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"The young, undeniably human, girl looked at the beautiful lake, the man carrying her was showing her. The man spoke words, the young girl couldn't yet understand. She still hadn't learned the language of the rest of the galaxy. She hadn't an idea as to why he did not just speak their native tongue, malastarian, until he explained. She had to learn the basic language of the galaxy. The man, whom she shared certain physical traits with, pointed to the lake, which was shining in the light of one of the planet's suns. The man was trying to explain something, and the young girl felt she should be attentive to his words, although she had no idea what he was trying to tell her, except the few words he spoke in their language. Giving up on her attempt to understand his words, the girl looked over the man's shoulder. They were walking down a hill, which led from their small village, to the lake's shore. The girl studied the green grass, which grew from the edge of the path they had just walked, and down a steep hill to the left of where they had just walked. Her father had told her once that their planet was not only made of forest and mountains, but of rocky environments too. He had never shown her those parts though. Their path had a small fence, protecting the villagers from walking off the cliff. The man holding her kept going down the hill. Their village, which was more of a collection of houses spread on a mountain, had been built to house the leaders of their settlement in the middle, positioning them perfectly, should the villagers need to speak to their elders. The elders were, however, not the reason for the man to be carrying his daughter to the lake. Their hunting pet, a native to the land they lived in, was right beside them. Its claws left marks on the ground, it walked on. The paws were rather large in comparison to the relatively small size of the animal itself, and it gave the hunter an advantage, as it could slash prey into unconsciousness and even death. Their planet hosted many different species of animals, this one was one of their best hunters. The size of the creature often led people to believe it was harmless- which it usually was towards humanoids- but its teeth and venom were deadly to most children, and would cause sickness to adults, even the humans from that particular area, who had evolved to be more resistant to the venom. Hence, the man was carrying his daughter, in case the creature should snap. The daughter shared similarities with her father- Their hair was the same, brown color, and they were both skinny. This was caused by their lack of credits. The father was muscular, since he was a hunter, but he was the sole provider of their family consisting of three children and their parents and his job didn't pay well. Nevertheless, it was the only thing he was good at, since he had not had an education. He had always wished he could have given his children the money needed for an education, and until a while back, he could've. The Galactic Republic had been under pressure, as more worlds had started to join the seperatist movement, because they didn't believe in the politics of The Galactic Republic's senate, and believed the senate was corrupt. This had made The Republic unsteady and they had to start spending money on other sectors than the education sector, which The Republic had once spent more money on in order to make education more accessible than they were now. Many speculated which sectors the money went to, but no one knew the definitive answer, except maybe the senate. The father carried his daughter down to the small lake, which was shining in the light of the sun, as the shadow of the mountain to the west was slowly creeping onto the edge of the lake. The father knew he didn't have much time left to hunt. He had to be home by the break of dark, otherwise not even his pet could save him from the dangers of the night. He carried his daughter down to the lake, which stretched from their part of the village, the southern, to the northern edge of the mountain, which was decorated with a forest. The forest was their goal, as it was the place the father preferred to hunt. The monsters roaming the forest would leave the forest at night in order to drink by the beautiful lake, the humans were passing. These creatures would move to the level of their village and start hunting... They entered the forest. It was quiet, the father thought. Then, he heard something snap. He pulled his spear out and pointed it in the direction of the sound. One of the dangerous creatures of the forest leaped at them. The daughter screamed. The father held his daughter close to his chest so she wouldn't see the fight, nor be frightened by the creature. The alternative was to put her in his backpack, where he wouldn't be able to watch her... No. The little girl hugged herself tighter to her father, as their pet jumped at the monster. She couldn't see the fight, as her eyes were shut tightly and pressed towards her father's chest. However, the little girl was curious as to how her father fought it. Their pet yelped and suddenly the girl could see, no not see, sense, the world around her. She could feel the trees, which were standing a couple of meters away from her, she could sense the other beasts in the forest, slowly creeping in on them, and she felt the blood of the beast pouring onto her and the spear, which had pierced its heart. Then... Pain. A little furball. The girl sensed it was their pet, even before her father put her on the ground and rushed to the animal he cared for. The girl just sat there, while he was trying to help the animal, checking for life. Looking. Until she sensed, that what had caused the pain was going to kill her pet. The little girl sensed something inside her, rumbling to get out. It pushed against her mental breaks, begging to be let out. She felt an instinct to stand up and walk over to the pet. She obliged. Her father looked at her and tried to push her away from the dying animal, not wanting his daughter to see the eyes of a creature, which was surely a corpse by now. The girl's instinct made her resist his attempt and somehow she knew what to do. Before long, the girl had her hands lying on the wound of her pet. She let out the thing inside her, and light poured out of her hands, spilling healing energies.

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