Chapter 12

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"so what you wana do?" Faith asked me turning on the car.

We are currently sitting alone in her car. The boys went to an event so me and Faith decided to have an all girls day.

"The mall???" I suggested. It's a common place that we go to, but where else would we go?

"or the beach?" Faith replied. Why didn't I think of that? The beach is my love.

I nodded my head very fast and she laughed at me.

"We have to stop somewhere first. I need a new bathing suit, and you don't have one with you." she stated. I nodded again and fell into the music blasting through the speakers. (one direction~ right now)

we arrived at a small beach store near the beach. It was cute & homey like. Not like the typical tropical theme.

Faith turned off the car and got out, me following the lead.

When I pushed the door open it made the noise most doors makes when it opens, making a girl probably in her teens come over to us.

"Hi, I'm Louise." The girl introduced herself to us.

She was pretty. Brown eyes, and long red hair. She had on a floral romper and white vans.

"We are here to get bathing suits and possibly covers?" Faith asked Louise, and Louise nodded walking away gesturing us to come with. I looked around the store, it was pretty. Like an old coffee shop or something, but for clothing.

We arrived at an area with bathing suits and I already knew which one I was getting. ( pic in side bar )

I grabbed it and sat down in a close chair. Faith can take hours to find one thing. Louise was talking to faith for a little bit till she came and sat by me.

"hi." she said. I looked at her, to see her smiling. What if she only wants to be friends because we are well known because of the boys? That happens way too often now.

"hi!" I said back with fake enthusiasm. I feel like she's going to be fake because our famousness.

"What's your name? I figured out she's faith, so I want to know your name also!" she asked,very hyper.

"My names Cheyenne Dallas." I smiled at her. Did she really not know our names? I'm starting to like her now.

"Cool! I feel like we can be friends maybe?" she asked with hope.

How could I not be friends with her? Sure she's hyper, but that's better than boringness.

"sure, id love that!" she squealed and when to ring us up, since faith finally agreed she was done. She had an amazing fashion sense. We thanked her and left for the beach.

When we arrived at the beach there wasn't many people, which is weird since it's the beach. We got out and headed toward a bathroom to change into our suits & covers. I put on everything and walked out with my bag. Faith walked out behind me and we went to the beach.

Faith tried making me go into the water but I decided against it for a while, so we ended up tanning.

I wonder what my life would be like without the boys? What if cam was never my brother, would I be a normal girl in school? Can you imagine what life would be like if something was changed in your life? Kinda scares me actually.

I guess I fell asleep shortly after because I woke up and the guys were here. Faith was in the water, and so were most of the guys. I looked for Hayes but I couldn't see him, oh well. I laid back down to get some more rest. I'm still tired. I closed my eyes and about fell asleep until sand was thrown on me. I flew up and screeched inhumanly.

"What the flying fu-"

"babe calm down, it's just sand!"

Hayes knocked the sand off of me still laughing his butt off. (please don't with your cute butt)

I glared at him standing up to shake the rest of the sand off. It was in my bottoms and in my top. I'll have to do some scrubbing tonight. Hayes was still laughing, now holding his stomach. I laid back down with stomach on the ground. Elbows propped up though because I have them lady parts.

"it's not funny" I groaned. Thanks to him im stuck with sand all down me, basically cutting me. I rolled my eyes when I heard him telling some of the other guys what happened. I stood up, glared at all of them and walked away. I'm trying to tan and they're being annoying little nuggets. I went toward the little snack shack to grab some nachos or a pretzel with cheese.

I thanked the man and sat down at a small table that had a umbrella added in. My pretzel was amazing, i could eat this for the rest of my life. I went on Twitter and tweeted people, and tweeted,

"love is love, but shrek is better than love."

a quote I found on tumblr earlier. I smiled at the replies, and followed some people. Some of the fans are so nice. I locked my phone and continued eating.

"Chey, what are you doing?"

I rolled my eyes.
"I'm eating, obviously."

Cam laughed and glared at me, sitting down.

"okay then smart ass, why are you alone eating?

I shrugged my shoulders. Everyone needs alone time, I told him finishing off my pretzel. He nodded and pulled out his phone. I glared at him, why are you still here? I mentally yelled at him.
He noticed my glare and smiled at me.

"okay you can leave now."

"nah, I'm waiting till you come back to the beach with me."

I grabbed my empty plate and said lets go.

We walked back to the beach in Silence. I got back to my towel and laid down, Cameron walking back into the ocean with Aaron.

"babe are you mad?" Hayes asked from somewhere.

"No." I rolled my eyes. Can't you see I'm tanning? I thought.

"Okay, do you want to swim?" Hayes asked, setting his hand on my back. I smiled from his touch.
I stood up ignoring his question.

"Last one to the water loses." I took off running, laughing the whole way. The sand felt so warm today. I arrived at the clear water, Hayes trailing behind me. I WON!

"I WON AHHAA YOU LOST" I taunted, putting my hands around his neck.

"carry me into the water?" I pouted. He told me to jump, I landed in his arms. We could be dancers!

He walked in near the others. He dropped me in, making me almost go underwater. That wank.
I stood up and laughed, playfully slapping him. He grabbed my hands and we walked out to the giant waves. Hayes

Hey guys! I don't know if I'll be continuing this book or not, but I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! It's a bad book and I'm sorry!

Being Camerons Sister // Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now