Kitchen Knives, Abdomens, and new Protocols

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Tw: Detailed description of fatal injuries, gory treatment of severe injuries.

Peter felt awful.

It was 1am, he had a bruise on the side of his left thigh, many cuts all along his suit that tore the fabric, allowing tender skin to be revealed from underneath.

But the most concerning thing was the throbbing, deep wound in his abdomen that had a lovely kitchen knife sticking out of it.

Our friendly neighborhood Spider-man had just finished taking care of a villian who called herself 'The Slasher' and he knows that from the name, it should've been obvious that her thing was knives.

And he also knows that it was incredibly stupid to rush into a fight against her with no proper plan or proper protection.

But if you saw him now, he would tell you to see the other guy.

He definitely did take care of her, she must be handcuffed and stuffed into the back of a police car by now.

But she, as you can tell, did a number on him.

However the thing about being a wanted vigilante is that you can't just walk into a hospital and expect medical attention without being arrested after.

So, with a wound he couldn't brush off or take care of by himself, and the knowledge that he couldn't go home in his condition, Peter limped and swang his way to Stark Tower.

The night owls of New York had the pleasure of seeing Spider-man yelp and scream as he struggled to swing his way through the city.


Tony was in the penthouse.

He was working on a new suit for himself, a much faster one, it's main focus was on the boosters which provided him speed boosts during attacks.

But he wasn't able to work for long as a crimson shadow slammed against his window.

Tony stared at the wall with suspicion and disbelief before he whispered a command to Friday.

"Friday.....deactivate window safety"

"Done, sir"

And the shadow flopped onto the floor of the penthouse.

Tony wielded a wrench in his hand as he inched towards the whimpering shadow on the floor. But then he realized that it wasn't a shadow.

Rather, it was a feeble spider.


"Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter replied enthusiastically.


"You deactivated the window safety Mr. Stark."

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Tony asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"No, no not really," Peter replied, you could tell he was smiling from the way the white eyes of his mask curved inward. He then promptly passed out.

Tony left Peter's side on the floor and quickly rushed over to his work table, looking around frantically for anything that could help and then roughly brushed away all of his work with a frustrated shout.

He grabbed Peter and wrapped one arm around the base of his legs and his other around his back , lifting him up as one would lift a child.

He placed Peter on his work table, and ripped his mask off.

Peter smelled, his face was littered with soft scratches and cuts, bruises and mud.

"Friday g-....get Dr. Cho up here and do it fast," Tony frantically ordered.

"Notifying Dr. Cho, she will be here in the next 10 minutes."

Tony began removing the top half of Peter's suit and used his own clothes that were strewn about on the floor to cover him.

"Fri, I need a full body scan, get me the kids condition pronto."

Tony's voice was much more stable now, knowing Dr. Cho would be arriving.

"Of course boss, Peter has an unusually large bruise on his left thigh, and multiple scratches all over his body. But the most concerning thing is the kitchen knife he currently still has lodged in his abdomen."


"The kitchen knife in his abdomen, sir"


Tony was so caught up in worry that he didn't realise--

"Mr. Stark! I'm here!" Dr. Cho exclaimed as she ran into the room.

"KNIFE! GET THE KNIFE OUT." Tony yelled as she ran over to Peter.

She asked Tony to turn the lights on to which he obeyed. She quickly began her work with the medical kit she brought with her.

Tony sat on a chair facing away from Dr. Cho and Peter.

She carefully pulled the knife out and began her quest to halt the bleeding.

And many stitches and a knife removal later, she was done.

"I'm done, he'll need some rest, but he's all good now, his wounds are healing atrociously fast, I could barely keep up," She finished with a smile.

"Who would've thought that this kid was actually Spider-man.." she blurted out while walking over to Tony.

Only an idiot wouldn't realise the teen's secret after seeing the Spider-man mask and suit strewn about on the floor.

Tony rushed over to Peter, and placed his clothes over him as a blanket, he then wrapped his arms around Peter's legs and back to carry him to a guest room in the Tower.

The next day, Peter woke up not knowing who he was, where he was, or why he was.

Until Mr. Stark walked in looking like he had gotten run over by a train. (Peter should know, he has experience.)

Needless to say, Peter had a new protocol built into his suit.

A few days later...

"Man, I gotta say, you really don't know how to deal with kids," Peter sarcastically said to the criminal he just apprehended, who had threatened a mother by holding a knife up to her daughters throat.

He hadn't realized that the man's knife had scraped him ever so slightly, the sting barely noticeable to the boy even though he had heightened senses.

"Wound detected, initiating 'Oh hell no you don't bitch' protocol."



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