Chapter 5

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 That image wouldn't go away. Every time I closed my eyes, there it was. Mandy and Jimmy, kissing. It haunted me for days. Every time Jimmy would try to talk to me, I ran away. I was too scared and upset to talk to him about it. Mandy on the other hand, was now always around Jimmy. She always was hugging him and kissing his cheek. I couldn't stand it. My time at Bullworth started from good to bad. I was actually kind of happy I was leaving. I wanted to. I needed to forget Jimmy and move on. He was a thing of the past. But every time I saw Mandy and Jimmy, I felt jealousy. Then, I told myself that I would talk to Jimmy. So I did. I saw him by himself walking to the dorms and I ran up to him. He turned around and looked at me.

"Jimmy...Hey.." I trailed off.

He looked down at the ground, "Uhrm...Hey. We haven't talked in a while."

I smiled, "Yeah, but I wanted  to let you kn-" Jimmy interrupted me.

"I'm sorry," He said, "Mandy....she just was talking to me and then she saw you coming back and she kissed me. I swear. I just was trying to tell you but you ignored me for so long."

I looked at him and my eyes began to water, "J-Jimmy...I'm so sorry. I didn't know. But why do you always let Mandy near you?"

He turned his head, "Because she said if I tried to push her away...she would hurt you. And I didn't want that to happen."

I smiled, "You know I can protect myself..."

He smirked, "I know you can but for once, I wanted to protect you."

I giggled at what he said and hugged him, forgetting about my hatred towards what Mandy did. I wanted to stay like this forever, just hugging Jimmy. I no longer wanted to leave. I wanted to stay. No matter what. And that's what I was going to do. Me and Jimmy decided to go up to Mandy and confront her for her horrible actions. We saw her with some of her friends, they were giggling and flirting with the jocks who passed by them. I snickered by her stupidity. Jimmy smirked at it as well. She saw us coming and whispered something to a blond girl standing next to her. Mandy walked up to us, with her hands on her hips. 

"Oh hey you two, still looking for trouble or what?" She said with a bit of attitude. 

"Well for starters, you kissed my boyfriend to make me jealous.. and just to let you know, I really didn't appreciate that."

Mandy grunted, "You are pathetic. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me."

I looked at Jimmy, "Did you...?"

Jimmy shook his head, "Hell no! That bitch is lying....Connor don't trust her. She's lying."

I trusted Jimmy. He has never lied to me before. So then Mandy walked closer to me and threw a punch in my face. It hurt pretty bad but I got up from the ground and grabbed her by the hair. She yelped and since she weighed like nothing, I threw her a couple of feet away from me. She landed on her face and I stood there, laughing. Then I realized something. I was becoming a bully, a pretty big one. My eyes widened, and then I ran off towards my dorm. I didn't want to be a bully. I was scared to become a bully. Then I would be like Jimmy. And no one wanted to be like Jimmy. I sat on my bed, thinking about what I became. I used to be bullied and now I was the bully. I was scared of myself. I grabbed my cellphone from my bag and called my mother. There was no answer. I set my phone down and looked outside the window. I saw Mandu's group dragging her to the nurse's office.I smiled at the thought but then heard a knock on my door. I jumped off my bed and opened the door, there I saw the principal's assistant. She was tapping her foot on the ground with impatience. I raised my eyebrow at the sight of her and she grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the girls' dorm.

"What the hell are you doin'?" I yelled, while she continued dragging me.

"Mandy's friend came up to me saying that you threw her by her hair.." she said, dragging me up to the headmaster's office.

She threw my into a chair in front of his desk, "Stay here. The headmaster will be here in a moment."

I sighed and sat back in the chair. Then the headmaster walked in and looked at me, "Sit up, young lady!"

I sat up and looked at him, "Sorry, sir."

"I thought you were a good student. i thought wrong," He grunted, "Throwing girls by their hair. How childish. I guess I'll give you a week of assisting in the library as your punishment. I can't expel you since it's your first time getting in trouble. But, if this happens again, I will expel you without even thinking about. Now leave my office."

I stood up from where I was sitting and walked off without a word. I was scared of the headmaster. I walked back to my room at the dorm and tried calling my mom again. Still no answer. I heard another knock on my dorm door.

"Now what the hell is it..." I said quietly.

I opened the door and saw Jimmy standing there.

"What are you doing in the girls' dorm? You know the teachers are going to catch you.. Just come inside my room," I said, pointing to the inside of my room.

Jimmy walked in and sat on my bed, "Look. I'm sorry for not doing anything when Mandy started yelling at you."

I sighed, "You didn't have to do anything. It was between me and her...It's not a big deal anyway.." I sat across from Jimmy. 

"O-ok...." he said, trailing off. 

He seemed upset about something. Like he didn't tell someone something. But I just ignored it and sat there, looking at him. He just looked at the ground. I got up and opened the door. 

"You should go now.." I said.

He looked up and got off my bed,"Ok. I'll talk to you later... Bye." He walked out of my room, exiting the girls dorm.

I felt distant from Jimmy ever since he kissed Mandy. I knew our relationship wasn't going to last forever, but I never thought it would be this short of a relationship. I sat down on my bed and looked at the ceiling for what felt like hours. Then I dosed off. Tomorrow would be Monday. That meant classes. With Jimmy. I was worried but I knew I would make it through tomorrow. Hopefully.

(Author's note: Won't be able to update tomorrow and Friday because I will be gone. I will be updating mOnday though so I'll see you then! Thanks for reading and *brofist* <3)

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