Chapter Four

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Aaron stood above me, his feet firmly planted in my solar plexus. I groaned, feeling another bruise coming. I clapped my hand on the ground, tapping out. We were in a training room. Lots of different training sabers hung on the wall. There were some blasters and even training droids, which hung on separate walls. My training saber was lying out of my reach, as Aaron had successfully disarmed me. Aaron slowly removed his foot. "Keep your mind in the present, Aayla", Aaron said, as I called my training saber to me through The Force. I breathed heavily, as I got up. I'm never going to get a master at this rate. Aaron handed me a book, and I shot him a questioning glance. "It's a training manual. When we're done today, I want you to read it", he said. "Yes, master", I said mockingly, while rolling my eyes. "Anyways, there is a maneuver, I would like to teach you. It's called The Passata Soto", he said, and he began explaining and showing me how to do it. He took a long step forward, allowing him to go into a low lunge, pushing his training saber forwards in a stabbing motion. I tried to repeat the same thing, but I was sure I failed. "The Passata Soto will allow you to reach further- but beware- you leave yourself open for an attack on your back". Aaron took a look at me, as I was struggling to keep my balance. "You can place your off-hand on the ground to help keep your balance", Aaron said. "If this is such a risky technique, why are you teaching me this?", I asked. "Because, if you are constantly on defense, you will be trying to keep as much distance between your opponent and yourself- and then, this could be a riposte", he replied. A riposte was a technical term describing a situation in which a person parried and then counterattacked. I nodded. One of the basics of martial arts, with or without weapons, was that when one was doing a defensive move, they would move backwards, trying to get more space between themself and their opponent. This would give their opponent less of a chance of hitting, and it would give the defender more time to react to an attack. It was instinctual, too. And so, Aaron made me train the Passata Soto, until my legs ached unbearably. As our legs started to give up on us, Aaron and I took a break. We sat down, after we had both hung our training sabers back on the wall. "Besides, the Passata Soto is going to help you impress General Swift", Aaron said, as I heard the doors to the training room opened. "General Swift?", I asked. The Jedi General who always succeeded? Why would his opinion matter? "Yes, he has promised to watch the tournament with me", said Master Lon Drime from behind me. He must've just entered the room. Surely, this didn't mean what I thought it meant. I would never be able to impress him- not to mention keep up with his missions. They would be too hard. "That's surprising. Is he even looking for an apprentice?", I asked. If this meant what I thought it meant, I had to get better fast. "No, but hopefully he'll have one, shortly after we've introduced the two of you", Master Lon Drime said. My heart plummeted. It meant what I'd thought it meant; Aaron and Lon wanted me to be apprenticed to Curra Swift. The man didn't even want an apprentice! But if I train enough to impress him, surely, others will be impressed as well. Whether I would impress Curra Swift or not, I would be happy to accept their help with training. "I wouldn't be so sure of that- I can't even swing my lightsaber properly to save my life", I shrieked. Lon laughed whole-heartedly. "Well, he probably won't be too impressed with your fencing skills- unless you train", Aaron said, laughing. One look from Master Drime, and Aaron watched himself. I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, Aaron". Sarcasm shone from my words. "Aayla...- May I call you that?", Master Drime started, but discontinued to hear my answer. I smiled and nodded. "Well, Aayla- On the day, I followed the two of you to the lower levels, I took the liberty of using The Force to scan your mind...", Lon Drime looked away from me, seeming uncomfortable at his admission. "I did the same to you", I admitted, shrugging my shoulders. I didn't want him to feel ashamed. I guessed he had only been trying to protect Aaron. Aaron's eyes widened, as his eyes darted from me to his Master. "I know. I felt it", Master Drime touched a hand to his forehead, making some weird grimace. To me, it just seemed like an act. I knew it hadn't hurt him- I would've felt it otherwise. Therefore, I smiled. Master Drime smiled right back. "Anyways- I was able to sense your print on The Force- which I couldn't have, if you hadn't been using The Force. Your print matches Curras in a weird, unbelievable way", he said. I raised an eyebrow. What? "You are both brave and have an unparalleled determination- except for that of one another's", Lon said. But- "We were fleeing. I wouldn't call that brave", I huffed. Master Drime smiled. "That's not what I saw. I saw two young Jedi fighting back. One was armed, the other was not". I was unarmed physically, not totally. "I'm never unarmed, Master", I said, to which Lon smiled even brighter. "Noone ever truly is, if they wish to fight back. Now, I need you to dig out that determination from underneath whatever is holding it down, we only have a few days".

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