Chapter 1

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(Not changing spelling errors due to laziness)

Welcome to Bullworth Academy Connor!" Said, Dr.Crabblesnitch with his arms held out. I looked at him and smiled lightly. It was my first day here at Bullworth boarding school and I was kind of nervous. The kids were very rude here, just like some of the teachers.

"Thank you for letting me be a part of your school," I told the headmaster, as he handed me my school uniform.

Blue. What an ugly color. All the regular students got to wear green. But on your first year of Bullworth, you had to wear the blue uniform. I sighed and looked up at Dr.Crabblesnitch, who seemed pleased to have me here at the academy.

"You may head off to your room, classes will be starting in two hours. Please make yourself at home and have a wonderful time here at Bullworth," The headmaster said.

I walked out of the office and down the stairs to the main part of the school building. I walked outside and looked around. The campus was beautiful. If only the students didn't litter. I then spotted someone else with a blue uniform. He had troublemaker written all over him. He had a 'Bad-boy' type of attitude and he pushed kids aside who were in his way. I could tell right away that he was a bully. I avoided him and walked as fast as I could to the girls dorm. I walked inside and all the girls stared at me. Room3A,I said to myself. I saw the room number and walked inside. Only one bed. Huh, I guess I was getting my own room. Even better. I quickly changed into my uniform. A plaid skirt, a white long sleeved shirt with the a blue vest pullover with the Bullworth logo on it. I grabbed a pair of knee-high socks and slipped them on along with my grey sneakers. After getting my room all put together I heard the first bell ring. I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the girls dorm, along with 30 other girls. I was walked very fast compared to the other people. They all stared at me as I walked, my long brown hair flowing side to side.I adjusted my pink beanie and went inside the school building and grabbed my schedule out of my bag.

First Period: Art

Second Period: Algebra

Third Period: Chemistry

Fourth Period: Language Arts

I looked at the room number for Art.457. I walked up the stairs near the headmaster's office and took off down the halls. I accidentally ran into someone. I looked up and saw the one boy with the blue vest on.

"Watch where you're goin'!" he yelled, almost pushing me to the ground.

He then noticed who I was and threw his hands in the air, "Oh my, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push you. I thought you were a guy at first but then I-" I cut him off.

"It's okay, I'm, perfectly fine," I said, shaking his hand. "My name is Connor. It's my first day here..."

"Jimmy. Jimmy Hopkins. I got here a couple of months ago. And may I say, you are very pretty."

I blushed, "T-thanks, Jimmy. So what class do you have right now? I have Art."

Jimmy smiled big, "I do too. So do you wanna walk to class together?" He asked, his face slightly red.

I nodded and grabbed his hand, "Sure. I would love that Mr.Hopkins."

So we walked down the halls together while I held his hand. He was my first friend at the school and I was glad he was my friend. We reached the Art class and we walked inside. Ms.Philips was a very elegant looking person.

She saw me and Jimmy and smiled, "Why hello Jimmy, annnd..." She looked at her roll sheet, "Connor."

I let go of Jimmy's hand and shook Ms.Philips hand. She quickly shook it and let go, wiping her hand on her shirt. I frowned a little bit and sat down at one of the tables where Jimmy was sitting with another boy with a blue vest and a girl with glasses. I knew I was going to like it here at Bullworth.


I walked out of my Algebra class, looking for Jimmy. He said he would meet me by the cafeteria. As I walked closer to the cafeteria, my armed was grabbed. I looked around and saw Jimmy. He left go of my arm and I hugged him.

"Hey!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Sup," he said, smirking.

I walked with him inside of the cafeteria and we sat down. He offered to get my lunch for me, but I declined. I got up and got my lunch along with his and brought it back to the table.

"Thanks, Connor. That's nice of you."

I giggled and then looked down at the food. It looked disgusting. I didn't even bother to eat it. Jimmy did the same. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked, cocking his head.

I giggled, "Nothing. But the food here is pretty disgusting..."

He nodded, "Yeah. I never really liked it. That's why I always buy stuff from the vending machines. That food is way better than the food they serve here."

I heard the bell ring and that meant we had to go to third period. I didn't have that class with Jimmy but I did have fourth period with him. I said goodbye to Jimmy and walked off to Chemistry. The students looked at me as always and I held my books in my hand. It was hard, but I managed to find my way to Chemistry. There I saw the boy who sat at our table in Art. I recall his name being Pete. He was a very shy boy but he was very kind. He wasn't close friends with Jimmy, but they were friends. I sat at the desk closest to him and he waved.

"Hey Connor," said Pete.

I smiled and waved back, "Hi, Pete." My glasses fell off on the floor, "Damn.." I said, going to pick them up. Pete grabbed them for me and handed them to me.

"How kind of you," I said, smiling

He shook his head, "It was nothing."

(After Chemistry and 4th period)

Class was other and that meant we had until 7 o'clock to do as we pleased. I met up with Jimmy and Pete and we decided to go off campus and into town to go see a movie, but right as we were about to leave campus, the headmaster came towards us and grabbed Jimmy by the shoulder.

"A troublemaker like Mr.Hopkins is not allowed to go off campus," said the headmaster.

Jimmy looked up at the headmaster and grunted, "I don't have to listen to you."

"Oh really," said the headmaster, grabbing Jimmy by the ear. They were heading towards the office.

Jimmy was smiling and waved at me. I waved back and giggled. Pete was already long gone, because he was scared of the headmaster. I sighed and I walked back towards the dorm. The preppy kids looked at me and giggled. I just walked towards my room and sat on the bed. Bullworth wasn't as bad as some people said, but at the same time, I didn't want to be there at all. This was gonna be a long year at Bullworth academy.

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