his part and how Marine Prescott turned out the way she was as he looked out at the whole city of Hollywood through his wife range window of his office.

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