Chapter 20: Take it Slow, Figure it Out

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A/N: Slight lemon stuff in this chapter. Fair warning if you're not into that type of thing.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): "Tae you evil, conniving, monster! I can't thank you enough!" 

She looked up from her desk in the examination room, signature coy smile on her face. Crossing her arms before she spoke. 

Tae: "I assume everything went well?" 

(Y/N): "Yeah it did... but fuck you for that move." 

I jumped up to take a seat on the exam table as I took my jacket off. Tae turned to me, feigning a look of offence before responding. 

Tae: "I only did that because I had a good feeling that it was going to work out." 

(Y/N): "Really?" 

Tae: "No, but I knew if I didn't force you to talk then you were never gonna do it yourself." 

I sighed knowing full well she was right. I couldn't be mad since it worked out anyways. While I was busy taking off my shoes I didn't notice her pulling something out of the mini-fridge under the desk. 

Tae: "I picked this up on the way home..." 

I looked up to see her holding a small pink bottle with some unknown liquid. 

Tae: "Wanna try?" 

It took a few seconds for my eyes to focus on the small text on the label, and another few for my brain to process what the words meant. As soon as I did a smile grew on my face. 

(Y/N): "Sake?" 

Tae: "Celebration or sadness, Sake's the way to go." 

She grabbed two small clean beakers as she said the slogan for alcoholics everywhere... maybe not everywhere... that'd probably be whiskey back home. She set them down and poured, about a shots worth, before offering the glass to me. 

(Y/N): "This is illegal for me to drink y'know?" 

I said with a teasing grin and sarcastic tone.

Tae: "I'm sure a lotta things we do are illegal."

I laughed as I grabbed the drink. She sat back in her chair, leaning back in a relaxed pose while holding her drink. I took a sip and was pleasantly surprised by the sweet peach flavor and fruity smell the drink had. Most of my experiences with alcohol had been either beer or hard liquor that made me regret every sip. But this...

this was some dangerous shit.

I could sip this and not even realize I'm getting fucked up until I tried to walk.

Tae: "Like it?" 

(Y/N): "Yeah it's really fuckin nice." 

Tae: "Good. Glad I'm not drinking alone." 

She took a sip and leaned back in the chair before turning back to me. 

Tae: "Now tell me everything." 

(Y/N): "When did this become an interrogation?" 

Tae: "As soon as you accepted free alcohol. Now tell me how it happened I'm curious." 

I chuckled, never expected Tae to be the gossiping type, after another sip I started. 

(Y/N): "Well after you hung me out to dry I took her to a dessert café nearby, funny enough it was the same place where we first spent time alone. Then she actually mentioned that her friend probably has a crush on me..." 

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