Chapter 6

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I woke up by someone yelling downstairs. Bruh can they like shut up. I kicked off the covers groaning Loud. I made sure I looked okay before I went downstairs I mean hot guys in this house. I was just wearing leggings and Cameron's shirt. My hair was down but I brushed it. No bother to put on makeup though. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs slowly so they wouldn't notice me. I seen all the guys in the kitchen. Half of them were cooking which is scary. The rest of them were just sitting their talking. Faith was on the counter looking for something. So I walked through them ignoring their looks.

"Faith what are you looking for?" I asked her sitting on the counter beside her.

"I was looking for flour but I gave up on that so now I'm just looking for Apple jacks like the cereal." She told me standing up taller to find it. I laughed at her and told her I'll get it because the cereal is on top of the fridge.

I started to walk through all the guys going toward the fridge. But hayes was there going through it! Why does it have to be him and not anyone else.

I stood by him waiting for him to be done. He looked up at me and I swear I almost fell over sideways. His eyes were like the bluest blue ever! We looked at each other for a while.

"Do you need anything?" he asked breaking the silence.

"I needed the cereal on top of the fridge." { I can't spell the full word 😳 }. I told him reaching up to get it but I couldn't reach it. I jumped making me hit it and the cereal came tumbling down on to the floor. Sadly opening and going everywhere. I looked at Hayes and he was already laughing. Gaining the guys attention toward us. I looked at them red faced while Hayes was still weak behind me.

"Uh what Happened?" Carter asked looking at the cereal beside me and Hayes.

"I uh tried jumping for it but I hit it on accident making it fly everywhere?" I kinda asked making them all laugh at me. I felt embarrassed so I went to go get the broom to clean it up feeling someone following me. I turned my head to see Hayes following me.

"Why are you coming with me?" I asked him seeing him look at me. I stopped in the middle of my tracks and looked at him.

"I decided to help because I could of helped you get it down but I didn't." He explained flipping his hair and looking back at me.

I was still speechless at his face and his eyes so I just nodded before walking again but this time in silence. I opened the closet door grabbing the broom and handing it to Hayes.

"You sweep and I will hold the dust pan." I ordered grabbing the dust pan. Dang if he does what he says he's can do anything I ask him.

I closed the closet door walking back toward the kitchen before Hayes grabbing my arm.

"Chey since I'm sweeping you have to let me take you out Friday!" He told me smiling at me. I melted on the spot. Hayes just Asked Me On A Date! I was mentally fangirling. I smiled at him back making him loosen up.

"Of course but first we have to clean or it's a no." I told him smiling and walking back.

After we cleaned everything up and ate everyone all went to the living room to watch movies.

Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Johnson and Gilinsky was on the big couch. Carter was on the floor. Matt and Faith was on the little couch. Oooohhhhhh winky face. I need to ask her while their always together and it ain't even been 2 days. Hayes was on the chair that I am sitting on since it's a two seater. At the end of the night We were watching the conjuring. I've seen it before so I watching the people who hasn't seen it reactions. It was pretty funny. I looked over at the big couch and seen they were all cuddles up. Carter was under the blanket making to where we can only see his eyes. Which was pretty funny. Faith and Matt were like semi cuddling meaning they were sharing the same blanket now and Faith is Kinda hugging him a lil. So cute awe! Me and hayes were still like the same before the movie. It made me sad. Faith and Matt are close so why can't me and Hayes!

I moved a lil bit closer to him when my most hated part came on though because it was the scariest.

"You need me to protect you?" He whispered toward me opening his arms. I moved into his arms putting my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me before watching the movie again. I tried watching the movie but I was getting to tired because it was late now. I guess I fell asleep because I woke up with my head still on Hayes shoulder. But now we were laying down kinda. He was beside me with his arm around my waist and my arm. My face was into his neck. I was very comfortable. I got off the couch slowly not to wake up Hayes. I walked into the kitchen to only find Cameron and Carter.

"Hey guys." I told them sitting at the bar grabbing an orange.

"Have a great sleep?" Carter asked laughing. I looked eerily at them.

"Oh yeah... Why?" I asked peeling the last of the orange. Oranges are great okay.

"You and Hayes were close." Cameron told me smiling at me. "Like I said the other day." He told me walking out the kitchen winking at me.

Carter grabbed the last orange before walking our after Cameron. What just happened. I sat their on my phone that's almost dead since I didn't plug it in. I just checked Instagram and Twitter which was going crazy, I got more hate today too. Faith walked in sitting in front of me.

"I got a couple of pictures of you and Hayes." She winked at me.

"Faith! Delete them! Now!" I basically yelled almost spitting out my orange.

"I posted them on Instagram!" she told me laughing. Well that's why theirs more hate today. I glared at her.

That could be bad.

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